Newegg / [H]ardOCP AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition Drawing

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1) I would change my plans of replacing my FX-55 with a Core2Duo and instead use AMD processors in my box for the 7th year in a row... Ever since I replace my Celeron 500 Mhz with and XP2000 - XP2700 - AMD64 3000 - FX-55 and hopefully a X2 5000+ Black Edition...

2) Phenom
1. I'd jump for joy. Then sell it or set up AM2 for folding and other activities.
2. Phenom
1. Put that sucker to use for a great gaming rig.

2. Phenom - it would be great if this was some sort of trick question and everyone got it wrong...
1) If I won a new X2 5000+, after jumping around and screaming like the N64 Kid, I would first replace my (mostly Newegg parts, gotta love fast shipping) Dual Core Opteron 165 (1.8GHz OC'd to 2.466 on air) S939 with that gorgeous new M3A board coming out soon, add it to the folding fray with the 12 other CPUs I have folding (go team 33!!), and use the replaced parts to build a nice system for my girlfriend so we can game together better. Of course, I'd have to buy a new case, and paint it black with a huge hard red [H] and evil red lighting. But I'd save money on the badass CPU!

2) The new next-gen AMD Desktop Processor is the Phenom! Phenom-ana... doo doooo do do do... Phenom-ana... do do do do...
1) If I had won the PC; I honestly would be giving it to my sister for college as she will need it. She loves games, and is currently in search of a PC for college. Since, I had already purchased mine, I think it would be only fair to give her a grand christmas/going away gift that she can keep for several years.

2) Phenom
1. I'd be very exited to use it in my first AMD build for my personal use ever in probably 10 years of system building. I have built AMD systems for others but I've always stuck with intel for my personal system, however lately in order to replace my aging 3.4 Prescott I've been seriously considering AMD since I really like the core2 line but the mobos and the cpu are very pricey as compared to the X2 line

2.Phenom.....that will keep me on a nice upgrade path to stick with AMD for a while:)
1.] I know exactly what I would do with my new AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition. I just recently began purchasing parts for a new system directly from Newegg and it just so happens I have a new motherboard(FOXCONN C51XEM2AA- 8EKRS2H AM2 NVIDIA nForce 590 SLI) ready and waiting for this baby! AMD has answered the call of its fans and delivered an awesome processor that simply knocks the Duo of the hill. The KING has returned!

2.] Phenom = Phenomator (It will own the penryn :D)

Newegg/[H]ardOCP, thank you for this great opportunity!
1: I will give my old computer to a school thats in need of such donations.
2: Phenom

Best of luck to those who need it.
1. i dont know what i would do if i won it... ive never won anything EVER.
i would probably try and round up the parts to use it as a folding computer to be useful and do some gaming on it seeing as i only have a basic laptop.

2. Phenom :)
1. Sell my C2D rig and build a new one centered around the 5000+, hopefully renewing my olde love for AMD.

2. Phenom
1) Start the build of a nicer system than I have now and be very thankful for it (as I am very poor, I ate beans and rice and it took 1.5 years to build my current box, LOL).

I would "Crunch for WCG to find Cancer cures and Fold for Folding @ Home to do my part to help save lives because our children deserve a better future". I would also sing the praises of those that made the win possible.

I would also focus even more on upgrading my education so I can live more prosperously.

2) Phenom, of course. (I almost went to work for AMD before becoming disabled!)

A very big thumbs up to this site and "nice egg" for blessing us here for a chance at something VERY nice! My congratulations in advance to the future winners!
1 - I'd redeem myself in the eyes of my friend for whom I built a PC based on an Athlon 64 3800+ just weeks before the big dual core price drop. It's his first PC and he is making good use out of it - gaming, creating his own multimedia stuff, DVD authoring, and folding too. He'd really appreciate the new CPU, it would make a big difference for him.

2 - Phenom
1: I'll finally be able to get rid of my dual boot. I have an aging system with xp and suse. I'm learning linux, and using suse as a server. Will build a gaming machine with that nice processor and put my current box to full time linux server.

2: Phenom is AMD's next generation processor.
1. I would upgrade from my current X2 4200+ and buy some good memory so that I could overclock the 5000+ as much as I can.

2. Phenom
1. I would over clock it as far as i could useing a Watercooler probobly of the home brew variety


Kyle has IP tracking capabilities among other things, I would also hope our forum-goers aren't that underhanded.

i think there needs to be a join date limit for all the noobies or a minimum post count to be eligible. A bunch of people making accounts wouldn't be fair for us good ole boys who have been here a while.

EDIT: my only entry is post #256 so don't count me twice unless u want 2 ;)

EDIT#2: see the guy below me has only one post :rolleyes:
1. Finally build an SLI or Crossfire system, and use old stuff to build a multimedia system.

2. Phenom
Rip it, flip it up, slap it on down - into that sweet EVGA NF590 M/B I purchased from the Egg (along with a 3600+ Briz.) Folds 24/7, games part-time.
Would that be...PHENOM?
i think there needs to be a join date limit for all the noobies or a minimum post count to be eligible. A bunch of people making accounts wouldn't be fair for us good ole boys who have been here a while.

EDIT: my only entry is post #256 so don't count me twice unless u want 2 ;)

EDIT#2: see the guy below me has only one post :rolleyes:

Well I'd say a join date limit would be ok, but alot of us here are simply lurkers. I've been lurking here and the tech news for almost half a year.
1. I would overclock it to the max completely and brag about amd 's black edition to my friends and family :D

1. Phenom of course
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