New to i7


Jan 19, 2005
Just got my new rig up and running, and I can get to 3.8ghz with 182*21 with stock Volt's.

Everytime I try to go to 4 or 4.2, even with 1.35v, I cant even post. Do I need to tweak my Ram or is there something else I am missing? Also, is there a solid i7 OC guide out there somewhere?

Good thing, is that with water, I'm geting Prime95 loads of 58c after 1 hour.
Have you increased the QPI and VTT voltages? Is it a D0 or C0 chip? What's your RAM voltage set to? Is Hyper-Threading enabled or disabled? I know one thing for sure: 3.8GHz at stock voltages is quite good.
Quick test I just did:

vcore: 1.35
QPI: 1.3
RAM: 1.6

Ran Prime with small FFT's for 10 minutes, Stable.
Temps were 62-60-60-59 Load

I might try 195*20 next, would turning HT off help at all? SLBEJ is D0 correcT? Also what is the VTT?
Disable Turbo
Set Bclk to 200
Set Vcore to 1.4v
Set memory multiplier lower
Leave everything else on auto
