News Corp. Puts MySpace on Notice

Facebook is spammed all over everything and is already dying.... just give it the same amount of time as myspace had 3 years ago :D

LOL, Facebook is "dying"? Give me a break. :rolleyes:

Regardless of what you think about Facebook, it's still incredibly popular and continues to become more and more so.
As much as we all hate Facebook for their shady marketing and privacy practices I seriously doubt that Facebook is going to be going anywhere. They have way too much brand recognition among the youth, you see their name plastered everywhere you go, and so on. Facebook isn't going anywhere, they are too big of a household name to die off like MySpace is.
kind of like yahoo?

yahoo was once EVERYWHERE, while google was still just starting up. shoot yahoo even helped google out for a bit. now google is the dominant force and yahoo! is slowly going to become a media company. pretty soon yahoo is going to be powered by bing search engine.

facebook may be everywhere, but i see them dying out too.
>> facebook may be everywhere, but i see them dying out too.

Amen, brother. FB have decided that they need to be more like Twitter. No. Terrible idea. Twitter is going to bubble and die, IMO. It's just an online shouting / e-penis comparison site now. Oh, with ads, if you use hootsuite. Smashing

>> yahoo was once EVERYWHERE, while google was still just starting up

Yeah, I'm an old skool SEO, and I remember actually having to give a crap what Y were doing. One of my fondest memories is of watching the hardcore "domain flood" guys using the public access internet at the hotel we were in for a conference, going "Goddamn it" as they saw what Y had done to their latest batch of domains, by changing how their directory (remember those?) worked.

Used to be that Y directory inclusion was essentially jumping the queue, and they used G data for backfill, and Y traffic was worth having then. With the change, you got a little red arrow, and mixed into the results where you actually deserved to be :)

Hmmm, 3000 domains at $9 each... yeah $27,000 straight down the toilet. Oh yeah, and $299 per domain for the directory review, so if all of them had been reviewed, that's another $900k-ish. That's a bad day in anyones book.
anyone who gets a virus from facebook is..... just sad... ive never had one single problem with it, and i very much like it to keep in contact with my family that i never see. myspace can suck it though.
News Corp is a little late when it comes to things... such as news (see: Fox News a.k.a Faux News.. horrible news channel)

Faux News? I lol'd. You fail sir. The x is silent, making it sound like "foe."