[NEWS] Lens That Writes on Both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray


Fully [H]
Aug 3, 2004
sweet! wonder how much we will be scammed for this new tec.

| Lens That Writes on Both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray |
| from the one-lens-to-rule-them-all dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Sunday July 09, @14:24 (Media) |
| http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/07/09/1530230 |

[0]morpheus83 writes "Ricoh claims they have developed an optical component that reads and [1]writes all disk formats -- Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD, as well as DVD and CD -- with one pickup and one objective lens.
The component is a 3.5-mm diameter, 1-mm thick round diffraction plate with minute concentric groves on both sides which function as a diffraction grating. Based on disc information the drive can identify which format disk is loaded, Ricoh's optical diffraction component adjusts the laser beam with its diffraction grating for each format and passes it to the objective lens."

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0. http://www.newlaunches.com/
1. http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=190300953
Great, now if my drive screws up and gets stuck in a read loop, it has the option to write garbage all over the disk while its at it :p
Sorry for the bump was looking for some BR info and found this again, in google..lol