New system won't post. Help!


Feb 11, 2005
Alright I just finished my new build, put everything together last night and it didn't post. So I was like umm must be the BIOS that the board has so I ran to compusa today bought a Celeron D LGA775 CPU, and the computer is still doing the exact same as it did last night. This is only my second build and I am not sure on how to proceed. Any suggestions? There is nothing that appears on the monitor and the comp just sits there like nothing is installed. Please help!! Thanks :D
Is it a new PSU or an old one?
How hard did u push when installing the HS on the proc?
Are you certain you oriented the proc correctly on the LGA775 pin socket?

Silly question, but you did install standoffs on the mobo tray, right? Counted them to make sure you don't have one out of position shorting out the mobo?

I just built a C2D system and got TWO count'em TWO bad Antec PSU's from Fry's. Ended up moving my old Antec Trupower 550 over, and everything works.

I install the HS with the mobo out of the case- counter to 99% of instructions- so I can backup the opposite side while pushing down the pins holding the HS on. Its possible to damage traces by flexing the board if u push too hard.

A bent pin on the mobo/cpu interface can be hard to spot/diagnose. If you get to the point of taking the CPU out again, get a magnifying glass and check to be sure you don't have a bent pin(s).

Post some info on your setup (mobo type/ram/psu/cpu/VC) and people may have other ideas.
My specs are in sig.

Yes, the PSU is brand new.

I have no other standoffs on the tray, made sure of that last night.

I will go check the pins on the motherboard.

I am betting it is the RAM. Will the P5W still support DD2 1000 even though the manual doesn't say 1000? Only 800?
Himmler said:
My specs are in sig.

Ahh. I was thinking that was your running rig specs. Sorry about that.
My SOP is to update my sig after my new shiz is running :p
I am an idiot...I forgot to plug in the 12V cable next to the CPU. /smack :D It posts fine now.
Himmler said:
I am an idiot...I forgot to plug in the 12V cable next to the CPU. /smack :D It posts fine now.
Lol, dude that happened to me on my Conroe build as well. I was just standing there looking at my open case wondering wtf is wrong when I see a wire dangling from the psu unplugged.
Himmler said:
I am an idiot...I forgot to plug in the 12V cable next to the CPU. /smack :D It posts fine now.

DAMN, I did that too last night, and I was about to come post in here to remind you to do that, but I got busy.