New PS3 Coming

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Rumor. Denial. Rumor. Denial. Rumor. Official Denial. Rumor. Denial. Rumor. Official Announcement. Welcome to the Sony PR machine.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced details of its exciting new PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) model that will launch throughout the SCEE territories on 10th October 2007 at the highly attractive price of €399.
Sony continues to fail. This would be an awesome move if there were any decent PS3 games out there right now. I read an article on Shacknews that more PS3's have been sold than PS3 games which I interpret to mean most people are buying it as a "cheap" blu-ray player. However, with Paramount, Dreamworks, Universal, and MTC going HD-DVD only, I would highly doubt that Blu-Ray "wins" the format wars.
No PS2 backward compatibility, too bad, PS2 titles looked great upscaled to 1080p
You mean Sony said something was true only to turn around and say it was? No, never

Did ayone else catch that they completely removed backwards compatiblity all together with this new model? I don't care how many new PS3 games are coming out, there are still PS2 games coming out also so it isn't exactly time yet to cut that cord. No wonder it is cheaper though, no backwards compatiblity, fewer USB ports, no multicard reader. Instead of actually lowering the price on the PS3 they just keep ripping out more and more features and charging people the same per part for what is left.

"PS3 has always been the device of choice for the discerning gamer and entertainment seeker, and the new PS3 is more than ever the perfect High Definition entertainment system"

Wonder why market shares haven't shown that.
Wow, Sony really needs to get their act together. This PR bullshit just needs to stop. NO WE WON'T EVER DO THAT!!! --3 days later-- Hey guys, you'll never believe what we're doing!!

It's great comedy tho. And if this rings true for US, I'll pick one up for the lowest price BD player/Media pc alone. Games would be a bonus. :D
Wow, Sony really needs to get their act together. This PR bullshit just needs to stop. NO WE WON'T EVER DO THAT!!! --3 days later-- Hey guys, you'll never believe what we're doing!!


Very true.

I have had it with Sony.

Mini Disk players, Memory stick, now Blue Ray.

The hit Sony had was the PS2, and in there goal of world domination they are screwing up the next generation of it. Good riddence if/when they fail.
Wow, Sony really needs to get their act together. This PR bullshit just needs to stop. NO WE WON'T EVER DO THAT!!! --3 days later-- Hey guys, you'll never believe what we're doing!!


Nobody tells SONY PR anything until 15 minutes before hand, so they are literally the last to know.

Given the stupid, stupid, stupid way that SONY is internally compartmentalized, it really wouldn't surprise me to hear that sce's Japan, Europe and US genuinely have no idea what the others are planning until it happens.

I think the confusing thing for people, even in the media, is understanding that there really is no "SONY", it's organized like each region, and each division within the region is an independent company.

This, for example, is why the PSN is a pile of crap, SONY has one of the biggest Movie and Music catalog's in the world, so how how come the PS3 isn't a super-duper uber multi-media portal device? It's because the Playstation bit of sony has no interaction at all with the movie and music parts of sony, because they are effectively different companies, which is stupid.

Sony is really going to have to sort this sort of shit out, get some kind of synergy going or some crap.

Right now as an organization it's less than the sum of it's parts.
They didn't lie....They said there wasn't going to be announcement on the 12th or even next week...BUT(which they left out) there was going to be one today. :p ;)

Btw, the no BC on this sucks....
Wow another disappointing move for sony. I thought you guys were kidding when you said there was no backwards compatibility. There's really no reason to get the 40GB now.
Sony continues to fail. This would be an awesome move if there were any decent PS3 games out there right now. I read an article on Shacknews that more PS3's have been sold than PS3 games which I interpret to mean most people are buying it as a "cheap" blu-ray player. However, with Paramount, Dreamworks, Universal, and MTC going HD-DVD only, I would highly doubt that Blu-Ray "wins" the format wars.

I could make a nice list of current exlcusive and multplat titles on the PS3 worth purchasing, but I abhor "list wars".

To those bitching about lack of BC. You wanted a cheaper price got it, some things had to go to get there. No shock at Sony denying the rumors, it's what they do until they are ready to say.

Much of the vitriol in this thread is unfounded.
However, with Paramount, Dreamworks, Universal, and MTC going HD-DVD only, I would highly doubt that Blu-Ray "wins" the format wars.
I know, how do they plan to compete with Sony, Disney, Fox, MGM, and Lionsgate as exclusive studios. They are so done for. :rolleyes:
I could make a nice list of current exlcusive and multplat titles on the PS3 worth purchasing, but I abhor "list wars".

To those bitching about lack of BC. You wanted a cheaper price got it, some things had to go to get there. No shock at Sony denying the rumors, it's what they do until they are ready to say.

Much of the vitriol in this thread is unfounded.

List wars won't win the battle. The ultimate deciding factor will be price. Right now, HD-DVD is the clear winner in this regard. Already we've seen stand alone HD-DVD players at $199 and including free movies on top of that. The cheapest Blu-Ray player is still double that or more. Add to that it's cheaper for manufactures to make HD-DVD discs than BR because HD-DVD uses a lot of the existing DVD technology and you have another win for HD-DVD. Lastly, we're finally starting to see HD-DVD movie prices drop in price - I pre-ordered my Transformers HD-DVD for less than 20 bucks after tax at FYE.
I know, how do they plan to compete with Sony, Disney, Fox, MGM, and Lionsgate as exclusive studios. They are so done for. :rolleyes:

Studio support is part of the equation, but the biggest determining factor in who will ultimately win is price. Price to manufactures and price to consumers. HD-DVD wins in both of these aspects.

Win was the last time Sony "won" a format?

Betamax vs VHS? Sony lost
Mini-Disc vs CD? Sony lost
UMD vs DVD? Sony lost
MemoryStick vs CompactFlash / SD? Sony lost
Atrac3 vs MP3? Sony lost

Ultimately everyone has their own opinion and I can't do much to sway your opinion nor can you persuade my opinion. However, it has been a long time since Sony won a format war.
60GB for $499 @ sonystyle + tax - $150 for buying it at sonystyle with their card was still less than $399, but I got full PS2 hardware backwards compatibility and all my ports too. Oh yeah I almost got enough sony points to get a second controller for free :)

Thanks Sony!
10 to 1 there will be another press release retracting this press release

amirite? amirite?'s an idea.

We start a rumor that they're cutting the PS3 price by $300. Then Sony's denial machinery turns on and WHAMO we get a huge price cut in a few days right? right?

Oh well, at least I can dream.