Newbie in Audio


Limp Gawd
Oct 18, 2005
This question is not really related to computer audio, but to audio systems in general. I frequent these forums often and have come to respect the opinions of the audiophiles posting in these here goes.

I just bought my first house and I'm looking to set-up an audio system for my living room. What AV magazines or sites would you guys recommend for beginners? There are a ton of AV mags on the market and Google turns up a ton of sites, but I'm just not sure which ones worthwhile, and which ones are just industry shills or a waste of time.

Any help you guys can give would be great.
Stereophile is one that I enjoy. can sometimes have some useful user feedback
Once in a while audioholics has an interesting article
Hi-Fi choice also had some good reviews

If you are really new to the whole audio world, this book is a great introduction to many things audio

If you want to learn about headphones, forums is your place.

And Lastly, try and find your local high end audio dealers. These can be a great resource of information.

Welcome to the oh-so-wonderful wourld of audio. Sorry about your wallet ^_^.

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The only 2 I would mention that I see missing are:

Why? Because they have sections devoted to showing pictures of others setups. There you can see things other than just the systems, more about the decorum. That is a pertinent thing for many.

This site is usually a little more biased toward Flat panels and Large TVs than Projectors like AVSForum, but they have lots of good dialog about speakers, subwoofers and the like.
Thanks guys. I'll check all these out. Headfi before - great site. I bought a sennheiser px 100 and hd280 after doing some research on that forum a while back.
Oh more question. Are they any mags or sites I should definitely stay away from? I've been reading a magazine called "Sound and Vision" just because I like the writing and the format...but am I wasting my time with it?
Mags, I think, are great. They're enjoyable and gets you out of the ordinary stuff that we're all able to afford. If you are able to follow a reviewer and you get a feel for his taste - it's helpful even moreso.