Newbie looking for guidance.....

Chowder Head

Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2005
I'm looking for a somewhat affordable board (less then $200) that is rock stable through and through and has room to overclock. However, I wouldn't want to get that I can squeeze every last bit of overclock out of it, but still be buggy and crashing. Solid stability is the main priority for me, although it would be nice to get a little more out of it.

I'm using the following components that might be benefical to know. Opteron 165 processor, Sychthe Ninja heatsink, and a eVGA 7800GT video card.

I alo have 1 GB of Corsair Value Memory still in the box right now as well. Now I did some searching and I found out that the Ultra-D doesn't mix well with it.

I've heard good things about the EPoX 9NPA+ Ultra, ASUS A8N-E, and the Abit K8N (Ithink that's right?) but that's about. I see about a billion other kinds of mobos you guys are using so I'm pretty confused on which one I should get.

However, if the DFI Ultra-D is THE mobo to get; I'm talking about superiory in every thing, I'd try to sell the RAM I got and pick up some that suits the DFI like Gskill or something.

So based on this, what mobo would be ideal for me and why?

Thanks a lot guys for any assistance, it's truly appreciated. This forum rocks. :)
if you're looking for a non-sli board and good, solid moderate overclocks, the a8n-e is perfect. i have 2, and i couldn't be happier with them. for serious overclocking, the DFI is probably the better board.
Thanks for the response. And yes, I do not plan on going with SLI so it sounds like the Asus could be the board for me.

My only question is this. If you had to pick between a EPoX 9NPA+ Ultra or an ASUS A8N-E, what would you choose and more importantly, why?

I searched threads upon threads but didn't see one where they did a direct comparison. I even googled comparison reviews but found nothing.

Thanks guys!
both boards are good comes down to features and preference is the asus a8n-e for the fact the layout is perfect.the epox has the power connector in the middle of the board which has always bothered me having to drape the bundle of wires across the board and blocking airflow.its not a deal breaker but id prefer something better.i also have a windowed case and it looks cleaner with the power connections in the upper rt of the board.there are alot of good reviews on the epox and the asus and both o/clock well but the epox may have a slight edge on the max o/clock attainable but the asus is typical of asus ,very stable even when o/clocked,mature bios,perfect layout,3 yr warranty.i went through 3 other ultra boards before buying the asus and of the ones i tryed the asus wins hands choise was between the epox and the asus and the asus with its layout and my previous experience with their motherboards sold me on this board.the reviews were also very good also.the epox has good reviews also and does o/clock well,the layout isnt as good and ive read about voltage fluctuation under load but thats about all i can say about the epox.either board would do you fine its all a matter of which one you like better.its a no lose situation.
good luck with your decision........
i'd personally pick the asus simply because i have no experience with epox boards. i've always just had good luck with asus and aopen products, and try to stick with them when it's reasonable to do so. i realize this doesn't help much with your question, but it's all i've got.
Thanks for the comparison wesley's dad. Looks like I can't go wrong with either one huh? Well that made it much more difficult, lol. I've heard the epox boards can squeeze a bit more overclock when compared to the ASUS. Any truth to that?

And any other comments, suggestions, opinion from anyone else would be beneficial as well.
