New To Apple...?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 15, 2005
I was wondering, I could be in the market for a new laptop. Should I get a apple powerbook, or a dell 9000. My limit is 2k.
how about some system specs...what you're going to using it for...that kinda stuff
and in addition to what are you going to use it for, are you averse to moving to a new os with the understanding it may take you a day or two to get used to it?

i had a 15" powerbook and I loved it.

My recommendation is to NOT buy anything Dell, especially if you're paying $2k. Get a 15" Powerbook and trust me, you'll be happy! I love my iBook.
If you want to play the latest PC games, stick with Windows.

For everything else, stick with Mac.

Good Luck!
I love my 15" Powerbook, 1.5ghz G4 w/ 2gig & ATI 9700 mobility 128meg. It's fast enough for the applications I run on it: Xcode, Quickbooks, Blender,, etc...

Besides it's good looks, by far my favorite thing is its wireless support. While XP you sometimes have to fumble to connect to an AP the PB just works. A close 3rd is the familar unix underpinnings. My biggest gripe is the track pad; while typing, the mouse pointer is constantly moving around. Annoying.

IMHO Apple's laptops are superior because both the OS and hardware come from the same company.
A side note, the mouse usually does not move around when one types on these things. it the way you type? Sounds like you may have a faulty trackpad.

kmeson said:
I love my 15" Powerbook, 1.5ghz G4 w/ 2gig & ATI 9700 mobility 128meg. It's fast enough for the applications I run on it: Xcode, Quickbooks, Blender,, etc...

Besides it's good looks, by far my favorite thing is its wireless support. While XP you sometimes have to fumble to connect to an AP the PB just works. A close 3rd is the familar unix underpinnings. My biggest gripe is the track pad; while typing, the mouse pointer is constantly moving around. Annoying.

IMHO Apple's laptops are superior because both the OS and hardware come from the same company.
TBONEU said:
If you want to play the latest PC games, stick with Windows.

For everything else, stick with Mac.

Good Luck!
QFT :cool:

im working on saving up to buy a 17" PowerBook. :D come w/ me and join the light side...
TSS Modder said:
QFT :cool:

im working on saving up to buy a 17" PowerBook. :D come w/ me and join the light side...
Save your money and beef up the 15", the 17" is very pricey, and not practical in any way.

Trust me, if you see it, the 17" is HUGE, not portable in any sense.

I want the 12" pb, if only you could get a better vid card for it
im getting the 17" fully loaded, brand new, for 2319$ shipped. i already have a 17" laptop, and i have to get another 17". id miss the screen real estate too much. :D

i want power over portability. 1.67GHz, 512MB (stick in another gig), 100GB, 128MB Radeon, SuperDrive.

im trying to sell my 17" HP now, buy a PowerBook, and then build a gaming desktop. i hardly travel, and when i do, i watch movies on my laptop. otherwise, its just gonna sit on my desk, and im gonna use it for Final Cut Pro HD, Motion 2, GarageBand 2, and Keynote 2. the point of the 17" is to get into Macs. when i get into something, i go big. and ive got a great deal on it too. :)
The 17" is still very portable. As far as I know the only place people have trouble with it is flying coach, but I never fly so no big deal for me. Business class is supposed to be fine still. I carry it as well as all my other gadgets in a nice Kensington backpack I got from newegg. I was aiming for a 15" at first to replace my 15" Tibook, but with a student discount the price was just too close to not go with the 17". Now that I have it my 15" seems so tiny :) Anyways if your limit is 2K you will love the 15"
um 15" feels like a strechn in business class the last oh say 10 times i flew, the only place i've noticed it working without fail is first class on the 777, but that thing has insane amounts of room. 12" pb is still the best bet for frequent fliers, which is why im aiming to get one in september

Goes to show how much I fly, I thought business class and first class were the same thing LOL
T-Bird 151 said:
A side note, the mouse usually does not move around when one types on these things. it the way you type? Sounds like you may have a faulty trackpad.

Could be, I skate goofy footed so perhaps I type goofy too! :D

What I know is the 2nd joint near the base of my thumb taps the top right corner of the track pad. This causes the pointer to slowly migrate up to the top right corner. I used to have the dock on the right side but this proved annoying with the track behavior.
i want power over portability.

Well in that sense a Powerful PC would be better (sense they have newer tech in them), but lol this is the Mac Fourm so I dont think anyone wants Windows.
In My opinion the 12Power Book is Amazing! Its sleek its elegant its easy to use and packs just enough power for most tasks. Im saving up to buy one but I hope to find one on Ebay for Alot Less (looking at this special Green apple Logo G3 12inch right now).

I want a 17inch Power Book but

A. Im 16 and dont have the money for one right now

B. I dont think I need that big of a screen, especialy sense I want something uber portable.

The only downfall is that the 12inch has a horrid resolution to what Im used too.
i will be building myself a powerful PC. were talking OCed Venice, 1-2GB, possibly a 7800 (lower end models when they come out), +250GB. the power part of my need is taken care of.

the reasons im buying a 17" PowerBook are because 1) I want to get into Macs, 2) I need another laptop to replace my current notebook (a notebook that i dont have to worry about becoming out-of-date for the applications i need it for. as in my current laptop is also my current gaming rig. well, it can hardly handle FarCry. its not gonna be going much farther), 3)i need to have a portable. at the same time i really really want a Mac. i figured id kill two birds w/ one stone. get a portable Mac.

im only 15. and no, im not some little rich preppy kid whos pampered by his parents. i buy all of this stuff w/ my hard-earned money. i have a computer business, and do many odd jobs.

btw, YHPM. i might be able to help you out here. :cool: