New Service Lets Callers Force Voicemail Instead of Ringing Handset

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
This is an interesting service. Slydial allows you to place a call to a mobile phone and avoid conversation by forcing the call to go immediately to voicemail. Avoidance at its finest here!

The company’s Web site, MobileSphere, suggests several appropriate uses of Slydial, including leaving a message for a girlfriend who is a “talker” to avoid a long conversation, and for a wife when her husband does not want to talk about how much he lost at the tables in Las Vegas during a business trip.
Eh, nothing new here ... my asterisk box allows inbound callers to do this already for a long time.
you can do this already, just dial the mobile phone carrier's 800 voicemail number or local voicemail access number and send a message that way
i havent tried this in a while but with sprint you call your voicemail and hidden deep in the options you can send a voicemail to a phone number without calling the number..

nothing new, only for dirtbags who think theyre slick.
Awesome! Now telemarketers can leave me messages without calling me.
Hello Miss, would you like order super fabulous Dish subscription?
Wtf! I already subscribe to you! More importantly I'm a GUY.

(That Miss part was a joke, my voice is very manly :D)
when you check your voicemail on almost any carrier, I am almost certain there is an option to "Send a Message" in which you enter the number of the handset you want to message and then leave them a voicemail.

youd be a sucker to pay for this "feature"
My cellphone carrier allows me to do this already.
Doesn't this defeat the purpose of the modern telephone though? If I use a telephone it's because I want to talk to someone immediately. Otherwise, it's far more practical to use email.
Doesn't this defeat the purpose of the modern telephone though? If I use a telephone it's because I want to talk to someone immediately. Otherwise, it's far more practical to use email.

Are you kidding? The modern telephone is all about finding ways for you to communicate without speaking. Text, email etc.