New World Community Grid Team: Spam Hampster

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Aug 14, 2001
Got tired of the folding stats tug of war, joined IBM's new worldwide Grid project. Just created a team called Spam Hampster.

If you're interested in joining the new world folding project, feel free to join my team and pool the results....

Spam Hampster

Yeah, "hampster" should be "hamster". Whatever :)
That's ok moose. He was folding for the wrong reason anyway it seems.

Don't even get us started on pimping another team in the [H]ard|Forum. Geez. :rolleyes:
Killer[MoB] said:
That's ok moose. He was folding for the wrong reason anyway it seems.

Don't even get us started on pimping another team in the [H]ard|Forum. Geez. :rolleyes:

Agreed. Isn't there something about that in a sticky somewhere?
Killer[MoB] said:
That's ok moose. He was folding for the wrong reason anyway it seems.

Don't even get us started on pimping another team in the [H]ard|Forum. Geez. :rolleyes:
Sup Killer...long time no see!
I hope he knows that he could just join our UD team and he would be working on the exact same project. If you do not believe me: check out .

This could be a little ironic!

Hi guys. I'm here. I only post on special occasions though. LOL

Excellent point there James.
I guess if that's your style of phylanthropy, I guess I should bid you good luck, however, you jumped ship for stats...

I guess it wouldnt be polite to say what I think needs saying. :mad:
no good can be had from people associating with hamsters....
now them mooses, that's a whole 'nother story

Killer[MoB] said:
Hi guys. I'm here. I only post on special occasions though. LOL

Excellent point there James.

Heya Killer! Sorry about bumping you down a rank - well no I'm not. ;)

I used to be at 400 overall, and am slowly backsliding - your rank was an unfortunate victim in my effort to keep my head above water. It's looking like 10K a day is what it takes just to stay within a stone's throw of the NSZ. I'm not there yet, so you can sure as heck bet I aint gonna go play with a pocket hampster!

NoEcho - At least you're running medical research. Keep it up. Although I see no sense in why you would abandon the [H]orde. So I shall decline your offer and solicit my own: come back to the [H]orde, your cycles are welcome in Folding and UD.
Yeah.... I'm a sellout cuz I pay attention to stats... then two posts down guys are jousting about their stats... and I'm being extolled to rejoin my stats to hardocp's. :rolleyes: Carnival and Killer, you change your projects to return results under "anonymous" for no team and you'll have a point. Otherwise you're just being hypocrites.

The topic for this forum is "distributed computing"... not "folding for hardocp".

Doing any folding, anywhere, for any legit project is charitable DC and all of equal value. Beyond that, it matters to US only where those points are doled. It only matters to "sellouts" who care where their stats go. The truly, blindly charitable would not report name or team for their results.

I'm not blindly charitable and I sure as hell won't pretend to be. Like every other human I've met - I want recognition for my efforts.

The new grid project is not just 'folding'... although that's the first project it's working on. Joining my team is not joining a competitor to Hardocp's folding project. It's different. Frankly, the grid project is less polished in some ways and more precise in others ... and most of the people in it are not techie. It's a new game. Peeps who are in to that are invited to join.

You purists should - of course - just fold or crunch anonymously for no team... as I'm sure you've been doing all along.
AtomicMoose said:
You haven't given up on us have you??!

We need folders now more than ever! :(

I haven't given up on crunching. It still strikes me as a good thing to do. Nice to see you're still around :)
NoEcho said:
Yeah.... I'm a sellout cuz I pay attention to stats... then two posts down guys are jousting about their stats... and I'm being extolled to rejoin my stats to hardocp's. :rolleyes: Carnival and Killer, you change your projects to return results under "anonymous" for no team and you'll have a point. Otherwise you're just being hypocrites.

The topic for this forum is "distributed computing"... not "folding for hardocp".

Doing any folding, anywhere, for any legit project is charitable DC and all of equal value. Beyond that, it matters to US only where those points are doled. It only matters to "sellouts" who care where their stats go. The truly, blindly charitable would not report name or team for their results.

I'm not blindly charitable and I sure as hell won't pretend to be. Like every other human I've met - I want recognition for my efforts.

The new grid project is not just 'folding'... although that's the first project it's working on. Joining my team is not joining a competitor to Hardocp's folding project. It's different. Frankly, the grid project is less polished in some ways and more precise in others ... and most of the people in it are not techie. It's a new game. Peeps who are in to that are invited to join.

You purists should - of course - just fold or crunch anonymously for no team... as I'm sure you've been doing all along.

My position stands - just because I have a position contrary to someone else's hardly makes us hypocrites. Now if I were to accuse you of selling out because of stats then sure, you'd be spot on. Sorry pal, but we are a team not a hive-mind. We often disagree.

Like I said, I'm glad to see you're still crunching. But you can expect to catch some heat if you're gonna pimp a project and team and the best reason you have for it is:
NoEcho said:
Got tired of the folding stats tug of war, joined IBM's new worldwide Grid project. <snip>
I read what you posted as saying the only reason you were folding was for stats. I just stated that folding only for stats is for the wrong reason.

I however did not say that stats were not important. If they were the most important thing to me I would have quit when I was number 2 on the team. Then I could have gone out on the top of my game. Yet I still fold, falling through the ranks like a stone.
This many people can’t all be here and agree on everything, that’s statistically impossible. If it were the points I’d have left after the last points mess. If I left every time I got upset about something I’d leave about every other day.

I’m here, part of the team. Feels good, lot’s of good people.

Fold on folk, it’s what we do.;)

I have a problem with supporting anything hampster oriented. All they do is run blindly through those plastic tunnels….lost it seems. No rodents for me.
Hampsters (hamsters) are gay.......or is that a gerbil thing? Where's Richard Gere when you need an answer?
DooKey said:
Hampsters (hamsters) are gay.......or is that a gerbil thing? Where's Richard Gere when you need an answer?

Last I heard he was trimming itty bitty toenails :rolleyes:
DooKey said:
Hampsters (hamsters) are gay.......

At least some of them have to be straight or there'd be no little hampsters. The name just amuses me. Spam Hampster.

I created the team after I saw one created for "gay canadians". It was too absurd. What does crunching for a worldwide project have to do with either? That was after the usual USA, Canadian, French, Spanish, British, Double Cpu, Team Watercooler... etc. teams popping up. People dividing themselves up according to sexual orientation, geographical location... next up I expect to see schools. Arbitrary dividers. Think there's 1,300 teams now. A whole bunch anyway. Spam Hampster will just be about crunching. No matter where you're from. No matter what you do or what you do it to.
Or one could be even more team specific:

The US team for Straight Conservative Americans who support President Bush, our troops overseas, believe in God, Christmas and the Easter Bunny who hang out at the Water cooler and don't much like the French. :D
BillR said:
Or one could be even more team specific:

The US team for Straight Conservative Americans who support President Bush, our troops overseas, believe in God, Christmas and the Easter Bunny who hang out at the Water cooler and don't much like the French. :D

hey.. that is how I answer the phone!

Anyway, judging only by your tug of war statement, I too could only assume where your heart was. You'll get no apology from me but I am glad you clarified alittle.

On a different note, I like hamsters just fine... especially in onions and curry. ;)
I always felt the point system was nothing more than a way to develop friendly rivalries to keep things fresh, exciting and interresting... nothing more.
BakedON said:
I always felt the point system was nothing more than a way to develop friendly rivalries to keep things fresh, exciting and interresting... nothing more.

Nothing more? Naww, gotta have some humor in there somewhere. Laughter keeps it all going after all ;)
BillR said:
Nothing more? Naww, gotta have some humor in there somewhere. Laughter keeps it all going after all ;)
Yeah that was sort of implied.... or is it inferred??.... damned english language.....
BillR said:
Or one could be even more team specific:

The US team for Straight Conservative Americans who support President Bush, our troops overseas, believe in God, Christmas and the Easter Bunny who hang out at the Water cooler and don't much like the French. :D

Wouldn't that be Team Dittohead?
mwarps said:
Wouldn't that be Team Dittohead?
not to harp on anyone, but, personally, i think it'd be Team Dipshit...

sorry for the strong language, but homophobic comments really piss me off, peace BillR...
Carnival Forces said:
not to harp on anyone, but, personally, i think it'd be Team Dipshit...

sorry for the strong language, but homophobic comments really piss me off, peace BillR...

Had to go back and look for the homophobic part. Yeah. Agreed, Carnival... But that is why I called it Dittohead [google is your friend]
Carnival Forces said:
not to harp on anyone, but, personally, i think it'd be Team Dipshit...

sorry for the strong language, but homophobic comments really piss me off, peace BillR...

It’s always funny when for any lack of intelligent comment a liberal will always spout “rhetoric”.

As usual you know nothing about me, but without hesitation you make a judgment call. It’s people like you my friend who keep the “Ditto heads” alive and well with much to comment on and believe in. (I know ending a sentence with a preposition is grammatically incorrect, but we do there here in PA, straight and gay alike)

Thank you :D
Carnival Forces said:
not to harp on anyone, but, personally, i think it'd be Team Dipshit...

sorry for the strong language, but homophobic comments really piss me off, peace BillR...

Calling yourself what you are doesn't make you a hater of those who aren't like you, and it isn't wrong. BillR is free to say whatever he wants to say about himself and describe himself however he pleases, and he should be free from harrasment and predjudice when he does. Isn't that what it's all about after all? Everyone deserves free speech, not just the "victims" who want to push their agenda on the rest of us. I doubt you'll find any homophobs here but you will find plenty of people who speak their mind. Besides, Dittoheads are people too you know. ;) :eek:
BillR said:
Or one could be even more team specific:

The US team for Straight Conservative Americans who support President Bush, our troops overseas, believe in God, Christmas and the Easter Bunny who hang out at the Water cooler and don't much like the French. :D

Seriously :p

Spam Hampster still has only one guy (two pc's) folding. All left-handed sous chefs who drive red toyotas should join.

Also: balding electricians from Ohio, double-jointed lesbian yoga instructors from Idaho, aspiring real estate agents from New Orleans, and a smattering of Belgian truck drivers who've discovered watercooling. Pile in.
/shakes fist

i'll never switch from [H], little tho my contribution be.

never, i say, NEVER!
starhawk said:
/shakes fist

i'll never switch from [H], little tho my contribution be.

never, i say, NEVER!

Accountants who spend too much time playing EQ welcome too
:D .
NoEcho said:
Accountants who spend too much time playing EQ welcome too
:D .
:rolleyes: actually, i'm a college student who spends too much time on [H]. check out my posts per day if you don't believe me.
That makes us all very “diverse” doesn’t it. Of course in that case we form a “class” which totally negates the diverse position.

Ponder that while you sleep. :rolleyes:
BillR said:
That makes all very “diverse” doesn’t it. Of course in that case we form a “class” which totally negates the diverse position.

Ponder that while you sleep. :rolleyes:
Do you try to make our heads hurt?
NoEcho said:
Seriously :p

Spam Hampster still has only one guy (two pc's) folding. All left-handed sous chefs who drive red toyotas should join.

Also: balding electricians from Ohio, double-jointed lesbian yoga instructors from Idaho, aspiring real estate agents from New Orleans, and a smattering of Belgian truck drivers who've discovered watercooling. Pile in.

Strangely enough I do have a friend who is a Sous-Chef who does drive a Toyota (silver) and is also gay (completely blowing (no pun intended) Carnival Forces theory out the door). He is however right handed, not left and is utterly and completely computer-phobic.

Would he count? ;)
BillR said:
Strangely enough I do have a friend who is a Sous-Chef who does drive a Toyota (silver) and is also gay (completely blowing (no pun intended) Carnival Forces theory out the door). He is however right handed, not left and is utterly and completely computer-phobic.

Would he count? ;)

left-handed and a silver toyota... That's two strikes against him...
Justamino_[H] said:

left-handed and a silver toyota... That's two strikes against him...

Hey, what have you got against left-handers, are you left-hander-phobic or something? ;) :D
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