New video card or new build for HD playback?


Limp Gawd
May 20, 2006
So I just bought myself a new TV and am thinking about building a HTPC to watch all my videos on but I'm having a hard time deciding on the route to go with it. I have an entry level Dell PowerEdge server that I got last year when they were on sale for $200 or something like that and have been using it as a headless file server. I keep it hidden away right behind my TV stand so it stays out of view.

I was wondering if I could get away with using that and dropping a PCI-based video card and my spare sound card in there for HD and sound processing, or would it just be a better idea to build one from scratch being that all i would need is a new AMD cpu and 780G mobo since I have the rest of the parts for it lying around (case, PSU, 2 GB RAM, HDD's). The server itself has a pentium E2160 @1.8 GHz and 1 GB ECC RAM, the video is integrated as of now. I've been going over w1retap's guide thinking I could offload the HD processing to the video card .

I currently use TVersity to stream stuff to my Xbox 360, but since it severely lags on the HD stuff I can't use it for anything HD on the file server. So if I go the video card drop-in route what card should I get? Since it has to be PCI since there's no PCI-e or AGP, I've been looking at an 8400GS and the 9400GT. If I go with a new CPU/mobo I would like the chipset to support all the HD stuff which is why I was looking at the 780G chipset. I'll also be dropping a BD drive into either setup as well for disc playback. So any information and insight would be greatly appreciated. If I missed anything, please let me know.

*EDIT*PCI and PCI-e 1x, there is one PCI-e x16 but it needs a mod to actually use it, they have plastic molded pieces that prevent a full PCI-e x16 from going in there without cutting them out.
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What type of expansions slots are available on the Dell?

No PCI video card is going to accelerate HD video.
New build. You have the file server already, dropping in a video card isn't going to help with the Xbox thing (that's entirely CPU driven). Leave it as a headless file server and stop trying to make it do things it clearly can't.

Go with a decent dual core AMD CPU and an 8200/8300 based mobo. You don't need a video card.
correct, AM2 CPU and a 8200/8300 motherboard...

or a 4XX0 card from ATI.
What type of expansions slots are available on the Dell?

No PCI video card is going to accelerate HD video.

Not true the Nvidia 9400gt PCI will accelerate hd video,
but the card is $70...

So your best bet in my opinion is to get a cheap motherboard nvidia 8100 ($65) or amd 760 and a cheap dual core amd x2 like the 4050e ($35)

and you still in the same ballpark :)