Newegg Rebates


Limp Gawd
Dec 13, 2002
Ok Don't take this wrong. I buy from Newegg and think they are one of the best on the web selling hardware.

But I have noticed something strange.

I sent in $10 rebate for some DVD's and when I finally got the final result it was denied by postcard. I sent it in the next day I got the package. Within the time limit.

Ok I can live with not getting 10 bucks.

Next rebate.

Same deal. I called. They put the rebate back in.

I am now sitting on over $150 worth of "Newegg" rebate. Not factory rebates. For Monitors etc. I send them in the next day with all paperwork. But the Web site for Newegg only lists 1 item and even that was Denied.

Now it shows nothing on the

site. Zip nada.

Is everyone getting rebates from the Egg? Problems? Some are over 90 days old.

I am trying to figure out what is happening. Not ditch Newegg. I like to be honest with my clients and tell them about Rebates when I order things for them. But then I have to eat it on top. Too little margin for that.



Update: I did get off the phone just now. One of them not in system and given fax number to fax copies to them. Of course the $60 dollar one. I hate rebates.

Newegg I do like. Just have to remember not to tell customers about it. Hate eating the rebates. I only made 100 bucks on last system (for small business). To lose 40 of it hurts a little. Not worth it. Makes me want to order from somone else. Of course be careful with some companies. The monitor was perfect, no dead pixals. I have ordered 4 in last 6 months (19" LCD's). All perfect!
Dataman said:
Ok Don't take this wrong. I buy from Newegg and think they are one of the best on the web selling hardware.

But I have noticed something strange.

I sent in $10 rebate for some DVD's and when I finally got the final result it was denied by postcard. I sent it in the next day I got the package. Within the time limit.

Ok I can live with not getting 10 bucks.

Next rebate.

Same deal. I called. They put the rebate back in.

I am now sitting on over $150 worth of "Newegg" rebate. Not factory rebates. For Monitors etc. I send them in the next day with all paperwork. But the Web site for Newegg only lists 1 item and even that was Denied.

Now it shows nothing on the

site. Zip nada.

Is everyone getting rebates from the Egg? Problems? Some are over 90 days old.

I am trying to figure out what is happening. Not ditch Newegg. I like to be honest with my clients and tell them about Rebates when I order things for them. But then I have to eat it on top. Too little margin for that.



I just ordered from them and was told I had to send a refund form to Ziff Davis to get refunded $10.00 for a magazine subscription that was already added to the price of my order??? Plus it said you can only get the refund this twice a year??? So I guess on my next order I will stuck with a $10 magazine I dont even want??? I love newegg great prices, but this is a bad move if you ask me.
Everyone that offers rebates insted of real store savings are trying to con you, plain and it or best buy. Buy something cause its a good deal before the rebate or suffer what everyone else goes through with rebates.
Hello Dataman,

I have sent you a PM addressing your concerns regarding the rebates that have yet to be honored. It would be greatly appreciated if you could review the PM and respond to it at your earliest convenience, so we may assist you in resolving this issue.
PhxGuy520 said:
I just ordered from them and was told I had to send a refund form to Ziff Davis to get refunded $10.00 for a magazine subscription that was already added to the price of my order??? Plus it said you can only get the refund this twice a year??? So I guess on my next order I will stuck with a $10 magazine I dont even want??? I love newegg great prices, but this is a bad move if you ask me.

Hey PhxGuy520,

We apologize for any confusion brought about by the PC Magazine offer. There are certain items on our website that the offer will apply to. If you are purchasing one of these items you will see the box checked for the PC Magazine offer during the check process.

If you accept this offer you will not be charged for the subscription. If select to opted out of the offer by un-checking the box you are not obligated to get refund for this offer either. You are simply eligible for a refund if you wish.

Please feel free to PM me if you have any further questions or concerns.
I had a problem with a Plextor rebate that was on I sent in the UPC code, and got a card from Plextor saying that I did not send in the UPC code. What was strange was that the UPC code on the original box was covered with a sticker UPC code from newegg that was different than the one on the box. I sent it in with the sticker covering the one on the box, which is why I think Plextor did not accept it. (or maybe they just lost it?) I don't think there is anything I can do now and I'm just going to have to take the $20 loss and take it as a lesson not to trust rebates anymore. Should've just bought a Benq DW1640 when they were still available instead of trying to get the 740A with a rebate :(
Yea I have a rebate for $60 on a monitor from Newegg that still hasn't shown up on the website. Of course, the last time I did a rebate it showed up on the website the same day I got the check in the mail, so whatever. i'll probably call about it pretty soon.
I am INCREDIBLY angry about the way NewEgg is doing this. I thought they were better than and above such sneaky shenanigans.

This is even worse than the "Install Yahoo Toolbar" option that is automatically enabled on a lot of download forms.

This stuff pisses me off to NO end.


PhxGuy520 said:
I just ordered from them and was told I had to send a refund form to Ziff Davis to get refunded $10.00 for a magazine subscription that was already added to the price of my order??? Plus it said you can only get the refund this twice a year??? So I guess on my next order I will stuck with a $10 magazine I dont even want??? I love newegg great prices, but this is a bad move if you ask me.
I'm in the same boat as you guys. I agree that Newegg's products, prices, and support are superb, but they are lacking BIG time with rebates and rebate support. I bought a Raptor hard drive for Christmas. I had TWO $20 rebates, for a total of $40 dollars. They were completed and sent out the NEXT day. Newegg shows NOTHING under the search, and I have recieved neither of the rebates.

I then used the live chat for support on the issue and was told that there was nothing Newegg could do as they do not give rebates, instead third-party companies do. I semi-accepted this, however, no customer support rep should tell me that it's not their problem when the rebate is not only on THEIR site, but is shipped to THEIR address.

What's going on here?
I did get some the 8007224211 (look on your form).

They want me to fax it. Just have to get that done tomorrow.

Of course no money yet and it's been long time already.

I got my last DVD Media from someone else. When it comes time to buy next computer hardware I will be giving someone else a shot at it unless things change (Checks show up).

But in NE support they were very nice and I now only have 1 lost (hard to belive when 3 were in same package and those made it) rebate for $60.00. I guess it came open in shipping and fell out, but the others made it?

I do know almost all rebates are Pain to deal with. They don't really want you to send them in.

Hello HardForum Members,

Please provide me with any pertinent information regarding rebates that have not been honored. Although we cannot guarantee that we will be able to successfully remedy all issues we will try our best. Feel free to PM me with this information and I will be glad to assist you.
Newegg Support said:
Hello HardForum Members,

Please provide me with any pertinent information regarding rebates that have not been honored. Although we cannot guarantee that we will be able to successfully remedy all issues we will try our best. Feel free to PM me with this information and I will be glad to assist you.
Not to start a flame war with those having problems but....

The above post is another reason why I do 95% of my online computer shopping at NewEgg. What other etailer do you see here making post in the forums trying to help their customers?.....None.

NewEgg = Awesome customer service.
Puterguru said:
Not to start a flame war with those having problems but....

The above post is another reason why I do 95% of my online computer shopping at NewEgg. What other etailer do you see here making post in the forums trying to help their customers?.....None.

NewEgg = Awesome customer service.

Yea but lets not forget that newegg does not cross ship which means if your new computer has a messed up motherboard or something a min. turn around time is going to be at least 5 days, at which you have to pay for shipping. An opportunity cost of computers is time and building a new system and not being able to use it right away...well you get the picture.

I bought 3 parts from newegg that all have rebates over christmas. I sent them in and I have received nothing yet. Nothing is reported on the site either.

So lets see about Dell tech support. Yea the people might not be the greatest, but it really depends on the tech. I have had bad experiences with Dell, but at least if something goes wrong with my laptop I do not have to take the time to get a box to ship out the item, pay for shipping and they cross ship. Also I have not had a turn around time longer than 3 days with dell because they over night everything.
Ok I am quite happy with Newegg responding here. That I did not expect at all.

Seems they put my missing Rebate back in the system.

I spend peanuts compared to some I am sure. But feel like I was treated as Major Purchaser (I think I spend 4k a year).

A very nice Feeling.

Do I like Rebates. No. But one day I guess they will show. Now If I can get the upgrade Bug squashed........

SteveD aka Dataman
Newegg + Magazine Subscription = I'm going to Zipzoomfly or Monarch from now on first.

$100 from Figured that one was History (32" LCD TV).

On the Magazine I just say "NO".

ZipZoom has problems too. Last CPU I ordered went backorder, but it showed "In Stock". Ever tried to build a computer without a CPU?

Everything sat 2 weeks. Newegg had it in Stock.

Buy is another fun place. I ordered 100 keyboards once. 10 Min later Salesmanager comes in and says "we don't need them". I could not canx the order. I was not happy.

I even called. All I got was "NO"

10 Min?

Newegg Support said:
Hey PhxGuy520,

We apologize for any confusion brought about by the PC Magazine offer. There are certain items on our website that the offer will apply to. If you are purchasing one of these items you will see the box checked for the PC Magazine offer during the check process.

If you accept this offer you will not be charged for the subscription. If select to opted out of the offer by un-checking the box you are not obligated to get refund for this offer either. You are simply eligible for a refund if you wish.

Please feel free to PM me if you have any further questions or concerns.

All - I owe newegg an apology. I didnt see the opt out and came in here bad mouthing them. I actually got an email out of the blue offering to credit me the $10.00. This was without even complaining to them about. A REALLY standup thing to do.

Sorry NEWEGG! Your awesome.
My problem with this isn't the offer of a free magazine. Hell, the pimply kid at the Best Buy checkout tries to get me to do it every tuesday when I buy DVD's :)

My problem is when companies get a little presumptuous, and AUTOMATICALLY sign you up for things, with an opt-OUT.

It should be opt-IN, period. No if, and's or buts. Put a box there saying "if you would like a complimentary subscription to Joes Garage Band Magazine please check this box".

Like I said, I feel the same about the Yahoo Toolbar.

It annoys me to no end when companies make the decision "Yes" by default for us. It just isn't right. Period. End of story.


PhxGuy520 said:
All - I owe newegg an apology. I didnt see the opt out and came in here bad mouthing them. I actually got an email out of the blue offering to credit me the $10.00. This was without even complaining to them about. A REALLY standup thing to do.

Sorry NEWEGG! Your awesome.