New Space Marine Dev Diary w/Gameplay Footage


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 23, 2003

One of the few titles I am buying day 1. Game should support 4 player co op (but that hasn't been confirmed yet) and it has large loot tables a la Diablo, but perhaps more like DOW2. Game looks rock solid.

PC, Xbox 360, PS3


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Probably tied with The Witcher 2 for most anticipated game this year.
Looks more like a Space Knight. I'm looking forward to this one a bit but not sure yet.
Looks more like a Space Knight. I'm looking forward to this one a bit but not sure yet.

It's a gamesworkshop space marine, and yeah it kinda is a knight. 8 foot tall without armour, multiple lungs, religious fanatics, and all around the worst thing you'd want to run into.

the GW universe is some cool shit.
I'm looking forward to this. I dont have high hopes as so often the GW IPs get butchered, but still I'm looking forward to it.

I've always felt both the Warhammer and 40k universes have a great setting for video games beyond strategy games. Hack and slash, FPS or adventure games would fit right in and I'm surprised its taken this long to exploit it (well, there was Firewarrior, but who gives a shit about the Tau, lol).
Looks more like a Space Knight. I'm looking forward to this one a bit but not sure yet.

The entire universe is really "Science Fantasy" as opposed to hard "science fiction," so the fantasy genre similarities aren't surprising. I mean you also have basically analogues to Elves, Orcs, Undead, and demons.

Relic has made great RTS games, and games set in W40k. But they haven't made a FPS game, nor has there been a good W40k fps game from what I know. So excited with reservations.

As a note, if you are around Vancouver, Canada, where Relic is located. They have an offer to playtest the game, if anyone is interested -!
Relic has made great RTS games, and games set in W40k. But they haven't made a FPS game, nor has there been a good W40k fps game from what I know. So excited with reservations.

This is exactly how I feel. I'm a basic action gamer, not really into all the mythology of this stuff. I'm just hoping for a solid action game with fairly straightforward combat and strategy, something like Mass Effect 2 is what I'm hoping for which would be a good game to clone.
I mean you also have basically analogues to Elves, Orcs, Undead, and demons.

And Dwarfs (Squats), until they got eaten by the Aliens (Tyranids). Then they added possessed Terminators (Necrons), and some communist anime rejects (Tau). :)
This game will be epic if they are able to "capture" the true feeling of when a Space Marine entered the story, especially a captain. Usually when a SM entered the story line you knew it was about to get really fucked up. The main villain HAS to be a corrupted SM, those were always super villains with stupid abilities.

I'm amped for this big time, I love the 40k universe and I hope this opens up more in gaming for 40k outside of RTS.
This game will be epic if they are able to "capture" the true feeling of when a Space Marine entered the story, especially a captain. Usually when a SM entered the story line you knew it was about to get really fucked up. The main villain HAS to be a corrupted SM, those were always super villains with stupid abilities.

I'm amped for this big time, I love the 40k universe and I hope this opens up more in gaming for 40k outside of RTS.

Yeah that's the one problem with the GW IP. The space marines are supposed to be nearly invincible to everybody else, five of them taking on thousands of whatever else there is and generally beasting the crap out of it.

Which is why multi player anything would never actually work. Want to be an imperial guardsman, good your job is to die by the millions, and you suck. Want to be an Orc, well, see the above thing and dieing, unless you get into hand to hand combat and then it better not be with a marine, chaos, or a tyranid.

There isn't much wiggle room there.

The marines are by far the most popular part of their fiction, and honestly the most epic. It just doesn't translate well into a multiplayer games when you go with the "one of me is as good as 10,000 of you" logic GW uses in their stories.
I don't have a lot of faith. WH40k is great, Relic is great, the Dawn of War games are great.

What's not great is pretty much every third person action game developed by Western studios. This opinion seems to tick a lot of people off, but whatever. No Western dev has ever gotten close to producing something on the level of Ninja Gaiden Black, Devil May Cry 3 or Bayonetta. Not even close. God of War is sometimes cited as an exception to that rule, but I disagree. The combat depth isn't there. GoW is more style than substance.

Third person action is to Western devs what First Person Shooter is to Japanese devs. It's unfair to say that they can't produce a worthwhile title in that genre, but it's fact that until now, they have not. Add in Relic's subpar track records outside of RTS games, and you've got the makings of an attractive but shallow beat 'em up.
I don't have a lot of faith. WH40k is great, Relic is great, the Dawn of War games are great.

What's not great is pretty much every third person action game developed by Western studios. This opinion seems to tick a lot of people off, but whatever. No Western dev has ever gotten close to producing something on the level of Ninja Gaiden Black, Devil May Cry 3 or Bayonetta. Not even close. God of War is sometimes cited as an exception to that rule, but I disagree. The combat depth isn't there. GoW is more style than substance.

Third person action is to Western devs what First Person Shooter is to Japanese devs. It's unfair to say that they can't produce a worthwhile title in that genre, but it's fact that until now, they have not. Add in Relic's subpar track records outside of RTS games, and you've got the makings of an attractive but shallow beat 'em up.

This depends on your definition of "third person action" because I don't see this game being anything like the ones you named. This appears to be more along the Gears of War, Uncharted, etc. style of games, rather than the combo point generating ones you mentioned. That's what it looked like from the video at least--a combination of Gears of War style shooting and a little bit of hand-to-hand beat em up.
Good news then, cause it's not an fps.

That is a bad habit of mine defaulting everything to being called a FPS. But someone else later made a more correct version of what I meant. Although I have more faith than him.

The only thing really have the most reservations about is the melee combat, which I feel is a huge part of W40k fighting. I really haven't played a game yet that had good direct control melee combat, so it will be interesting to see what they do there.
I don't have a lot of faith. WH40k is great, Relic is great, the Dawn of War games are great.

What's not great is pretty much every third person action game developed by Western studios. This opinion seems to tick a lot of people off, but whatever. No Western dev has ever gotten close to producing something on the level of Ninja Gaiden Black, Devil May Cry 3 or Bayonetta. Not even close. God of War is sometimes cited as an exception to that rule, but I disagree. The combat depth isn't there. GoW is more style than substance.

Third person action is to Western devs what First Person Shooter is to Japanese devs. It's unfair to say that they can't produce a worthwhile title in that genre, but it's fact that until now, they have not. Add in Relic's subpar track records outside of RTS games, and you've got the makings of an attractive but shallow beat 'em up.

This isn't that type of game. It's a co-op based third person actioner with RPG elements.

Also, da BOOT in those gifs are so good.
Yeah that's the one problem with the GW IP. The space marines are supposed to be nearly invincible to everybody else, five of them taking on thousands of whatever else there is and generally beasting the crap out of it.

...It just doesn't translate well into a multiplayer games when you go with the "one of me is as good as 10,000 of you" logic GW uses in their stories.

Have you played the game? They should ignore their stupid stories, and make games that are more like the actual table top game rules. I consider the game to be more canon than the aftermarket novels based on the game. Guards may be weaker soldiers, but they generally have more and heavier armored vehicles than everyone else. Every race has elite soldiers that can match up fairly well against space marines.

It has been a while since I played, but I also liked the Eldar, and the Aspect Warriors ranged from being almost as good to twice as good as the average Space Marine. Harlequins, Wraithguard, and Dragon Knights were also at least an even match or better for a Space Marine. An average Eldar Guardian with a jet bike was better than a Space Marine.
Yeah that's the one problem with the GW IP. The space marines are supposed to be nearly invincible to everybody else, five of them taking on thousands of whatever else there is and generally beasting the crap out of it.

Which is why multi player anything would never actually work. Want to be an imperial guardsman, good your job is to die by the millions, and you suck. Want to be an Orc, well, see the above thing and dieing, unless you get into hand to hand combat and then it better not be with a marine, chaos, or a tyranid.

There isn't much wiggle room there.

The marines are by far the most popular part of their fiction, and honestly the most epic. It just doesn't translate well into a multiplayer games when you go with the "one of me is as good as 10,000 of you" logic GW uses in their stories.

Dawn of War and Dawn of War 2 would like a word with you.
Have you played the game? They should ignore their stupid stories, and make games that are more like the actual table top game rules. I consider the game to be more canon than the aftermarket novels based on the game. Guards may be weaker soldiers, but they generally have more and heavier armored vehicles than everyone else. Every race has elite soldiers that can match up fairly well against space marines.

It has been a while since I played, but I also liked the Eldar, and the Aspect Warriors ranged from being almost as good to twice as good as the average Space Marine. Harlequins, Wraithguard, and Dragon Knights were also at least an even match or better for a Space Marine. An average Eldar Guardian with a jet bike was better than a Space Marine.

Yeah, but if they in-game stats were to be as they are shown in the novels a space-marine would not be below Strength 5, at least.

Also, keep in mind that for a game this is PHANTASTIC: in plenty games a normal human faces bazillions of enemies...and here you control a semi-god, a genetically modified human and thus makes total sense to slaughter enemy after enemy.

I'm also looking forward for this game. I love WH40K story lane and how everything seems to be fucked one way or another
Yeah, but if they in-game stats were to be as they are shown in the novels a space-marine would not be below Strength 5, at least.

Also, keep in mind that for a game this is PHANTASTIC: in plenty games a normal human faces bazillions of enemies...and here you control a semi-god, a genetically modified human and thus makes total sense to slaughter enemy after enemy.

I'm also looking forward for this game. I love WH40K story lane and how everything seems to be fucked one way or another

Yeah, the background for Space Marines are basically that they are pretty fucking hardcore. 1000 Space Marines make a company that could challenge armies of many thousands.

But for the table top game they're balanced to make the game more interesting. A handful of super soldiers vs hundreds of puny aliens would be boring as fuck for a table top game.
It might be partly how you view it. As far as I know almost every other race has some type "warrior" that would be considered "superhuman" and well beyond what the average man would be. For instance does anything actually suggest say a handful of Space Marine would be equal to thousands of Necron Warriors?

The actual background though would make for an interesting game type if we were to possibly try something different. Imagine 1 side say playing as Tyranid from a RTS point of view versus the other side playing as Space Marines, who are playing the game as a shooter.
That is a bad habit of mine defaulting everything to being called a FPS. But someone else later made a more correct version of what I meant. Although I have more faith than him.

The only thing really have the most reservations about is the melee combat, which I feel is a huge part of W40k fighting. I really haven't played a game yet that had good direct control melee combat, so it will be interesting to see what they do there.
I have been playing dow2 since it was out, I have read and I am still reading 40k books.
Relic might not be a perfect developer but I am sure that they will make something interesting, not ideal feature wise or super polished, but I trust in them it will be worth playing.
In the books most of the time combat consists of lol HD head asplode into swing sword and chop someone into two, same as in the trailer, I can't imagine it being that bad that we need to start complaining about it before it's even out.

I don't remember people jumping in homefront threads with "lulz super generic-brown-grey cod wannabe with a fu to non americans".
But here the footage looks better then any of the serious business grey-brown games of this time, and yet everyone is finding something to pick on "white people can't make third person games" "40k space marines are too strong to be in a game" "melee-ranged combat can't work" and all that shit.
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It might be partly how you view it. As far as I know almost every other race has some type "warrior" that would be considered "superhuman" and well beyond what the average man would be. For instance does anything actually suggest say a handful of Space Marine would be equal to thousands of Necron Warriors?

The actual background though would make for an interesting game type if we were to possibly try something different. Imagine 1 side say playing as Tyranid from a RTS point of view versus the other side playing as Space Marines, who are playing the game as a shooter.

Yeah, every army has its elites, but my point was that Space Marines "regulars" are supposed to be many times more powerful than the regulars and sometimes even the elites of other armies, but are balanced for the sake of the rules. Like, 2 space marines are as good as 5 hormagaunts or orks in the rules, but in the back story they're worth much more, hence why a company of 1000 space marines doesn't just get wiped out anytime a small horde of orks wanders up.

On the other hand... I can't believe I'm arguing about 40k fluff on this forum when I haven't played the game for about 10 years :p
Yeah, the background for Space Marines are basically that they are pretty fucking hardcore. 1000 Space Marines make a company that could challenge armies of many thousands.

But for the table top game they're balanced to make the game more interesting. A handful of super soldiers vs hundreds of puny aliens would be boring as fuck for a table top game.

Its obvious that for the table game they had to make them balanced. Otherwise you would end up with an army of 20 miniatures and that wouldn't be good for Games-Workshop business :D:D:D:D

At the same time, this very fact that space marines are uber in all senses (historically, not in the table games) makes them perfectly suited for a videogame.
I have been playing dow2 since it was out, I have read and I am still reading 40k books.
Relic might not be a perfect developer but I am sure that they will make something interesting, not ideal feature wise or super polished, but I trust in them it will be worth playing.
In the books most of the time combat consists of lol HD head asplode into swing sword and chop someone into two, same as in the trailer, I can't imagine it being that bad that we need to start complaining about it before it's even out.

I don't remember people jumping in homefront threads with "lulz super generic-brown-grey cod wannabe with a fu to non americans".
But here the footage looks better then any of the serious business grey-brown games of this time, and yet everyone is finding something to pick on "white people can't make third person games" "40k space marines are too strong to be in a game" "melee-ranged combat can't work" and all that shit.

More along the lines of "healthy" criticism. Relic to me hasn't yet made a "bad" game (personal tastes aside), that I know of anyways. It is more of an interest point of view to see how they plan on capturing the melee element, not just in terms of the game play mechanics, but how its presented and feels. I think they've pulled off a terrific job the last two, with COH and DOW 2, in terms of combining game play with feel. DOW 2 for instance, the melee is a great game play element while being fun to watch and just feels right.

Yeah, every army has its elites, but my point was that Space Marines "regulars" are supposed to be many times more powerful than the regulars and sometimes even the elites of other armies, but are balanced for the sake of the rules. Like, 2 space marines are as good as 5 hormagaunts or orks in the rules, but in the back story they're worth much more, hence why a company of 1000 space marines doesn't just get wiped out anytime a small horde of orks wanders up.

On the other hand... I can't believe I'm arguing about 40k fluff on this forum when I haven't played the game for about 10 years :p

I would like to point out my line wasn't directed to you specifically, since it might have come off that way, but more of a general "how you view it." But yea, basically Space Marines to me are super human, but they need to be, because they fighting against enemies way beyond human themselves. I mean even the average Imperial Guardsman fluff wise is "super human" in a way compared to a regular man/planetary defense force soldier. That is just my interpretation though, I'm not one who feels that they are grossly overpowered compared to everything out there, in fact quite a few things would make them look weak and feeble by comparison.
The game looks worthy. Wonder if we'll be able to pilot a Titan at some point? Heck, I'd settle for a Warhound even.
The game looks worthy. Wonder if we'll be able to pilot a Titan at some point? Heck, I'd settle for a Warhound even.

This may be the nerd in me showing, but there's so many things I'd like to be able to do in a Fantasy/40k first or third person game :p
This may be the nerd in me showing, but there's so many things I'd like to be able to do in a Fantasy/40k first or third person game :p

They should make one RPG, it would be one hell of a game if done right as the posibilities are just...endless.