New Yorkers to Get .nyc Domain Name


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
New York City will soon have its very own domain name. The request is now under consideration by ICANN and should be ready for applicants in 4Q13. The .nyc TLD designation will be a distinctive addition to the city’s citizens, organizations and business websites.

Increasingly, the Internet is not only about what you are, but where you are. A .nyc address tells the world you are located in NYC or that your products and services are for New Yorkers.
More evidence that NYC residents are epic narcissists.

If I ever see a .nyc domain, I'll know to avoid the douchebag using it.
i think its pretty cool.

Cool until every city and town tries to get their own domain and you have to remember 10,000 different .xyz (I was going to use .xxx but that's taken) suffixes. You know Los Angeles isn't going to let NYC be the only city-level domain.
More evidence that NYC residents are epic narcissists.

If I ever see a .nyc domain, I'll know to avoid the douchebag using it.
Indeed. NYC isn't the certain of the nation, let alone the center of the Universe like they often think.
Right now .NYC looks good, but 5 years from now when you have 1000s of cities doing it, it'll be bad and confusing. Not just US cities but cities in other countries as well.
good - we need to differentiate ourselves from the mentally handicapped of 16oz soft drink standards.
I just hate all the idiots from New York who have to tell you where they're from 7 seconds after meeting you. OK, you're from that city, but you're somewhere else for a reason now, right? Who gives a fuck? What do you want, a blowjob?
I just hate all the idiots from New York who have to tell you where they're from 7 seconds after meeting you. OK, you're from that city, but you're somewhere else for a reason now, right? Who gives a fuck? What do you want, a blowjob?

Well, now that you mention it...
Sometimes I think massively expanding TLDs is a bad idea. Like right now, and with this particular story.
I just hate all the idiots from New York who have to tell you where they're from 7 seconds after meeting you.
The vast majority of people who brag that they're from the city were not born or even raised there. A friend of a friend who is an unemployed, recent film school graduate took out a rather sizable loan to pay $3500 a month in rent for the privilege of being able to say that he lives in Manhattan. The man is a genius.
Cool until every city and town tries to get their own domain and you have to remember 10,000 different .xyz (I was going to use .xxx but that's taken) suffixes. You know Los Angeles isn't going to let NYC be the only city-level domain.

You know, fun will start when names will start clashing, like :

London, UK
London, Ontario
London, Burgundy
London, Kiribati
London, Arkansas
London, California
London Mills, Illinois
London, Kentucky
London, Minnesota
London, Ohio
London, Texas
London, West Virginia
London, Wisconsin

Which one will get the .london domain ?

Or who will get .paris domain ?

Paris, France
Paris, Ontario
Paris, Yukon
Paris, Arkansas
Paris, Idaho
Paris, Illinois
Paris, Iowa
Paris, Kentucky
Paris, Maine
Paris, Michigan
Paris, Missouri
Paris, New York
Paris, Ohio
Paris, Pennsylvania
Paris, Tennessee
Paris, Texas
Paris, Virginia
Paris, Grant County, Wisconsin
Paris, Kenosha County, Wisconsin
Paris, Denmark
Paris, Kiribati

And we could continue... You in America like to copy city names for sure :D. Hell, you even got Praha in Texas instead of Czech Republic.
Off the top of my head here in Ohio:

And I'm sure there's more in just 1 state.
I just hate all the idiots from New York who have to tell you where they're from 7 seconds after meeting you. OK, you're from that city, but you're somewhere else for a reason now, right? Who gives a fuck? What do you want, a blowjob?

I usually fire back with the fact that I'm from Hawaii. Nuff said. :D
Right now .NYC looks good, but 5 years from now when you have 1000s of cities doing it, it'll be bad and confusing. Not just US cities but cities in other countries as well.

Agree completely. Who are the jackasses steering this ship? If they honestly think it is a good idea, well then they are idiots. If they are simply trying to line their pockets, they deserve a knuckle sandwich.
The vast majority of people who brag that they're from the city were not born or even raised there. A friend of a friend who is an unemployed, recent film school graduate took out a rather sizable loan to pay $3500 a month in rent for the privilege of being able to say that he lives in Manhattan. The man is a genius.

That makes no sense... I live in Manhattan (for school) and pay ~$1300/mo for my studio in a building with a doorman. $3500/mo is $42,000/yr. There is absolutely NO school that would certify him for that loan. Given that all apartments need to show 40x ($1.6mil) proof of income or be cosigned by a guarantor for 80x ($3.36mil) the rent, either his parents are extremely rich or he was making a great living beforehand, if true. According to government data, I attend the 3rd most expensive school in the country and I was only budgeted for around $20k in living expenses last year. I call BS on this story.

I'm not a huge fan of NY, but seems to be a lot of hate from people that have never even been there nor experienced it and operating strictly on conjecture.
That makes no sense... I live in Manhattan (for school) and pay ~$1300/mo for my studio in a building with a doorman.

really... i was looking for a place. the only things I found started at $2400 for 100sq ft that is unlivable, with a shared bathroom, among other things...
really... i was looking for a place. the only things I found started at $2400 for 100sq ft that is unlivable, with a shared bathroom, among other things...
I would like to know where he lives in Manhattan for $1300 not unless it is a school subsidized apartment such as NYU offers.
I call BS on this story.

I'm not a huge fan of NY, but seems to be a lot of hate from people that have never even been there nor experienced it and operating strictly on conjecture.
I work in SOHO.
really... i was looking for a place. the only things I found started at $2400 for 100sq ft that is unlivable, with a shared bathroom, among other things...

Most of my apartment searches have been focused on the Upper West Side. My friend has a 1 bedroom around the 96th street 1 stop for $1400/mo. The best time to look is usually winter. If you're looking between summer to early fall, then expect to get royally screwed. I've been looking for a 1BR for me and my girl and have seen many around the $1600-1900 range that are great. Now, being that I'm a former infantryman, I can live in a shoebox or under a bridge happily. ...but, my significant other has standards.

I also have a few friends (fellow vets) that live alone and pay around $1500 for 1 bedroom apartments. That's a regular apartment with a kitchen and a private bathroom. ...not an SRO or something funny. Hell, when I first moved to NY last year, I split a 3BR apartment with 2 others in Washington Heights (around Columbia's hospital) that was running $2800/mo (total). even had a balcony in back overlooking a small yard, washer/dryer and 2 bathrooms.

Bingo! He lives in the Caledonia right next to the Highline.

I would like to know where he lives in Manhattan for $1300 not unless it is a school subsidized apartment such as NYU offers.

I work in SOHO.

If that's the case, my apologies to you and he'll have no problems paying back loans with parents that make that much money.

I attend Columbia and yes, I live in apartment housing in Morningside Heights (aka UAH). It's slightly subsidized, but not much and prices are definitely market value. The major benefits are that there are no broker fees, ultra-high speed internet, a mailroom and someone to complain to. I've actually found better deals away from campus, but I can't verify income and don't have rich relatives.
Cool until every city and town tries to get their own domain and you have to remember 10,000 different .xyz (I was going to use .xxx but that's taken) suffixes. You know Los Angeles isn't going to let NYC be the only city-level domain.

They could limit it to the most populous city in a country (New York in our case) or possibly cities with populations of 8 million+ (New York for the USA) or 15 million+ in their metro areas (New York and LA for USA) ... if it is limited to the top 1 or 2 cities in a country or cities greater than a certain threshold it could work ... if you go strictly by population then NYC doesn't even break the top 20 worldwide :cool:
They could limit it to the most populous city in a country (New York in our case) or possibly cities with populations of 8 million+ (New York for the USA) or 15 million+ in their metro areas (New York and LA for USA) ... if it is limited to the top 1 or 2 cities in a country or cities greater than a certain threshold it could work ... if you go strictly by population then NYC doesn't even break the top 20 worldwide :cool:

There is just one limit - US$185,000 initial fee + $6250 yearly fee + $0.25 per domain if there are less than 50k domains in that TLD.
The best time to look is usually winter. If you're looking between summer to early fall, then expect to get royally screwed.

Oh. That must've been it then. but thats quite a bit of difference... maybe ill start looking again.
this might be great options for travelers as also some other major cities having their own domain name where travelers go a lot (London, Paris, LA, Chicago). but than again remembering .com would be more easier as you will only need to remember name of the place and google that thing, i mean seriously how hard can it be with all that mobile technology in today's world
More evidence that NYC residents are epic narcissists.

If I ever see a .nyc domain, I'll know to avoid the douchebag using it.
We have .la, but it's actually the Lithuanians who repurposed it as the "Los Angeles domain". I haven't actually seen it used in the wild.
and everyone thinks that texas is the place that would most like to succeed from the united states. Lol.
I see a lot of people that dont understand there will only and ever be .com, its all the plainfolk masses understand. Tell them to type in "" and they'll type in "" or ""

All TLD arguments = bear shitting in the woods.
I see a lot of people that dont understand there will only and ever be .com, its all the plainfolk masses understand. Tell them to type in "" and they'll type in "" or ""

All TLD arguments = bear shitting in the woods.

people managed to drop the www, why not the .com?
good - we need to differentiate ourselves from the mentally handicapped of 16oz soft drink standards.
Oh no you di'int!

Don't forget it also costs around $450 in fees to be able to exercise your constitutional right to own a handgun. ...And yet some people say it's disenfranchising poor people if they hae to pay $10 to get an I.D. in order to vote.
I just hate all the idiots from New York who have to tell you where they're from 7 seconds after meeting you.

Well, just remember there is much more to NYS then NYC, and the rest of the state hates NYC even more then you do, and for far better reasons. :D