New Tomb Raider Legends

JBark said:
This might help:;EN-US;Q311272

Command line interface to the device manager. Write yourself 2 batch files, one to disable the device and one to enable it. Just figure out the device id, and that's all you need. Disabled devices stay that way after a reboot as well.

but in the end I edited the registry to set the phantom axis to a calibration of zero, just took a bit of detective work to find the correct keys.

I already fixed it, thanks for the help though :)

Yato said:
Hi All!

I only joined this forum to give a solution to the invert mouse X axis problem, if anyone should need it.
1. Open up regedit, and find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Dynamics\Tomb Raider: Legend
2. The MouseSensitivity value is the same as set in the game in an interval of [1..20]. All you need to do is enter the negavite value of the sensitivity you need. E.g. if you use the game at a sensitivity of 10 you need to enter -10 which in hexadecimal terms is 0xfffffff6. So edit the MouseSensitivity and enter fffffff6 as a value.
3. This trick will also reverse the X axsis, so you will need to set that to "Yes" in the game. Or you can also change the CameraXInverted and AimXInverted values to ffffffff.

Hope this helps, please spread the word, as I found no solutions to this problem via Google...


Hi, I was reading your post about inverting the mouse axis. I tried it and it worked perfectly, except that I want a higher value. I like to play with the sensativity set at 18-20. What hexadecimal entry would I use for that. Sorry for the stupid question, but I'm not familiar with that numbering system. Thx.
I got this game saterday mourning and must say i loved all 7 hours it took me to beat it. I play all my games at the middle setting frist time through to get the feel for them. this one i might have to go back and try the harder setting the game was just to easy. but none the less i loved playing it and hope thay come out with a new one soon. it looked great and the best part it loaded fast and i mean fast.

i am having sound issues as well with the "popping" noises.....but i restarted a couple times and the sound was back to normal......WEIRD.

if anyone comes across a fix or reason for this please post a reply.
Yato said:
Hi All!

I only joined this forum to give a solution to the invert mouse X axis problem, if anyone should need it.
1. Open up regedit, and find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Dynamics\Tomb Raider: Legend
2. The MouseSensitivity value is the same as set in the game in an interval of [1..20]. All you need to do is enter the negavite value of the sensitivity you need. E.g. if you use the game at a sensitivity of 10 you need to enter -10 which in hexadecimal terms is 0xfffffff6. So edit the MouseSensitivity and enter fffffff6 as a value.
3. This trick will also reverse the X axsis, so you will need to set that to "Yes" in the game. Or you can also change the CameraXInverted and AimXInverted values to ffffffff.

Hope this helps, please spread the word, as I found no solutions to this problem via Google...


Thank you so much!!! :)
Nice pool shot!! :D

I have the 360 version and it is currently my favorite game. I have played most of the 360 games but this one takes the cake IMO.

Once you get the controls down, you can run around like a little ninja. Love it. :D
She looks like she has anorexia...

But is this a good game or is it a good game for being Tomb raider???

I was a bit confused about a review I read. IGN praising it for being the best Tomb Raider game ever and without playing Tomb raider but hearing so much about it I thought that would mean it´s really good but it gets kind of 8:s all around. Which of course is good but not stellar...

If you aren´t a fan of silicon chicks is there still a good game out there or is there better games available? I love the exploring in Morrowind/Oblivion is there good environments to explore in Tombraider or is it more linear?
It's a good game, if you aren't using an nVidia card.

Then it makes you want to pull your hair out.
What joystick are you using to play this game? Or keyboard? on computers that is!
Rehevkor said:
It's a good game, if you aren't using an nVidia card.

Then it makes you want to pull your hair out.

Um, using a 7800 GTX here and it runs beautifully at 1280x1024 using the 84.43 drivers.

Not a single glitch I've seen yet.
Limahl said:
Um, using a 7800 GTX here and it runs beautifully at 1280x1024 using the 84.43 drivers.

Not a single glitch I've seen yet.

With the Next Gen option turned on?
Rehevkor said:
With the Next Gen option turned on?
Does it really matter?

I've only played the demo yet, and I have a pair of SLI'd 6600GTs to play it on, so I haven't seen 'Next Gen' and aren't likely to have it playable anyway. But the game looks pretty damn good nevertheless, the control system is fixed, and that's all that was ever wrong with the series anyway.

'Scuse me now. I've got TR4 cranked up for a re-run while I'm waiting for the mail to arrive :)
Catweazle said:
Does it really matter?

I've only played the demo yet, and I have a pair of SLI'd 6600GTs to play it on, so I haven't seen 'Next Gen' and aren't likely to have it playable anyway. But the game looks pretty damn good nevertheless, the control system is fixed, and that's all that was ever wrong with the series anyway.

'Scuse me now. I've got TR4 cranked up for a re-run while I'm waiting for the mail to arrive :)

I just get annoyed when a developer flashes all these nice screenshots with HDR and so forth, then releases a game that's incapable of running those settings playably on my hardware. Considering I can play Oblivion cranked wide open at 1920x1200 with ultra-high res texture packs, I find TRL's performance in Next Gen mode to be an absolute joke.

What pisses me off is that the developer and publisher had to know about this problem, but they released the game anyway instead of taking the time to work with nVidia and fix it.
Rehevkor said:
What pisses me off is that the developer and publisher had to know about this problem, but they released the game anyway instead of taking the time to work with nVidia and fix it.

So you expect them to wait until nvidia/ati fix a problem on their drivers?
Netrat33 said:
So you expect them to wait until nvidia/ati fix a problem on their drivers?

Yes. That problem causes a very large feature of the game to be unusable on an entire category of hardware. Besides, any self-respecting developer should live by the words "Don't release it until it's DONE." If it looks and feels like a beta, it shouldn't be on the shelves.
I only the played the first game demo and i was young and stupid so I sucked at it... I mite buy some of the old games for PS1 that where good then this one once its 30 - 20 bucks i'll buy this one... I also saw the movies but they didnt give me the tomb raider feel also...

I also saw the reviews so this does look good...
Rehevkor said:
Yes. That problem causes a very large feature of the game to be unusable on an entire category of hardware. Besides, any self-respecting developer should live by the words "Don't release it until it's DONE." If it looks and feels like a beta, it shouldn't be on the shelves.


No game works perfectly right out of the box. And if it's a driver long are they going to wait for nvidia/ati to get their s straight?

The put out the game. Ati was on track this time...what's nvidia's excuse? I guess ID software (Doom3) should have waited until ati caught up first right?

See what I mean.
Netrat33 said:

No game works perfectly right out of the box. And if it's a driver long are they going to wait for nvidia/ati to get their s straight?

The put out the game. Ati was on track this time...what's nvidia's excuse? I guess ID software (Doom3) should have waited until ati caught up first right?

See what I mean.

I didn't say it had to be perfect. It would be nice if they would take the time to work out major graphics engine bugs, don't you think? I mean, it's not like they could have missed it.
yea, with next gen turns out, it kills my frame rates. i get like 30-40fps. with it off, i'm around 100fps. I think they released a patch for the game that might fix some performance issues, i hope. It looks really great w/ next gen on.
How does it run on a rediculously high end system? 30 to 40 fps doesn't sound that bad. Nice setup you got there. I've got some pushing under the hood as well.
i haven't played it much yet, but some of the outdoor areas I was only doing like 20-25fps.
I'm running an FX-60 with a single 7800 GTX card, I havent bothered to get any FPS numbers yet, I've been too busy just playing.

Next Gen I can turn on and play pretty well in the mansion with, esp with those newer drivers, outside in huge areas its pretty crippling still, as expected. My previous drivers, which were WHQL were lousy with Next Gen on.

Heck even EQ2 has video options that most people can't use to play with at anything over single digit framerates, so this isnt a surprise to me.

I'll try to get some FPS numbers next time I fire it up.

EDIT - Ok, loaded up FRAPS and did some laps around the mansion, with everything turned on, including Next Gen, and then with everything but Next Gen on.

With Next Gen on, FRAPS reported rates from 20-30 FPS.
With Next Gen off, FRAPS reported a solid 60 FPS with no dips below.

I also started a new game and tested the same configs.....

Next Gen - 15-20 FPS
No Next Gen - 60 FPS no drops

I've got things set atm to lock game framerate to refresh rate, which on my LCD is 60.

So yes, Next Gen makes a huge difference in frame rate, but it's also showing about 4x the amount of detail if you look very closely at screenshots.

I think a second 7800 GTX would get things up to playable level no problem with Next Gen on. Sadly I dont have $500 to spend to find out for sure right now.

Either way, I still think this is a great game and certainly worth the price of purchase, for the PC anyway.
I just installed the 1.1 patch. In the manor w/ nextgen on, i'm getting 40-70fps, and outdoors it looks like around 35-65fps. So the patch looks like it improves some.
Oooh, good to know!!

I'll have to grab it and try again.

Thanks for the heads up!
I bought the 1.1 downloadable version. Some levels (kazakstan) just crash straight to desktop w/ next gen enabled. Even w/ the new TRL nvidia beta drivers and my 7900s in SLI, it's not pretty w/ next gen on. Constant 60fps @ 2560x1600 though w/ NG off...

Also, there seems to be huge light problems, stuff gets VERY dark now w/ NG on...

hrm, wish it were more tweakable.

The demo looks great on my 360 though... shame it was $20 more. (that and I plan on returning it, so buying a game for it would be money down the tube).
Montresor said:
hrm, wish it were more tweakable.

Agreed. I'm tempted to ask the developer what fit of utter stupidity drove them to put ALL of the high-end graphic options into a single on/off toggle option. They were obviously lazy enough in testing (if they did any) but to lump all the advanced options into one toggle? I mean, what the shit?