New Xbox Experience is Live?


Dec 14, 2002
Hey guys, just got booted off Live and am supposedly downloading the new xbox dashboard now. I have about 4 minutes left in my download.

Anyone else getting this?
I think I may have. Don't really remember though.

Why would they start up a beta two days before the release though?

edit: Finished downloading.
Everyone who signed up for the Preview, but wasn't previously selected, has been given the NXE as of tonight. If you didn't sign-up for the Preview, or your sign-up failed, or you typoed your ConsoleID in the sign-up, you'll have to wait until 19th to get the NXE.
Well, I'll check out all the new stuff later. Playing some Gears 2 now. I can tell it's nice and fast pulling up the dashboard in game for sure.
Got nothing this morning, so I guess I never signed up for anything. Now that I think about it, I don't think I ever got that site to work. Oh well - I can wait the 18 hours.
Wow, I can't believe the update is only one day away. It will be nice to silent this DVD drive with some game installs.
I've been using it since this past weekend, and I really like it. Like others have said, if you signed up for the beta, but was never selected during the three rounds they rolled it out, you were able to download it last night.

NetFlix is by far my favorite feature at this point... but I haven't installed any games yet, or done a whole lot else with some of the additions.
Just incase you were not all aware....u can now turn off auto-run. So if your Xbox is on, you can swap disks in and out and not have the game or movie automatically start up. It just remains on the dashboard (though you can see what is in the HDD from the dash still).

Just thought you would like to know. It's not enabled by default, and it's located under system settings.
Just incase you were not all aware....u can now turn off auto-run. So if your Xbox is on, you can swap disks in and out and not have the game or movie automatically start up. It just remains on the dashboard (though you can see what is in the HDD from the dash still).

Just thought you would like to know. It's not enabled by default, and it's located under system settings.

Nice. That's always bugged me a little bit! Now I just need to see if my HDMI audio hiccups are fixed.
Just incase you were not all aware....u can now turn off auto-run. So if your Xbox is on, you can swap disks in and out and not have the game or movie automatically start up. It just remains on the dashboard (though you can see what is in the HDD from the dash still).

Just thought you would like to know. It's not enabled by default, and it's located under system settings.

Awesome!!! Always got on my nerves when it would automatically launch the disc even though I didn't want it to.
Dammit I can't wait for this tonight!! So the Netflix feature is in this update? I thought they said it was going to be added a bit later?
Dammit I can't wait for this tonight!! So the Netflix feature is in this update? I thought they said it was going to be added a bit later?

NetFlix will be available with the actual launch tomorrow. Heck, it's been available during the beta. I watched a movie this past Friday or Saturday, and I'm pretty sure people who got in the first round of "beta testing," were streaming NetFlix as well.
NetFlix will be available with the actual launch tomorrow. Heck, it's been available during the beta. I watched a movie this past Friday or Saturday, and I'm pretty sure people who got in the first round of "beta testing," were streaming NetFlix as well.

Awesome! Thanks! Netflix time! My gf is gonna love this. :)
NetFlix will be available with the actual launch tomorrow. Heck, it's been available during the beta. I watched a movie this past Friday or Saturday, and I'm pretty sure people who got in the first round of "beta testing," were streaming NetFlix as well.

if you don't mind me asking, was the movie you watched in HD?

if so, how did it look? i'm curious to see how this turns out.
Wow, I can't believe the update is only one day away. It will be nice to silent this DVD drive with some game installs.

It is. Battlefield:BC sounds good enough with what sounds like a small vacuum cleaner running right next to your TV.
I think there was always a way to disable disc auto run.

Update: yep :)

thats totally different from what they are talking about. What you posted is on startup sequence. What they are talking about is having your xbox already on, at the dashboard and you put a disc in then it will auto-boot the disc. With the new feature, you can set it to stay at the dashboard instead of auto-booting in.
thats totally different from what they are talking about. What you posted is on startup sequence. What they are talking about is having your xbox already on, at the dashboard and you put a disc in then it will auto-boot the disc. With the new feature, you can set it to stay at the dashboard instead of auto-booting in.

Thanks for clearing it up!

Anyone think they'll make the update live at 9pm PST? (since it's 12am EST)?
thats totally different from what they are talking about. What you posted is on startup sequence. What they are talking about is having your xbox already on, at the dashboard and you put a disc in then it will auto-boot the disc. With the new feature, you can set it to stay at the dashboard instead of auto-booting in.

Ooooh. :eek: my bad hahaha.
if you don't mind me asking, was the movie you watched in HD?

if so, how did it look? i'm curious to see how this turns out.

Unfortunately I don't know if it was in HD or not. There was nothing on the DVD cover-art the indicated it was in HD, and I didn't pay too much attention to the description "slide" when I selected this particular movie. I'm going to hop on my 360 in maybe 20 or 30 minutes, and I'll be sure to take a look.

I will say that the PQ was really good. Much better then I expected. The cool thing is the system will determine your connection speed, and your PQ will be based on your internet connection. So if you're fortunate to have a fast connection you'll get a better quality picture (higher bitrate). Anyway, I'd say the image was easily on par with a DVD. There were a couple instances where the video got jerky, but it didn't last long, and it only happened a couple times, when the camera panned quickly from left to right (or vise-versa).

Other then that it was great, and I'll be using the NetFlix feature A LOT.
Can someone check and see if you can now fast forward in music now? I listen to some pretty long songs and would like to fast forward through an intro every now and then.

We've been able to FF on video, but not music till now. Just wondering if they addressed this or if it is the same.
Anyone think they'll make the update live at 9pm PST? (since it's 12am EST)?
I went looking around the Xbox forum to see if this information was available, and the consensus seems to be that it will likely start propagating at 2AM Pacific/5AM Eastern (apparently this is their usual schedule for updates).

ETA: I'm excited myself since I don't have a good PC and want to use the Netflix streaming service -- signed up and set up a full queue this afternoon in anticipation. :)
I said earlier that I was going to hop on my 360, and check the movies in our queue. Unfortunately none of them say anything about them being in high definition. I'm still not sure if there's an HD version there will be like an "HD" in the movie details, before you put the stream going. Has anybody seen anything about this?

You'd think they would have some kind of indication as to whether or not the movie/video was in HD or SD. Maybe they do, but in our queue there is nothing to show that we have HD content.
I got a feeling netflix is gonna make a ton from new signups. its only like $8 a month right? I'll probably get a membership.
I got a feeling netflix is gonna make a ton from new signups. its only like $8 a month right?

It all depends on the plan. My wife and I have the top plan, which is like 16.99 a month, for three DVD movies at a time, and unlimited online streaming. They have the breakdown on the NetFlix site. I think there's like 4... maybe 5 plans. I can't remember. I'm also pretty sure there's a plan that is less then 8 bucks a month, but you really don't want that, if you plan to do streaming. You only get like 2 hours at a time.
It all depends on the plan. My wife and I have the top plan, which is like 16.99 a month, for three DVD movies at a time, and unlimited online streaming. They have the breakdown on the NetFlix site. I think there's like 4... maybe 5 plans. I can't remember. I'm also pretty sure there's a plan that is less then 8 bucks a month, but you really don't want that, if you plan to do streaming. You only get like 2 hours at a time.

Don't forget the +$1 for Blu-ray!
So far I've sampled a few, and none are in HD, but I think thats a "yet".

I don't recall where I read it, but I recall reading that Netflix will be rolling out their HD streaming sometime after this NXE launch and it will debut on the 360 service (and their box, and website)

So far, nothing seems to be in HD and theres no moniker to denote what is or isn't yet.

The picture quality isn't bad tho, it's easily on par with DVD, and the convenience of being able to have my regular blu-ray titles rented, as well as take advantage of extra streaming movies is nice

Edit: heres the engadget article
i installed the update this morning at 630est.

i wanted to just check the netflix stuff before i went to work, so i went into it, downloaded the module, and it prompted me to put a code into

the only thing is, the damn code doesn't work!

i requested a new code about 6 times, and none of them work!

uh oh.

also, i like how the new dashboard looks. it will take some getting used to, and i will need to customize it a little bit, but it is pretty cool.
Yep.... "device activation temporarily unavailable.. please try again in 2 hours." Fun times.
yea i wanted to check it out before i leave for work as well, i installed Gear 2 to the HDD and now my 360 doesn't sound like a jet engine, thnx MS. plus last night playing split screen co-op i was getting disk read errors which i found out a lot of people have experienced as well so hopefully this fixes that issue.

but so far i haven't been able to access anything in the market place it just sits there thinking, maybe the system is getting slammed we will see tonight when i get home.