New Silverstone FT02

Edit- damn, ya snuck in a post just before my essay aieee!

Thanks for the update acheleus, hopefully you can give us some temps please? Like zero2dash I'm very interested in both the hard numbers and what solutions can be found for various problems. If you have the time and inclination, try some (or hopefully most/all) of the following steps:
  1. run you tri-SLI setup so that it's cooking nicely by whatever means you deem safe. OCCT, a video game running at lowered resolution, GPU computing, whatever. Just make sure that you're getting temps that are well beyond idle, but not so extreme as to make you feel unsafe and worried about your hardware. Be sure to write down your temps and the benchmark numbers for whatever programs you used to stress the GPUs.
  2. once you're done, remove the middle vid card in your tri-SLI setup so that you're now running only a pair of GTX 275s.
  3. repeat whatever testing you did in the original tri-SLI setup using the same settings etc and record the data. The expectation is that while you might get somewhat lower framerates/benchmark numbers due to fewer GPUs, you'll also get much lower temps thanks to the gap in between the two vid cards. Testing might prove this to be false but that's the point of testing and hard data.
  4. next, while still using only a pair of GPUs and assuming you experienced lower temps versus step 1, try and run your GPUs harder till you reach the same temps you deemed acceptable in step 1. This may or may not be possible depending on what programs/games you used to cook your vid cards.
  5. Now take the side panel off your case, and perhaps even place a box fan or some such against the side of the case blowing in, and redo everything (or the parts you think are worth your time) in steps 1-4.

If simply having the side off your case allows you to run tri-SLI, you have a couple options that include stuff like a adding a side panel fan or some form of ducting that forces air around the GPU. My plan for the FT02 is to remove the window and place it on the inside of the side panel. I'll then use this honeycomb modder's mesh (or something similar) to run flush w/ the side panel. We'll be keeping the window to minimize noise and keep dust out; the mesh is mainly for cosmetics along w/ more of it for 3-4 of the front 5.25 bays as I mentioned earlier in this thread. Since your needs are different, and assuming you get good results w/ the side panel off your case, you could cut a hole in the window or else remove it entirely to allow lots of airflow into the case for cooling the GPUs. Sure having a fan blowing in from the side disturbs airflow and defeats some of the purpose of the FT02's bottom-to-top cooling, but unless you're gonna aggressively overclock your CPU, the main concern by far is keeping your 3 vid cards cool 'n' quiet, so whatever gives you that result is priority #1.

If a side panel fan is unappealing to you, ducting can provide excellent results and is much easier than it might seem. You can use scissors, tape and cardboard/construction paper/index cards/etc to create a chamber around the vid card fan intakes, or alternatively, the entire vid card. This will allow air to be forced from the FT02's middle 180mm fan INTO the vid cards. Once you find a ducting shape that is approximate to what you want, you can apply bondo and paint (or something similar) to create an easier, durable and more attractive solution.

Apologies for the long post. I know you mentioned some of this stuff, like the ducting, earlier but figured it wouldn't hurt to give ya more details. Keep those updates coming!
Hi All,
3. The bad news but not surprising, I still am unable to cool the 3xGTX 275s when playing games. So I am going do some experimenting to try and find a solution to this problem. I am thinking about mounting a high speed fan in the window that I only turn on when gaming. I may start out with suggestions as others have pointed out like zip tie a fan to the side of the video cards first. I would love to hear any other ideas.

I still love the case, and when I am not gaming it not only looks fantastic but is dead quiet with 6 fans on medium speed. I am using a scythe 4 channel fan controller as well...looks great in the case and works well. I am using the server model that has automated control.

Question- what are the 6 fans? I know there's the bottom 3 and the 120mm top-mounted exhaust, but where are the other two fans unless you mean for the CPU cooler?

LOL, sorry to cross your post.....But anyway things are looking good now.

Other two fans are from my Noctua NH-D14 cooler. But those fans are almost silent. I guess if you count the 3 video card fans then I am at 9 fans, oh and the PSU is 10...

But so far I have accomplished what I set out to do and that would be to have a nice quiet PC when doing standard stuff, but have the cooling power when needed to game with 3 video cards. Yes when all is cranked up it sounds something like a vacuum cleaner but it is cooling the system well. And there is a lot of heat rising out of those three video cards....
If there was one thing I hated about the Raven was the fact it hated more than one card.

acheleus, you have any more new pics of that beastly setup with that NH-D14?

I wanna see it!! :D
Or click english version and read a semi-decent google translated version! Yeah for first review!
Seems they claim side panels are steel not aliminum. I though they were aliminum, with only the motherboard tray area being steel. Anyone confirm/correct this?

Temp numbers look good. It easily beat the CM ATCS840 in everything except HDD cooling. Even beats it with fans on low.
You will enjoy the case. I recently had one myself. I sold it because I just like switching cases, but I highly recommend the Sniper. I just got the Cosmos S but if the ATCS mid-tower is released, a TJ11 or Corsair mid-tower, I will be switching cases again.

I've seen your posts here and on Cooler Master's website, and your sale ad, thanks for explaining as I was wondering why you sold it.

What do you think about that Cosmos S vs the Sniper Black Ed? I was looking at that, I love that touch power button and those handy handles/feet! Nice Case, yet it was missing the cpu cutout, black interior and the cooling looked low on intakes (but a bay adapter could fix that, bringing it up to 4 intakes/4 exhausts). I would not mind an update to this case.

Do you know the model number of a windowed door for the Sniper Black Ed, the one that is black on both sides, the original window part did not have a paint job on both sides.

Did you ever try out that black vinyle dye you mentioned and is is still better than sleeving?

Also, what did you think about the stock 200mm CM Storrm Force Fans or should I fill all locations with my 120mm 1850rpm Gentle Typhoons?

So me and you waiting for a TJ11 huh? I remember when the Falcon PCs were using the TJ03s or something. I always wanted to get a Silverstone, but nothing is currently catching my eye, they need some revisions on the TJ10 and TJ07 type models to bring them up to date with new features like black powercoating interiors, cpu cutouts and filters. I would take these two updates over a FT02 anyday. Not digging this 180mm trend, but as long as I get my 120mm mounts too, I can't complain.
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I've seen your posts here and on Cooler Master's website, and your sale ad, thanks for explaining as I was wondering why you sold it.

What do you think about that Cosmos S? I was looking at that, I love that touch power button and those handy handles/feet! Nice Case, yet it was missing the cpu cutout and black interior. I would not mind an update to this case.

Do you know the model number of a windowed door for the Sniper Black Ed, the one that is black on both sides, the original window part did not have a paint job on both sides.

Also, what did you think about the stock fans or should I repalce them with my 120mm Gentle Typhoons?

So me and you waiting for a TJ11 huh? I remember when the Falcon PCs were using the TJ03s or something. I always wanted to get a Silverstone, but nothing is currently catching my eye, they need some revisions on the TJ10 and TJ07 type modles to bring them up to date with new features like black powercoating interiors, cpu cutouts and filters. I would take these two updates over a FT02 anyday. Not digging this 180mm trend, but as long as I get my 120mm mounts too, I can't complain.

I originally wanted the FT02 or 800D but when the Cosmos S went on sale on the CM site, I had to buy it. I like it a lot, pretty much the ideal gamer case. As for the CPU cutout, I'm planning to using the H50 so I really don't need to help mounting an over-sized HSF. The window Sniper is not on sale in the US, only in other territories and the black version of the window is not available either. Some have said that 2x120 at the top will do a better job and the side panel fan is useless. I agree since the side panel fan has a huge dead spot in the middle of the fan, it seems to only "spray" air from the sides. I will buy a window for my Cosmos S also since the 200mm is also useless on this case. That's the main issue of 180mm+ fans.

As for a TJ07 update based on the FT02, that would make an awesome case. I would rather see 120/140mm fans to cool the case though.
I originally wanted the FT02 or 800D but when the Cosmos S went on sale on the CM site, I had to buy it. I like it a lot, pretty much the ideal gamer case. As for the CPU cutout, I'm planning to using the H50 so I really don't need to help mounting an over-sized HSF. The window Sniper is not on sale in the US, only in other territories and the black version of the window is not available either. Some have said that 2x120 at the top will do a better job and the side panel fan is useless. I agree since the side panel fan has a huge dead spot in the middle of the fan, it seems to only "spray" air from the sides. I will buy a window for my Cosmos S also since the 200mm is also useless on this case. That's the main issue of 180mm+ fans.

As for a TJ07 update based on the FT02, that would make an awesome case. I would rather see 120/140mm fans to cool the case though.

fast responder! had a few minor edits I was making at the time.

so vinyle dye, yeay or nay? and I think my 1850mm GT fans will have better perofrmace in the side panel placement no? Those are fans that make my face cold when I tested them! No airflow issues there. Sounds like I should replace the all stock fans with my GTs after all. So bottom line it, should I wait for new cases in the Sniper or seek out a Cosmos S? I would rather buy a black edition Cosmos S honestly. Which Feels better build wise and how much did you pay?

edit: I looked some more at the Cosmos S, I think I will just wait in my Sniper Black Ed, that Cosmos 1000 Pure/Black Ed sure looks sexy tho. Hate the front door and HD racks on it however. Have to remember better things will come out, hense the need for my Sniper Black Ed. Need a backup while switching cases like! Black/Pure edition TJ11? Bring it Silverstone.
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I like to go back and forth between sites, and I came back to the site right after you posted.

For build quality, overall I would go with the Sniper because it has better cable management and HDD cage. For features, I like the Cosmos S better, that's why the ATCS 840 is so great because it blends both of these cases together. Cooler Master overall doesn't have the best fit and finish but they do have the best features dollar for dollar. I'll pass on that Cosmos Pure Black, too expensive. Can't wait until CES. Silverstone and Corsair will be slow to market, but Cooler Master will be ready to ship their new cases pretty fast.
Question WorldExclusive: did you find a tough to hide cables behind the mobo tray in your Sniper? I've heard mostly negative comments about this aspect of the case, but not consistently and modular PSUs don't seem to necessarily remove these complaints. I've had hands-on with a Sniper, but didn't install hardware so it was hard to judge how snug things would be.

Regarding the Cooler Master 840: if ya go by forums or the newegg reviews, one might think the CM 840 is a cheap case, but the thing is fully aluminum for less than $200 yet it's LOADED with features. After having 15 minutes or so of hands on with it, I understand how people can complain about the removable mobo tray or side panels being a wee bit flimsy, but they're not that bad. Meanwhile the case does so many things well that it's hard to complain at that price point. Also, the knock on the 840's front air filter being tough to remove is 100% nonsense spewed by people who don't understand how to properly remove it; the filter removes very easily. If the 840 would drop in price via rebate or sale down to the ~$150 range it'd be a steal. As is, I can find them for sale at many local retailers including Mwave ($180), Microcenter etc so that saves a bundle on shipping.

Gemütlichkeit;1035053434 said:
Great link, and it's good to see pics showing details skipped by other sites/reviews, like the inside of the hdd cage. Their conclusions are dumb as all fuckin' hell though. They list integrated watercooling as a plus wtf? Checking out their link to the RV02 review shows the RV02/FT02 to be a dubious choice for watercooling as the CM 840 ATCS performs better while costing quite a bit less.

Seems they claim side panels are steel not aliminum. I though they were aliminum, with only the motherboard tray area being steel. Anyone confirm/correct this?

Temp numbers look good. It easily beat the CM ATCS840 in everything except HDD cooling. Even beats it with fans on low.

AFAIK the interior structure and side panels are steel, the removable top a mixture of plastic and steel mesh while only the unibody is aluminum. This further emphasizes my earlier point that Silverstone could make this case of all steel to lower the cost and it would still look very nice.

You probably know all this, but just to emphasize, don't make too much out of the FT02 outperforming the 840 ATCS in that review. The 840 is better known as an inexpensive, feature loaded, moderately quiet but (thin) aluminum case with excellent options for expansion and watercooling. For air cooling, the 840 is better than average, but well shy of top performing cases like the Antec 900 or Haf 932. Depending on layout and how many hdds 'n' vid cards are used, the 840 has turned in some below average temps in a handful of forum/site reviews.
Oh no, the Sniper has wide side panels that allow more cables to be tucked away. My cable management was perfect and tight in the Sniper compared to the Cosmos S, which I have to drill a hole for the 8pin CPU power connector. Some people don't take the time to plan their cable management. They will try to use short or really long lead/sata cables, unnecessary case lights, obscene amount of fans and other BS to will give undesirable results.

I agree with you that the unibody FT02 aluminum was overdone and steel could have been uses to cut the price. Silverstone needs to do a better job pricing their low, mid and high end products. Raven and Fortress series under $200, TJ series over $200.

Edit: I will also use vinyl dye on my cables. Sleeving them takes to much effort and adds bulk.
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is anyone else pulling the hair out over newegg offering this??

they already have the RV02 up there, i dont see why the FT02 is taking so long.
Plus the RV02 is selling for 185?, why would the FT02 go for 220+ then? I dont get this whole pricing scheme, i always thought the raven was bigger than the fortress
is anyone else pulling the hair out over newegg offering this??

they already have the RV02 up there, i dont see why the FT02 is taking so long.
Plus the RV02 is selling for 185?, why would the FT02 go for 220+ then? I dont get this whole pricing scheme, i always thought the raven was bigger than the fortress

It is. The Ravens don't have the unibody frame though; that's why the FT02 costs more (according to Tony).

I would just go buy a RV02 but 27 1/2" deep? I would have trouble getting (FT02) 24 1/4" deep to fit on my desk let alone 27 1/2" deep. :eek: I may just look for another solution and get an RV02 anyway.
The depth of the rv02/ft02 was an issue for me on paper as well.

I read that link coconutboy and I think the wiring will be just fine on the Sniper, I think the non removable filters is more of an issue, but for the price it was a great buy. $137.50 delivered. I still want to upgrade to an uber case later, I just bought time to wait out a TJ11 like.
is anyone else pulling the hair out over newegg offering this??

they already have the RV02 up there, i dont see why the FT02 is taking so long.
Plus the RV02 is selling for 185?, why would the FT02 go for 220+ then? I dont get this whole pricing scheme, i always thought the raven was bigger than the fortress

Yes. Entire build waiting for egg to list (sell out, list again, etc.) to get one. Hope to start on building water coolng enclosure in next couple weeks, but waiting on other components for potential price drops. The G2 Intel 160 ssd has dropped $100 in the last 2 or 3 months. (The Mushkin ram I'm after went up about $10 though.)
is anyone else pulling the hair out over newegg offering this??
You have hair left? I couldn't take it anymore and slapped most of the gear (except our Corsair h50 and the RAID 5 array) into an older case just to make sure it all worked. As was, I'm quite relieved since the newegg/mwave/microcenter ~30 day warranties had expired on several components.

I just wanna see the freakin' newegg price, shipped, before we either buy an FT02 or go a different direction. At this point, even if I we buy an FT02, I doubt it'll have been worth the wait versus what I could have bought back in Sept or what new designs will be coming out of CES.

Sylar, you scored a great deal on your Sniper; too many places are overcharging for it now because that case is not worth $~150-170 w/o shipping/tax. I really liked that case and wish I'd bought it for the $119 w/ free shipping back in Sept. My only worries about the case were, like you, the lack of dust filters, how loud it would be since there's all that mesh, and how reliable those 200mm fans would be. But the cool part is you have a subwoofer for a case, and it's even got a knob for volume/crossover control! :D
yeah man, omfg its driving me nuts. I check religiously every day and still nothing. btw im buying this to replace my Cosmos S. its a great case but im going to college soon and i cant lug that huge thing with me
yeah man, omfg its driving me nuts. I check religiously every day and still nothing. btw im buying this to replace my Cosmos S. its a great case but im going to college soon and i cant lug that huge thing with me

That Cosmos S is an amazingly beautiful case, why you replacing it with the FT02??? I'll trade you a Raven RV02 for it, lol.
wonder why its taking so long for newegg to carry this, others have already sold out their initial shipment
That Cosmos S is an amazingly beautiful case, why you replacing it with the FT02??? I'll trade you a Raven RV02 for it, lol.

lol i love my Cosmos S, its pretty much the perfect gamers case, the only reason im replacing it is because i need a smaller case that also doesnt attract alot of attention at college :D.

im gonna be selling it though, so if someones interested just hit me up. Its in pretty good condition
I guarantee you NE won't have free shipping and they'll probably charge damn near $30 for it. Figure FT02 out the door w/o window will be $250-$260, with window $270.

PPC's is probably the best bet to get it the cheapest ATM.
I re-gave up and picked up a Tt Element S @ MC earlier for $119 (first time I've liked a Tt design, hope it's quiet); if I don't like it, I'll return it. As of right now the FT02 it's a nice case it's just out of what I want to pay (and larger than I'd like).
i still don't understand why it costs so much. Like the raven 2 goes for 200 at max, and this is supposed to be the smaller brother, why so serious FT02?

does anyone know any similar cases to the FT02?

i'd like the 90 degree tilt, black interior and a strong case quality. Or basically just a sexy case :), but it has to be a mid-tower
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Again - unibody. Look at the frame. It's a aluminum U, there are no rivet points or break points - it is 1 complete piece. The square frame of the case is within that U, but if you really look at a side shot, you can see the U.

Why an aluminum 1 piece U jacks the price up $40 above a RV02 I'll never know because the square frame itself is similar on both cases. The RV02 is a few inches deeper but that could just be because of the plastic outside of the shell (as opposed to a thin piece of aluminum in a U shape).

I still don't get the retail on this thing, or the RV02, or even the RV01 or (in another field) the Corsair 800D. Steel cases should not cost $200+, I'm sorry. LL's cost that but they're 100% aluminum. You would think aluminum was cheaper than steel since it's thinner, but whatever. I don't get Silverstone's pricing, TBH. Temjins are nice cases, but they're even marked up above the really really nice LL's. Both the RV's are steel and plastic. The FT01 (IIRC) is primarily aluminum. The FT02 is primarily steel, with some aluminum. Again - steel cases for $200 does not make sense to me. Granted I know nothing about the industry on a "what it costs to make" level, I just know what I see from window shopping on the outside as a consumer. It doesn't make sense to me...
newegg is also driving me nuts. I've been trying to buy this freakin case since CES. I was going to buy the Lian Li x500b. But decided to wait on this new case. Because its newer, neat design, and a lower projected price compared to the 500b. I too have a Cosmos S, its to big if your not watercooling your rig, its great because you can put a 3x120mm rad, and a 2x120mm rad no problem. But im not and i dont want a case that is 5 ft tall. I want the smallest case possible that fits all my needs. I actually don't even like the front of the ft02, who the hell needs 5 5.25 bays, if any you only need one. I don't even use one, just a usb one when needed. The case has been on a couple websites for a couple weeks know, whats up with newegg! or silverstone for being so slow!

Lian li even came out with a brand new case between the time of CES and the release of the FT02, the Lian li 10b, its a good looking case but I want a finished black interior and a window.
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yeah man, omfg its driving me nuts. I check religiously every day and still nothing. btw im buying this to replace my Cosmos S. its a great case but im going to college soon and i cant lug that huge thing with me

If you are thinking the FT02 is your standard relatively small mid tower case then you will be disappointed as this case is big and pretty heavy too. Yes the FT02 is smaller (10 cm shorter to be exact which is not a lot. Length is about the same) than the Cosmos S but not by a lot. This is by no means a small case.
lol i love my Cosmos S, its pretty much the perfect gamers case, the only reason im replacing it is because i need a smaller case that also doesnt attract alot of attention at college :D.

im gonna be selling it though, so if someones interested just hit me up. Its in pretty good condition

If you just like the FT02 as I do then by all means buy the case; however, if you are really looking for a smaller case that will not draw a lot of attention then you are looking to the wrong case, I would recommend something like the Thermaltake Element G or the Antec Nine Hundred Two.
You have hair left? I couldn't take it anymore and slapped most of the gear (except our Corsair h50 and the RAID 5 array) into an older case just to make sure it all worked. As was, I'm quite relieved since the newegg/mwave/microcenter ~30 day warranties had expired on several components.

I just wanna see the freakin' newegg price, shipped, before we either buy an FT02 or go a different direction. At this point, even if I we buy an FT02, I doubt it'll have been worth the wait versus what I could have bought back in Sept or what new designs will be coming out of CES.

Sylar, you scored a great deal on your Sniper; too many places are overcharging for it now because that case is not worth $~150-170 w/o shipping/tax. I really liked that case and wish I'd bought it for the $119 w/ free shipping back in Sept. My only worries about the case were, like you, the lack of dust filters, how loud it would be since there's all that mesh, and how reliable those 200mm fans would be. But the cool part is you have a subwoofer for a case, and it's even got a knob for volume/crossover control! :D

yea man, free ground shipping @ tigerdirect right now plus 8% bing cashback! For orders under 30 lbs (or was it 35?) I was just under the weight limit too =)

going to buy a window panel or convert the mesh one myself, so the noise will be a bit better and I can see muah gear. I doubt side fans will make a big differece anyway with the 5 other fan locations. I have a mega shadow, but I might get that corsair h50 instead just to try it out. Replacing all fans with quiet sounding Gentle Typhoons at 120mm 1850rpm anyway. I will just mod out this case I think, even after I get the another one that catches my eye. I never had a black interior case, I get it tomorrow! The sniper has filters, you just have to clean them in place mostly as they are held in place by metal tabs. Got my intel ssd and seasonic x series just waiting for my new case, its going to be a fun rebuild =)
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i gave the element G a good look but i think im still sold on the FT02 =_=, i tried to convice myself to get a raven but theres just something magical about the fortress, i think its the paint finish.

Im wondering if i should order it from FrozenCPU or PerformancePCs. I want the version without a window, can anyone tell me who has the cheapest shipping? And yeah i kinda figured, Newegg likes to charge tax where i live and plus shipping? It will undoubtedly cost more.
Anyone see that Fudzilla reported the FT02 won the Internation Design Forum's Award for Product Design of 2010?
Yeah, it's been on Silverstone's site and a couple other places for awhile now. IIRC the original Cosmos 1000 won that same award 2 years ago.
Newegg's customer service has gone to shit, I had a run-in with them a few days ago. I'll never buy from them again


Every situation and CS rep is unique. If someone can't help you hang up and call back. I use live chat anyway, get right through to them FAST!

All other retailers received the case in limited quantities, I'm sure Newegg wants to sell a lot more than 10 cases, so they could be waiting for the larger shipment at the end or beginning of next month. They can also price the case better when having a larger inventory of it.

Every situation and CS rep is unique. If someone can't help you hang up and call back. I use live chat anyway, get right through to them FAST!

All other retailers received the case in limited quantities, I'm sure Newegg wants to sell a lot more than 10 cases, so they could be waiting for the larger shipment at the end or beginning of next month. They can also price the case better when having a larger inventory of it.

Also newegg tends to ship from their warehouses, not drop ship from manufacturers. I've only had good experiences with them.