Newegg reviews

device manager

Limp Gawd
Jul 5, 2006
Another reason why you must take some reviews with a grain of salt....

Notice the Tech Level: high ;)

Newegg is still incorrectly displaying the NVIDIA SLI-Ready badge on that Logisys psu. :rolleyes:

The -5v was eliminated from the ATX12v specification years ago so there should be no -5v design.

Where is the -5V outputted then? It is listed on the side. It's also written ATX12v (no 2.0 is specified). The 3rd (-5V wire) is also clearly visible in the picture.

I don't think the guys complaint is as invalid as you think.
Where is the -5V outputted then? It is listed on the side. It's also written ATX12v (no 2.0 is specified). The 3rd (-5V wire) is also clearly visible in the picture.

I don't think the guys complaint is as invalid as you think.

Its not "outputted" the unit does not produce a -5v. The complaint is incorrect.
Unless the psu was bought for an older pc that needed -5v. Which would be what? Athlon Classics and some Pentium2 motherboards maybe??

NewEgg reviews are generally only good for a laugh. I have a friend that refuses to buy a product that has more than a couple negative user reviews. I gave up trying to explain that much of the time the complaints are from people that do not know what the hell they are doing.

The only ones I look for are the "got it and it was DOA". If there are a lot of those, I do a bit more research on the product.