New to apple


Feb 22, 2006
work gave me an iPad from a guy they fired it is registered under his email so no updates for awhile and apparently my it people are no help. What or how can I reset this thing so I can can use it?
You're SOL.
More than likely the iPad is what is called "iCloud Locked" to the previous users email address. Without his Apple ID, effectively you won't be able to use the iPad - even if you have his PIN number to unlock the device. As even if you have the PIN you'd have to have his password to actually sign out. As long as you can't sign out, you won't be able to get updates (including updates for apps), download new apps, etc. Worse, technically the previous user could brick the iPad remotely at any time (as long as it ever connects to the internet).

So, tell this to your IT people (that the iPad is iCloud locked), and if they have any semblance of brains or know anything about iOS devices over the past 6 years or so, then they should know they're borked. There is no point in physically having possession of it. Might as well just give it back to them.
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This is the problem with IT departments that just hand shit out to people with no prep.
The iPad, at this point, as far as Apple is concerned, belongs to the guy who registered it.
Yeah, unless your IT dept has a receipt for purchase, Apple won't do crap to unlock. If you can prove it's yours, AppleCare will assist you, but it takes time and a considerable amount of effort.

Your best bet is to call said fired employee and hope he's not feeling like a dick and is willing to sign the ipad out from his iCloud account. If he's not willing - maybe your IT will dig up receipt, but if it's more than 2 years old, probably just as well served buying a new one if you actually need one.

I don't think this feature is necessarily a bad thing. I lost an iPad on a cross country trip. It was registered. It hasn't turned up yet, but I know that no one is out there using it... and should it ever pop up, it's iCloud locked and the serial number will pop up and immediately notify me it was found and pop up my recovery message with contact info on the screen -- even if they do a factory reset.

This case is your IT dept not following best practices for iOS devices.
I hate dealing with ipads in a shared environment. We have multiple idevices that are passlocked. Not a darn thing we can do with them now.
so as I feared trash thought Id run it by [H] for maybe a plan b thanks all
Time to get IT, HR, and some lawyers involved! Hopefully, you can get it unlocked from the guy with minimal fuss.
This is why companies need to invest in a good MDM or just only have a BYOD policy.