Newzon popup


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 1, 2008
I am wondering what the deal with this is? I already have it installed on my browser, and now I get a large popup in the middle of the site when I sign on.

Thanks, Max
You should only see this once. Are you seeing it more than once?
Please make sure you have version 0.73.1 installed, if not update [N]ewZon. When you come back to [H]ardForum the message should be gone. In addition, even without [N]ewZon installed, it should only appear once per browser session.
Ive seen it multiple times. Do you have to have it installed to make it go away?

If you have NewZon installed it goes away permanently, if not it should only appear at most once per day.

If this is not the case, are you by any chance using a proxy service such as TOR?
Isn't there a less obtrusive way of revenue, like, lets say the banners you are currently using already? I use Amazon a lot as I have Prime but not everyone wants to go directly there from a Newegg link.... Newegg, I believe has better reviews sometimes.
Isn't there a less obtrusive way of revenue, like, lets say the banners you are currently using already? I use Amazon a lot as I have Prime but not everyone wants to go directly there from a Newegg link.... Newegg, I believe has better reviews sometimes.

I agree. This is getting a bit ridiculous at this point. I think with the popups and ads, you're going to end up driving more people away from the site than you think.
Thanks for your input. Keep in mind that Newegg cut us off and we are working hard to make up that revenue through Amazon commissions.

Are you seeing it with NewZon installed more than once? Are you seeing it with NewZon not installed more than once a day? If this is not the case, are you by any chance using a proxy service such as TOR?
Is once a day really necessary? If I don't want to install the plugin today, I'm not going to want to install it tomorrow. Quite frankly, I'll get annoyed enough to stop coming to the site before I get annoyed enough to install a plugin I don't want or need.
Is once a day really necessary? If I don't want to install the plugin today, I'm not going to want to install it tomorrow. Quite frankly, I'll get annoyed enough to stop coming to the site before I get annoyed enough to install a plugin I don't want or need.

We are playing with frequencies right now. We are weighing feedback.
It isn't just that. Every time I click a link I have a popup come up telling me how Amzon is saving the world, but I can continue being a horrible person if I want to resume the link to the original website (Newegg). Does it have to be every time? I get it, some people have the attention span of a nat, but really?


Doesn't do it every time now that I have Newzon installed. But still, really?
I keep that in mind for sure. But at the end of the day, if Newegg has something for $30-$50 cheaper due to a hot deal that Amazon doesn't have, heck, I like this site, but not $30 every purchase like.

I do not have NewZon installed. I tried it, it wasn't to my liking, so I uninstalled it.

I am not using a proxy, yet I get it every time I reboot my PC or restart my browser.

Would not expect you to pay a lot more from Amazon for the same product. Likewise we are easily showing you when you can save money at Amazon.

What was not to your liking about NewZon exactly? Would love the hear specific feedback.

We are dropping a cookie that should be read by your browser.

Please keep in mind that this has been in production for less than 12 hours. If you give us specific feedback we do intend to fix things. We have weighed all feedback that we have gotten that points out problems.
It isn't just that. Every time I click a link I have a popup come up telling me how Amzon is saving the world, but I can continue being a horrible person if I want to resume the link to the original website (Newegg). Does it have to be every time? I get it, some people have the attention span of a nat, but really?


Doesn't do it every time now that I have Newzon installed. But still, really?

If NewZon is installed, up to date, and enabled (and you aren't using multiple different proxies to access the web), it SHOULD disable all intercept pages, popups, and buttons on HardForum. Are you still seeing an intercept after installing the latest version of NewZon?

If the green NewZon button is not to your liking via the extension while browsing Newegg, it can be disabled, reducing NewZon to a simple unobtrusive [N] icon in your URL bar.
Hi, thanks for the responses!

I believe the issue was that my laptop (which I haven't used in over a week) may have had a previous version on it.

When I got home today, I noticed that my desktop does not do this in fact (only once, as you have mentioned).

So, it seems that this problem is resolved.

Thanks for all the responses, I did not intend for this to get into an Amazon/NE debate- I actually really like the addon.

I appreciate this thread, and a chance to learn what is happening and why.
If newegg cut me off, I'd do the same thing, so I understand what Kyle is saying and doing.

Keep up the good work.
I've seen it twice in one day so far.

Regarding frequency, I would do once per month at most. Maybe more often around Christmas time but once per day is obtrusive as others have said
Also, have you thought about those of us who don't live in the US? We will obviously never use Newegg so the plugin is of no use to us?
I feel bad for saying this because I love [H], but I think the new popup is downright obnoxious.

Absolutely no problem with the Newegg / Amazon redirect page nor the NewZon plugin for those who want to use it. I think both ideas are awesome and pretty much give the finger to Newegg which they richly deserve.

It really seems like the popup is punishing US (for not having the plugin installed?) and that... well... kinda sucks. I don't really see the purpose either - there are already Newzon links next to every Newegg link and posts about NewZon are all over the forum - I don't think the popup is bringing any new information to Joe User.

But you gotta do what you gotta do I guess - it doesn't stop me from making the forums the first and last place I visit every day. :)
We are working on dialing this in for regular users of HardForum so it is not so intrusive. We are only 24 hours in on being able to react to feedback.
I buy several thousand dollars a year from Amazon. Last year was over $20k.

However, Newegg has a better search engine for finding P/N's. I typically buy only stuff I can't get from Amazon at other sources, including Tiger, Ebay, Costco, NewEgg, ServerDirect, etc.

When I see NewEggSucks constantly, I get a feeling somebody doesn't know much about purchasing. #1 is to find the right P/N, something nearly impossible to do with Amazon's current engine.

So if you want to give purchasing advice, first learn how to purchase. You're not the Pope discussing Sex, right?
I buy several thousand dollars a year from Amazon. Last year was over $20k.

However, Newegg has a better search engine for finding P/N's. I typically buy only stuff I can't get from Amazon at other sources, including Tiger, Ebay, Costco, NewEgg, ServerDirect, etc.

When I see NewEggSucks constantly, I get a feeling somebody doesn't know much about purchasing. #1 is to find the right P/N, something nearly impossible to do with Amazon's current engine.

So if you want to give purchasing advice, first learn how to purchase. You're not the Pope discussing Sex, right?

This is exactly why we made NewZon and the only thing it does.
If you're looking for feedback it sucks having a pop up ad at all let alone multiple times a day. It's probably only once per ip address but if I visit the site on my phone, at work, and at home that's three times i'm saying no thanks and will get old very fast.

If it's something that you feel you need to have maybe disable it for logged in users and for sure disable it for mobile browsing because just finding the x on something like a 4" phone screen is terrible.
Put the popup where it's relevant, the Hot Deals and maybe For Sale forums. I don't really need to see it when I want to read about phones, displays or operating systems I'm not actually buying.
We are tracking by IP now and adding cookie as well.
Seems to have been taken care of now, as I'm not seeing the popup any more. Thanks for the quick reaction to feedback ;)

Also, I, for one, appreciate this little plugin quite a bit and wanted to say thank you for providing it!
This popup is incredibly annoying. I realize they might be getting advertising money from amazon and not newegg. But damn it, I've donated/paid here several times to support the site though I will continue to buy from the sites that I have had the best experience with regardless of where you all get your advertising money. I do not want to install the damn chrome extension, I will not use it, and I do not want to be pestered by it every day that I log on. I've been a member here for over 12 years now, and would have never thought [H] would have stooped so low as to use nag screens.

Give me the option, I will GLADLY donate again, but I do not want to keep seeing that stupid nag popup!
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Did I miss the memo, why did that happen? Seems like a lot of users here are/were buying through Newegg?

This popup is incredibly annoying. I realize they might be getting advertising money from amazon and not newegg. But damn it, I've donated/paid here several times to support the site though I will continue to buy from the sites that I have had the best experience with regardless of where you all get your advertising money. I do not want to install the damn chrome extension, I will not use it, and I do not want to be pestered by it every day that I log on. I've been a member here for over 12 years now, and would have never thought [H] would have stooped so low as to use nag screens.

Give me the option, I will GLADLY donate again, but I do not want to keep seeing that stupid nag popup!

You SHOULD not be seeing this multiple times. Could you give us some specifics of you seeing it multiple times? One system, multiple systems, multiple IPs, browser, do you have NewZon installed?

Please keep in mind that the way you are seeing it work is NOT how we want it to work and are fixing bugs. You SHOULD only be seeing this once, if you are seeing it more than that it is NOT our intention.
Why use a popup at all? Just link it, have a static link right under the site name, have it next to relevant links, anything but a popup...
Also, have you thought about those of us who don't live in the US? We will obviously never use Newegg so the plugin is of no use to us?

I second this. Shouldnt be too hard to lock out Non-Americas users from this I would think. As we are not going to be part of the revenue calculations anyway.
Any chance of a geo restriction so EU users such as myself don't see it? We can't use it so why advertise it? :)
I have seen the popup for the past few days. I do not have it installed. I am on Chrome. I am accessing from multiple locations.

It is mildly annoying.
For european users (and i assume it's quite a lot of them), the popup with the plugin is useless and really only annoying. I'm in europe and get the popup at least 3-4 times a day due to changes of ip. I'm not interested in purchasing anything from newegg or amazon and telling you guys once should be enough.

We will make this go away for European users the best we can. Should not take much.

Seems to have been taken care of now, as I'm not seeing the popup any more. Thanks for the quick reaction to feedback ;)

Also, I, for one, appreciate this little plugin quite a bit and wanted to say thank you for providing it!

You are welcome. We are still working out bugs.

Why use a popup at all? Just link it, have a static link right under the site name, have it next to relevant links, anything but a popup...

Because that would not reach the 2 million unique users that come here every 30 days.

I second this. Shouldnt be too hard to lock out Non-Americas users from this I would think. As we are not going to be part of the revenue calculations anyway.

Being done.

Any chance of a geo restriction so EU users such as myself don't see it? We can't use it so why advertise it? :)

Being done.

I have seen the popup for the past few days. I do not have it installed. I am on Chrome. I am accessing from multiple locations.

It is mildly annoying.

This should not be happening. Are you seeing it multiple times from the SAME location or machine?
I think this is an acceptable compromise. The redirect and pop up are gone, but the button is still next to newegg links to compare at amazon.

The only other suggestion I would make is instead of it saying "Newzon", go with something that is a little more functional and self explainatory. "Compare at Amazon" button would be acceptable.

After installing the opt-out, it will take until tomorrow for those buttons to go away. There is a variable stored in your local storage that keeps track of that, so if you can clear localStorage (I think Chrome has an option to do that) they will go away immediately.