New Ubuntu user with a couple of questions


Oct 27, 2007
Right thats me got Ubuntu 7.10 up and running finally, after having a few problems with the live disc.

Have it set up and everything seems to be running well.

I am running the kernel at bootup with the following options IRQPOLL and ACPI=OFF, only way I could get it to boot.

Can somebody tell me what these settings actually do and if they will cause me any problems in day to day use.

Secondly, I'm looking for some recommendations for some Linux software for MP3, xvid videos, usenet and any other goodies you think may be useful.

Just wondering what you guys generally add to a new install.

Thanks in advance.;)
the IRQPOLL option can cause a drop in performance. Did you add it in response to multiple IRQ xx: nobody cared! type messages?

I am running the kernel at bootup with the following options IRQPOLL and ACPI=OFF, only way I could get it to boot.
Well ACPI=OFF tells the kernel to turn-off all the advanced power management stuff (you usually have todo this with a laptop install). Odd you have todo IRQPOLL as well (even at all) this option tells the kernel for every interrupt (ie hardware wanting todo something) whether the interupt handler should manage it or not

Ie DOG SLOW!!!! again this is pointing to a laptop install? is it?. The problem with laptops is they have custom IC's for quite alot of functions, ACPI is one of them and the generic drivers for ACPI usually fail.
During windows install it doesn't have any ACPI or such and you need to install mobo drivers post-install to get such functionality (a similar thing is needed with linux, just need to find correct kernel stuff - not ubuntu user or know yr pc you are using).
HOWEVER... if IRQPOLL makes yr pc work, try NOAPIC instead, this will be faster and it may point to the problem

again some updates post-install could sort this

Secondly, I'm looking for some recommendations for some Linux software for MP3, xvid videos, usenet and any other goodies you think may be useful.
for mp3 a whole load of apps (you may need to install the mp3 libraries tho - for legal reasons they are not shipped with the install medium).
audacious is a good mp3 player (winamp like as well) otherwise exaile is my fav
for xvid and co:
vlc,mplayer,xine are the main ones
usenet ... dunno never use it but it may just be a donkey network
I did add the IRQPOLL command because of the IRQ xx: nobody cared! type messages.

Will try the NOPAIC option as I did feel that Ubuntu was a bit sluggish compared to the hog that is Vista.

Will also give some of the programs a try.

Cheers eeyrjmr...:)
Which IRQ number and what device is using that IRQ? A common source of the nobody cares! messages (if not the only source) stem from a device that the kernel doesn't recognize sending interrupts so it therefore doesn't know what to do with them. Narrowing down which device is leading to this may lead to an actual solution rather than attempts to mask the symptoms.

For usenet, pan is great. Also, check out the post your linux program sticky, it has descriptions of many great programs.
