New Valve game releasing on Monday

Aug 6, 2006
3 days from now, Valve will be releasing Alien Swarm, an update to the original total conversion mod for Unreal Tournament 2004. Valve hired the developers behind that mod two years ago and, in their spare time, have been working on a sequel to Alien Swarm. This sequel is being built on the Source Engine and will be available for free to all Steam users on July 19, 2010.

Two years ago, Valve hired the talented team behind the popular top down co-op mod Alien Swarm. Since then, they have been busy working on the Left 4 Dead Series, and now Portal 2. However, we never forgot about Alien Swarm and the team has spent a lot of time bringing the game to Source in between their contributions to the other Valve projects.
Looks cool. I've never played a Valve game I didn't like.
but its FREE? how are they gonna make money?

If they can get more people to use their client the more likely they are going to by a game. Releasing free games helps bring in new people.
I remember playing this back when it came out on UT2k4. It was fun.
Along with the game get the complete code base for Alien Swarm that features updates to the Source engine as well as the SDK. Alien Swarm adds 3rd person camera, depth of field, improved dynamic shadows and a wide variety of gameplay additions to the Source engine.

Sounds awesome!
Cool. Not my speed but free is my price. Yep, Valve is great and I help keep Gabe fat!:D
I believe this has been listed as coming soon for 3 years now, it used to show up under the list of free games and mods. Surprised it is getting released with Valve backing now :eek:

Though sadly it looks like a twin stick shooter which blows on PC...
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the last few valve games have been pretty dire and i had to pay for them!! Not holding out much hope for this
And to think...GPG thought we should PAY for Space Siege...:D

same like alien breed, another recent mediocre remake with co-op, with roots predating the ut2k4 mod. valve is going to bring them some shame, if a free game like this turns out to be as good as it looks.
I help keep Gabe fat!:D

Oh, that's great. And I spend so much on Steam that is going in my sig. That would make an excellent Steam group name.

Wasn't much of a fan of the original, but will still try this one out for the price.