Newest [H]ot deals @ Monarch (check often)

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a8n32-sli, $190.99 + $5.19 shipping?

(bleeping expletive!)

dammit, i had a feeling i should've held out.
thanks for looking out for us though.
somebody else could definitely use this deal.
do you have any laptop memory on sale?

i need 2gb (2x1gb) or better ddr333 PC2700 or faster under $200
damn nice a8n32 price...might have to bite, and i just ordered my 165 seperately from you guys yesterday, lol. so much for combined shipping.
t0mmyr said:
do you have any laptop memory on sale?

i need 2gb (2x1gb) or better ddr333 PC2700 or faster under $200
256 MB SODIMM SDRAM PC-133 $37.88
512 MB SODIMM DDR2 (533) PC2-4200 Corsair $78.22
1 GB (2 pcs 512) SODIMM DDR (333) PC-2700 Patriot $108.77
I'm still hoping for a DFI SLI Expert Mobo Deal and/or a Raptor HD Deal (74 or 150 GB works for me)

Although, maybe I should just go with the ASUS.... hrmph

posterChild said:
I'm still hoping for a DFI SLI Expert Mobo Deal and/or a Raptor HD Deal (74 or 150 GB works for me)

Although, maybe I should just go with the ASUS.... hrmph


You could be me and have ordered that same ASUS board two days ago from some place that had the 'lowest price'... Lost $23 or so by not waiting for this deal to come around. That'll teach me to not believe in Mr. Monarch. After all, he did say he was looking into it.

Beg harder. You'll get the hook up. ;)

posterChild said:
I'm still hoping for a DFI SLI Expert Mobo Deal and/or a Raptor HD Deal (74 or 150 GB works for me)

Although, maybe I should just go with the ASUS.... hrmph

The Asus is not going to stay there long.. <hint hint>
I've got money begging to buy either a 6600gt agp card or a Silverstone SST-LC-10B-M or both if the price is right...........please oh mighty one....gets off knees..... :eek:
geez... the other guys already ran my credit card and everything cleared.
mobo should be shipped out today, rec'd by tomorrow/friday.
if they had only held up my order, i would've told them to nix it...

at least you guys still have the eVGA sale.
expect an order from me in the coming days...

thanks for looking out!
Question on this item.
HIS Radeon X1900 XTX 512MB GDDR3/PCI-E/AVIVO/Dual DVI $539.69

When you click the link it says the $60.00 rebate is valid on purchases from Feb 15 thru Feb 21st. The deal was posted today (Feb 22). What gives? Are you going to honor the $539 price?
Hardball said:
Question on this item.
HIS Radeon X1900 XTX 512MB GDDR3/PCI-E/AVIVO/Dual DVI $539.69

When you click the link it says the $60.00 rebate is valid on purchases from Feb 15 thru Feb 21st. The deal was posted today (Feb 22). What gives? Are you going to honor the $539 price?

Actually that item may have been added previously as you maybe aware, the original poster signified that the items and their prices would change and be updated. Therefore the card may have been added previously and not have been taken down.

Good luck, hell of a card.
Mr. Monarch....

I have been watching the Opteron 165 deals you have had going over the past several weeks. While watching, I have been drooling and having to clean up the mess, and drooling some more, etc. Well, I have done some creative financing, and have come to the conclusion that I can get one this weekend if they go on sale again. I know that I had several chances in the past, but I was hoping that you could do some magic and bring back the $60 coupon (or a different deal would be good too). I'm sure that there are still others that would grab them up too.

Now, I know that is asking a lot, but since I have your attention (well, I hope I do at any rate), I might as well reach for the stars and ask for a deal on the retail box version of that 165. That would just be too cool.

I could also use a deal on an Antec smartpower 500w for a buddy.

Thank you sir.

edit: Just to make sure I said it, I can't order this until Friday or Saturday, so if you make my dreams come true, please - please - please make sure that it will last through the weekend. Thanks again.
Back on topic people...
great deals but ever consider a x2 3800 deal or a deal on the antec p180?
If I were you, id skip that stuff and get the 2gb PC4000 kit. Its $188AR shipped. 8 whole Dollars more than the pc3200. :p

Might as well get the PC4000.

Pixelated Taco said:
Not to nit pick or anything but this deal here:

2GB (1 gb x 2) Corsair module you have it as $179.67 but it's showing up as $194.62 even though it shows the instant savings of 15 bucks. Also shows up at that price in the shopping cart.
Monarch Man,

I'm trying to place an order for the HIS X1900XT, Asus A8n32-SLI Deluxe, and 2GB OCZ EL Gold Gamer Ext. XTC right now, but I ran into bank trouble - I submitted the order, it was immediately rejected, and I'm on the phone with my bank right now trying to get an address changed.

Can I get these products put on hold or something, so I can still get them tomorrow in case they sell out and I can't get this figured out by tomorrow?
Retsam said:
If I were you, id skip that stuff and get the 2gb PC4000 kit. Its $188AR shipped. 8 whole Dollars more than the pc3200. :p

Might as well get the PC4000.

Yeah but thats with a rebate where you have to wait 6-8 or sometimes even longer, whereas the corsair is supposedly an instant rebate, not to mention the fact that my box will only take up to DDR400 so there is really no point in getting the 500. Furthermore, the CAS latency on the DDR400 Corsair is 3-3-3-8 whereas on the DDR500 its 3-4-3-8 (I know it's not that big of a difference, meh.)
Thats a good idea Monarch Guy, then you can tell who just jacked the deals from here, or whos actually from here
Mr. Monarch... yes... very happy... so long as you don't kill the $60 off 165 before Saturday afternoon. :)

As far as the code.... I don't have any problem with it if it helps you out. Helping you out will undoubtedly help us out. The only thing I see is that when these deals are spread out over other forums, the code probably will be too. Don't know if that matters or not, just thought I might mention it.
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