New to the group


Nov 28, 2004
New folder, just brought on the following boxes:

1. E3-1270 Xeon
2. i5-3470
3. i5-4430
4. i5-4430
5. [email protected] with a GTX660

I have one more Haswell I might configure, a couple are full the others are set to light duty. Currently showing ~97,000PPD.

Not sure how long I'll keep them going, probably way too late in the game to get anywhere noticeable on the list!
Thanks! Currently reading up on the 4P G34 boxes, they really seem the way to go on PPD vs watt.

Still reading..
The nice thing with g34, is you can start with 1 chip and add as you find. I know on MC you can mix cpu as well, they will run at the slowest chips speed.

Any memory that is ddr3 will work, sure 1600 cl7 would be ace, but it is spendy.
Welcome! Feel free to ask questions after you've read up. We'll happily help spend your money ;)
Welcome to the [H]orde! Any amount of PPD is worth it, no matter how small or large! It's all in the name of science!
L, and now everyone's still confused!
Hello and Welcome. Please do not pay any attention to runs2far. He's ran his mind into a ditch and never recovered.

Join our IRC for any help or just to BS!
Doesn't matter how high you are on a list, all that matters is that you're here. Welcome!
Ok, I've been running all my clients for a while now, virgin with no tweaks. Are there any "your a dumb ass" for not running off the bat switches/tweaks I should be taking advantage of?

All clients are Linux, x64, Haswell/Ivy/Sandy mix.

I'm back in the folding game now as well, been a couple years. Just got my Evga sc 780gtx today. The precision-x software is great, set my temp and fan ranges and it will auto overclock the clockspeed and voltage to hit that range. Was hitting over 1100 easy.

Do I need to put a beta and advanced flag? (client-type)
Would changing my image settings to performance in the nvidia control panel help?
Latest WHQL drivers working good?
Whats the max temperature I want to hit on the 780?
Whats the average gpu/memory overclock?

Thanks guys!
You only put one client-type flag. The better option PPD-wise is to use beta, as with advanced you'll probably end up getting a mix of core 17 and core 15 work, with the latter earning far fewer PPD. This isn't the officially endorsed route, as they only really want beta team members using the flag and you won't get help at the official forums, but troubleshooting any problems won't be an issue here.

I don't think changing the performance settings will do anything. I don't believe I've done that on my dual 780 rig, and I'm getting the PPD everyone else seems to be getting.

I've found the latest WHQL to be the best for the 780. It's terrible for any Kepler below a 780, but that doesn't apply to you.

I'd say keep the temps under 85C, I guess. I have my second 780, in the lower slot and unobstructed by anything, running at a constant 65% fan speed, which keeps it around 65C. The first one, which is rather obstructed by my sound card, is running at 75% fan speed and is around 80C.

Don't overclock the memory, at least not if all it's going to be used for is folding. GPU folding has never really been bottlenecked by memory speed, and often people say to underclock it to save a bit of power and keep things slightly more stable. I have both of my cards at 2500 MHz memory (set to -500 in Precision) and I don't see any PPD drop. As for core speed, both of my cards are stable at 1215 MHz boost, with the voltage being automatically set to 1149 mV. 1228 MHz has always failed at some point for me. I'm not sure if my results are typical; one of my cards is an SC and the other one is a FTW, so it's possible they're better binned than the stock cards.
Well, seems as something changed, did work just get harder or am I screwed up?

[email protected] + GTX660     ~ 25k PPD
i5-4430@3ghz + GTX650Ti   ~ 17K PPD
i5-4430@3ghz + GTX650     ~ 12k PPD
i5-4430@3ghz              ~ 14K PPD

All set to full blast, no other usage, heck the 4430 with no GPU is faster than one with?

All v7 linux, GPUs have client-type beta flag.


All GPUs running 331.2 binary blob, all show running max speed, no thermal slowdowns.
Well, seems as something changed, did work just get harder or am I screwed up?

[email protected] + GTX660     ~ 25k PPD
i5-4430@3ghz + GTX650Ti   ~ 17K PPD
i5-4430@3ghz + GTX650     ~ 12k PPD
i5-4430@3ghz              ~ 14K PPD

All set to full blast, no other usage, heck the 4430 with no GPU is faster than one with?

All v7 linux, GPUs have client-type beta flag.


All GPUs running 331.2 binary blob, all show running max speed, no thermal slowdowns.

I'm new too, as a reference been running a 2600k @ 4.2 Ghz for a few weeks and I get about 22k ppd on Windows

I was running my 5850 but it didn't seem to add much at all.

I really wish I could step up my game, money is an issue right now for me thou.
my 650ti gets 24k-25k folding just gpu, no cpu. have folded both windows and linux with v7 and saw little or no difference on gpu numbers. 660ti gets around 65k again just gpu no cpu folding.
Gonna jump down a version or two and see what happens.

Downgraded to driver version 319, PPD went from 12K to 15K, assuming the WUs were of equal difficulty, so who knows.

Considering a different box with the same CPU and no GPU can do 14K, I'm beginning to see no advantage to GPU folding.

Something is dicked up, just don't know what it is.
I think you have it backwards.
The bigger points will be available if you completely stop folding with the CPUs. With Nvidia cards the CPUs folding only hamper the GPU output.
Those GPUs should all get 25K+ if you disable CPU folding.
... dropped all 3 with GPUs down to cpu:3, I'll leave it till tomorrow.

But are you still CPU folding?
And....what are you reading these estimates from?
Some methods are very poor at reporting correct stats.
Yeah, I now have 3 CPU cores folding, one spare for the GPU, plus the GPU itself.

Estimates are coming from FAHControl.
Leaving a spare core did help, I still think the 660 should be doing much better.

[email protected] + GTX660     ~ 32k PPD
i5-4430@3ghz + GTX650Ti   ~ 20K PPD
i5-4430@3ghz + GTX650     ~ 21k PPD
i5-4430@3ghz              ~ 14K PPD

According to FAHControl, the [email protected] is doing around 14k PPD, and the 660 about 18k PPD.
The 331.xx driver issue appears to be known:

"Regarding the loss of performance, thanks for providing us with additional data. We are aware of the situation and the development team is looking into this issue. I hope that this issue will be resolved in the future. I am currently using WHQL 327.23 on my GTX 660 Ti and GTX 650 and it is folding along nicely."

I dropped down to v304 and PPD went up significantly!

The 660 box from 32k PPD to 55k
The 650Ti box from 18k to 38k.