New to the X1800XT


Aug 28, 2005
ok, im getting my powercolor X1800XT 512mb in a couple days, and im gonna OC this beast for sure, what programs will i need? because i heard Oc'ing this thing is harder than the typical ATi-Tool, slide core and mem up to higher clocks.

What else could i do to improve performance, i got the sapphire OC bios flash, how do i flash the card with this bios?

sorry for newb questions.

any other help will be most glady appriciated.

for the bios flash you need to down clock your card to 500/500 than open the flash utility,do a save flash so you have your original,than click the load button than choose the 103 bios bin file,check the force button than click program
800 points in 3d mark with this
Yeah ATI Tool only shows the 2D clocks and hasn't been re-designed to work with the way ATI is now doing things (separate 2D/3D clocks). You can still use it to monitor temperatures. But there is a separate utility you'll need to get in order to properly set the clock speeds via software.
Me three, I'm looking for some info or links on exactly how to do this to my X1800 Xt card.
hey, was just asking for people's opinions, but before i did a fresh format for my new rig, my X1800XT performed better, and now after a fresh copy of XP, and installing the same drivers and dual core fixes, it performs worst, anyone got any suggestions why? (it use to be able to clock much higher than 700/800, but now it struggles to stay at that.)


DFi eXpert
Opteron 170 @ 2.8
Powercolor X1800XT (bios flashed, 700/800 core mem respectively)
Geil ONE series ram @ 255mhz 2.5 3 3 7
Antec NeoHE 550W

PS: this performance change was all in one day, got my card, cleaned out my nvidia drivers, chuck my XT in, 5.13 drivers in, and voila, worked like a goddess. so i decided, my computer was a bit messy, so i gave it a fresh format, after that it wouldnt even perform on par as it did before the format. at all times clocks were done with 100% stock speed fan.
ta addict#2 said:
for the bios flash you need to down clock your card to 500/500 than open the flash utility,do a save flash so you have your original,than click the load button than choose the 103 bios bin file,check the force button than click program
800 points in 3d mark with this

how do you downclock to 500/500 in dos mode 0.0?
Digital Viper-X- said:
how do you downclock to 500/500 in dos mode 0.0?

The zip file includes a Windows flash utility which works great.

Btw, i didn't downclock the card to 500/500, and had no problems.
I use the windows flash utility,works perfect,
2d speeds are the ones to downclock for flash
fugger,oc guru recomends to down clock to avoid possible flash corruption,his post are at extremsystems forum
HERE is something that might help you with you X1800XT 512MB adventures. Also, there's not need for PE BIOS flash, people that did it revert back to original BIOS because they were having better luck OCing with stock BIOS than with PE BIOS. Of course this is all up to you. I kept the original BIOS and didn't even bother flahsing.