New to HTPC, need suggestions


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2002
I'm looking into building a HTPC. It will be mainly used for TiVo like functionality. I'll be recording shows for later viewing and watching DVDs. Probably some burning too. Also, I will have a cable box if that makes a difference.

I need suggestions on hardware and software. I've done some research and it seems like SageTV is a good option. The PVR500 also looks like a good card for it. I will probably use my current AMD 3700+ CPU just so I have an excuse to get an X2. Thanks in advance.
your first post is a good start, but to make specific recommendations, we need a little more info.

HDTV important?
is noise a concern for you?
what TV will you be using?
are you a tweaker, or do you like to set it and forget it?
Windows or Linux?

for a good start on general hardware suggestions, read these...

keep in mind that an HTPC is 80% about the software. Just get some decent hardware that is cool, quiet, and stable.
IDversusEGO said:
keep in mind that an HTPC is 80% about the software. Just get some decent hardware that is cool, quiet, and stable.
Sort of what I figured. I am fairly competent when it comes to Linux so that would be an option. I would prefer something more turn-key. The three big ones seem to be Sage, Myth, and BeyondTV so I will look into those more.
all 3 haev free downloads for demo purposes. There is a custom isnall for Myth called KnoppMyth that takes out lots of the work. worth checking out as the Myth install can be a bear sometimes...

I am a Linux noob so I gave up on it. I spent hours trying to get it the way I wanted and finally went with XP pro and Sage. 45 minutes after the OS install and updates I was watching TV. that points to my Linux vs XP skills as much as anything though.