New Rig seems to be running


Limp Gawd
Aug 4, 2004
I just got and built my new computer and it's not playing nice...not even to where I had hoped it would. Here's the specs.

Thermaltake Damier V6000 420watt case
Athlon64 3000+ (Newcastle)
1GB (2x512mb sticks) corsair value select PC3200 DDR RAM
ATI Radeon 9800 SE 128mb 256bit
Audigy2 ZS Platinum
Creative 5.1SBS560 speakers
Samsung CD/DVD burner
120GB Seagate 7200 RPM SATA
Chaintech VNF3-250 mobo
Samsung 17" Syncmaster 1280x1024@75mhz monitor
WinXP pro

Now, with this hardware I was expecting to play doom3 at the native resolution of my monitor at the very least medium quality x2AA and get decent fps. For some reason the resolution picked by the game is the lowest possible with no AA on medium quality and the gameplay is a bit choppy. I downloaded the 4.9 catalyst drivers from ati and installed them, but all that did was take care of the crashing problems.

I'll be honest, I'm not sure if I set something up wrong in the bios or not that would cause this, but it's just really bothering me. I also can't set my agp slot to x8...not even to x4. Everytime I try to set it in the ati control panel, it always resets itself after the manditory restart.

Any help or suggestions would really be appreciated.
not sure, haven't really messed with it too much. mostly been looking for fixes. I'll take a gander and post back in a few.
Run timedemo 1 and tell us what you get.

timedemo demo1 is what you need to type after you bring up the console by pressing CTRL-ALT-TILDE (~)
That sounds about right for the video card you have. The 6800 GT/Ultra gets in the 70's usually, and 37 is right around half of that. Right on the mark.
I would say so, yes. You might want to ask the guys in the video card forum, see what they think.
Thanks a lot. I'll see what they say. If you're right, which you probably are because the SE blows (it was cheap, heh), I just wasted 45 bucks.
I tried softmoding with the omega drivers already and all it gave me was horrible artifacts up the yin yang.
Be happy with what your getting, I would have thought your videocard would make doom 3 play even slower then 30FPS...