New to SLR! I'm excited!

Hopefully someone can help me with above post ^

I picked up a ProMaster 58mm MC UV Filter as I needed something, stat. Paid way to much I bet, but whatev...I needed it. $24 bucks - boo

Well, first set of pictures, and I'm uploading one I took.

First is untouched. Second is touched up using Picasa (laptop doesn't render image colors on screen well.

Well, as far as Filters go: UV, and Polarizer are the two most popular filters. Other than that, a Laptop/DSLR bag is usually pretty pricey, I can't help you on that, I just have 2 different bags for now. I have the Lowepro AW200 Slingbag which is nice, but can feel heavy when using for an entire day. I hiked around Boston day after day and my shoulder would get a little tense.

Nice pics, but I like the first one more.
Well, as far as Filters go: UV, and Polarizer are the two most popular filters. Other than that, a Laptop/DSLR bag is usually pretty pricey, I can't help you on that, I just have 2 different bags for now. I have the Lowepro AW200 Slingbag which is nice, but can feel heavy when using for an entire day. I hiked around Boston day after day and my shoulder would get a little tense.

Nice pics, but I like the first one more.

Now that I get to see them on my 37" Westy, the color is way off in the second, too saturated I think...

I'm gonna go play some more with it.

I don't know why, but I really like that pic
Remember color does not have to be true to what it was in real life, artistic effect always plays a big role in post processing ;)
Remember color does not have to be true to what it was in real life, artistic effect always plays a big role in post processing ;)

Personally, I like the second pic, it brings the city in the background to life, instead, the city normally just looks like this:
Well, I bit on a helluva deal on an XTi Black Body the other day ($319 + Tax).

Damn, what a deal. That's even cheaper than the XT body that I've found and was ready to buy. May I ask where you found this deal?


I have that bag (Tamrac Turbo Cyberpro) and it is great, plenty of room for 6 lenses, my rebel xt with battery grip, flash cards, memory card reader, mouse, macbook, and other random accessories.

$100 might seem a little steep for a bag, but take into consideration how much equipment it will be protecting. The laptop alone is probably 10 times more expensive than the bag, plus cameras, lenses and other gear. With bags (and just about everything else in photography) you get what you pay for.

The other option to consider is a backpack style case which is better for walking around alot or hiking. I went for the sling style for the easy access and nice square profile that fits in with my other bags and cases.

Happy shooting!

I have that bag (Tamrac Turbo Cyberpro) and it is great, plenty of room for 6 lenses, my rebel xt with battery grip, flash cards, memory card reader, mouse, macbook, and other random accessories.

$100 might seem a little steep for a bag, but take into consideration how much equipment it will be protecting. The laptop alone is probably 10 times more expensive than the bag, plus cameras, lenses and other gear. With bags (and just about everything else in photography) you get what you pay for.

The other option to consider is a backpack style case which is better for walking around alot or hiking. I went for the sling style for the easy access and nice square profile that fits in with my other bags and cases.

Happy shooting!

Thanks a ton, I'll have a look!

I like the roominess, but I think I'll need an actual backpack, since I'll be toting this on my motorcycle a lot.

What's a good Tripod for about $50, same with a Monopod?
How's this deal?

I'll be in Chicago this weekend for Drill, so I can buy stuff while I'm there.

Picking up a 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III on Saturday!!! for $125 in supposed Mint Condition

Now, I'm eyeballing the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L Non-IS version....of course, what's another $1000 on the card?
If you are looking for stability while traveling I would look to spend a little more than $50 on a good, compact monopod (maybe something like this) but remember you are going to have to buy a head for it too. But spending the money now for something nice may save your gear somewhere down the road.
Well, I just joined over at and posted my introduction post.

They aren't too friendly over there, lemme tell ya...I wrote a nice post, and nothing. Oh well.

Back to just browsing for me
Well, I just joined over at and posted my introduction post.

They aren't too friendly over there, lemme tell ya...I wrote a nice post, and nothing. Oh well.

Back to just browsing for me

???? Where did you post it and under what username. It may take a bit for someone to say hi but they usually will fairly quickly.

Username: gregnash
???? Where did you post it and under what username. It may take a bit for someone to say hi but they usually will fairly quickly.

Username: gregnash

Same username as here : BrinNutz..I posted it under the Member Activities sub Forum, the description says thats where they should go.
Same username as here : BrinNutz..I posted it under the Member Activities sub Forum, the description says thats where they should go.

People are bad about posting in those forums and really most forums over there. Everyone posts in the Bodies and Lens forum at the top :rolleyes: :p

Most people whine and debate over gear than actually post and comment on photos! I have posted a few photos and they barely ever get comments cause people just dont post that much in the other forums. What do ya do though :(

I am Grentz over there as well, come ask some questions in the Accessories area (near the top) about the Monopod/Tripod and we can help you out. Generally tripods to get a decent one you are looking at around $200 (for Tripod and Ball Head), but there are some deals and other good simple models out there ;)

For a monopod you do not NEED a head as you can rotate/tilt/pan by just moving the monopod. Some still use a ball head, but IMO it is not necessary for most work. I use a Manfrotto 3232 tilt head on mine (Manfrotto 681B). The different numbers are mainly just different sizes of monopods (length/diameter/weight).
On a 5D it is very wide :D

The Sigma is okay, it is convenient but the IQ sucks. I borrowed my friends Sigma 18-200 OS for about a week. But I do not expect to get great sharp pics from a lens with that versatile range (unless you are taking about the Nikon 18-200VR, that is one sweet lens).

Actually I believe that Sigma 18-200 OS is better optically then the Nikon. The Nikon is distorted all over its zoom range and it is a very poor lens for what it cost. Sub par build IQ is average and its a lens that I think most should just avoid.
Wow Grentz and BrinNutz I cant believe you really havent had any responses to your posts?! I normally skulk in the Travel, Urban, Still, People and Wedding threads for stuff. I have never been without a response for more than a couple hours, really all depends on where and when you post.
Actually I believe that Sigma 18-200 OS is better optically then the Nikon. The Nikon is distorted all over its zoom range and it is a very poor lens for what it cost. Sub par build IQ is average and its a lens that I think most should just avoid.

I agree, the Sigma OS is a very good lens (much better than the non-OS version 18-200) and the Nikon is not really THAT much more amazing. The Nikon is a lot better than the non-OS version but not really that much better than the Sigma I believe. I have used the Nikon and it is decent, better than a lot of superzooms, but still cannot come close to smaller zooms.

Wow Grentz and BrinNutz I cant believe you really havent had any responses to your posts?! I normally skulk in the Travel, Urban, Still, People and Wedding threads for stuff. I have never been without a response for more than a couple hours, really all depends on where and when you post.

Well, depends. I have sometimes gotten responses, and sometimes not. Just depends.

I do wish more users would come from the Bodies and Lenses areas though, most just stay up there and never go down to the other forums :(
Actually I believe that Sigma 18-200 OS is better optically then the Nikon. The Nikon is distorted all over its zoom range and it is a very poor lens for what it cost. Sub par build IQ is average and its a lens that I think most should just avoid.

While I don't have any experience with the Nikon 18-200VR, I've had the chance to test out the Sigma 18-200 some more.

The sigma certainly does have it's weakness. Pictures come out very soft around the 24 to 40mm range. I am not sure if this is a problem with my copy or if it is a problem with Sigma's version of that lens.

One thing I do note according to tests at is that the optically sharper lenses in the wide super zoom category (> 3x zoom) seem to have more barrel distortion on the wide end than the Sigma, and the weak focal range may be because of Sigma's attempt to correct for that spherical aberration.

Nevertheless, I still like this lens enough as a keeper. It is just way too convenient having an 18mm focal length for indoor group shots, and being able to zoom to 50mm+ for good candid closeups without scaring your subjects.

And the telephoto end of the lens is pretty good.
hi guys i took this pic yesterday. what you guys think? its a canon 400d using the stock lens :p

Not a bad shot jonny but looks a bit soft to me. However, I have a feeling that is my 10+yr old CRT that I am looking at it through. Nonetheless, the kit lens is known to be a horrible lens with the few exceptions here and there.
It's very good. Like greg said, looks a tad soft, maybe just a little out of focus, though I'm new too...So don't quote me on that.

First football/sports I've shot, my fav:


I post in the EOS and EF/EF-S forums, but Im about as new as you.
hi guys i took this pic yesterday. what you guys think? its a canon 400d using the stock lens :p

if you shot this pic with the 18-55 wide open thats just fine. that lens isnt very sharp when shot wide open. if you stop it down to f8 it would become much sharper images
Ok, so as I'm still doing tons of reading and haven't reached this part yet.

The lower the f number, the better the bokah, correct?
Ok, so as I'm still doing tons of reading and haven't reached this part yet.

The lower the f number, the better the bokah, correct?

Not exactly. The larger the actual aperture, the more shallow the depth of field. With a wider lens, you'll get a greater depth of field when compared to a longer lens at the same f-number. Some lenses will have better bokeh than others based on the number of aperture blades and optical design (DO glass, mirror lenses, etc. can affect the pattern). So while you generally have more background blur and more pleasing bokeh with a lower f-number, bokeh is not strictly a function of f-number alone
Yeah, I have to agree with fugu and Grentz. More than likely it is not you but the inferior glass that you are using. If you picked up a nifty fifty you would probably see the DOF and sharpness of the image increase greatly if you shot both with equal aperature, iso, shutter at 50mm. Just keep playing with it.. I have been playing with my P&S for close to five months now and I am still learning a lot.

Ok so we need a quick list of people that are members over at POTN..
Mine: gregnash
BrinNutz: BrinNutz
GLSauron: ???
darktiger: darktiger

I think that is all that I can remember from here at the moment.
GLSauron is ilkhan over there...=)

azneinstein is azneinstein there as well. Though I don't know if he's been posting much this way..
Cool... ok have added everyone to my buddylist..

P.S. the FedEx just showed up with my 2gb A-Data Turbo card and Canon 50mm f/1.8 II!!! Now just to wait for my 20D to show up and I can start shooting.

I picked up a SanDisk 4gb Extreme III card for like $30 shipped a couple weeks ago..=0