Newegg Valentine's Love

Well, there are a couple tempting items in there. Why do I want the Rosewill ESata/Sata card for my old box though? Must resist $20 dust collector!!!
Except it has been out of stock ever since I received the email.
the ladies love that vibrator, get the wife one of them and you will have hours alone to play video games.
Bleh, no low profile video cards ... no Newegg love for the smaller things in life. :(
What do you guys think about the Asus P6T for $220. Should i bite or is it just warm?
I haven't seen it cheaper anywhere else...
The P6T is a pretty good price. It's the lowest I've seen it too. If that's the board you decide on, it probably won't be much cheaper anytime soon.
$500 off on that Sceptre 32" HDTV.

Not really that great of a display, but for $400, it could be worth it.