New to ATI cards, need advice and tips


Limp Gawd
Jun 6, 2004
I just got a new xfx 4870 1 gig for $149 from comp usa/tiger direct.
I have been Nvidia user for over 10 years. But got tired of this 9600 gtoc crashing my computer all the time, and feel the mfg isn't what they used to be, so maybe good time to try ati card.
I know it will be much better, and I will be running 1680 x 1050 on my 22" LCD.
What are some pointers on getting most out of this card?
I game a good bit, L4D, CSS, COD4, Prototype, etc...
Will I be able to max everything? Specs in sig.:p
You'll be able to max everything in those games. The only real problem with ATI cards is the underscanning of games in DX10 when running at 1080p, which you won't have a problem with, and the piss poor CCC.