Next-Gen advice requested.


Jul 19, 2005
Looking for advice based on info so far.

My situation: Household with my wife and I, and 9-year-old daughter who likes Minecraft, Portal, and the LEGO game series (LEGO Batman, Star Wars, etc.) I like "casual" FPS games (i.e. not ones where I'll have to commit an hour at a stretch, I like FPS for a quick 10-minute fix,) and RPGs (both FP real-time and overhead turn-based.) Plus puzzle and platformers.

We have a Wii now, with about a 50/50 split of Wii and GameCube games that are played semi-regularly (I *STILL* haven't finished Enter The Matrix for GameCube...) So a Wii-U would still require us to keep the older Wii around (or, more likely, I'd go buy a used GameCube if we went with a Wii-U,) for the GC games.

I would greatly prefer *NOT* to have a monthly online charge. I haven't followed PlayStation or Xbox that much, so while I know that both have paid online services, I don't know how "required" they are.

So, given those "inputs", what are the [H]ive mind's opinions on the next gen consoles? Kinect looks interesting, but not a "must have" feature. There aren't any exclusive games that have made me go "MUST HAVE!" Does Xbox Live require the paid monthly service to use *ANY* of the online components? (If so, that would rule it out completely.) How about Sony? If *NOT* paying for monthly premium online service, what non-game features to each have? (I can't find any good comparisons of all three systems.)
Casual FPS games and RPG's and puzzle and platformers are really going to be the PS4's forte. The PS3 already has tons more RPG's than the 360 (if you count JRPG's which It sounds like you do) and it's going to have a better selection of overhead turn-based ones as well (Disgaea , Valkyrie).

The PS4 is hundred dollars cheaper (so you could take that money and pay for year and 8 months of PSN service) than the Xbox One as well and through the gaming cloud service Sony is launching soon called Gaikai you'll be able to play PS3 games streaming to a PS4 so you'll get to play many awesome RPG's you missed from the PS3 generation. You'll also get a great Indie selection on the PS4 (due to Sony's good stand relationship with Indie dev's) and that's a big plus.

Now the only downside is that you'll have to pay $5 a month to play MP games on the PS4. But honestly is $5 a month really that much of a stretch? That's like one coffee at Starbucks per month , is that something you honestly can't afford? I don't think I could really understand someone that can't afford to spend $5 a month on something when we all commonly do it without even blinking on eye on various things throughout the year.

I love my Wii U but FPS games are NOT something that will be common to that platform at all due to lack of third party support.

So I recommend you get a PS4 and enjoy.
Go PS4 so your daughter isn't subjected to the millions of halo kids screaming profanities into the mic on xboxen live. If I had a kid I wouldn't let them near that cesspool. Most kids are already getting a large enough daily ration of dumb from the kids at school. I'd also stay away from the Kinect if you value your family's privacy, and there's certainly no reason to pay $100 extra to Microsoft for the privilege of being violated.

As for exclusives, XBONE really has none that aren't timed (meaning they'll come to PS4 eventually). Forza is the only one that won't ever come to PS4. The rest like Titanfall *will* come to PS4, and you can play on PC until it does if its a big deal. Conversely PS4 has some exclusives you won't want to miss out on. Especially whatever NaughtyDog comes out with (They're the Uncharted and Last Of Us developer and always create A+ games). Lastly, as already mentioned, Microsoft has the audacity to put services you already pay for like Netflix and Hulu behind their own XBL paywall. Sony doesn't disrespect you like that.

Believe it or not I swore by the 360 during the 360/PS3 era-- I owned both but mostly played the 360, in fact I've got GTA5 paused on it now, but Microsoft has seriously turned people off with their corporate arrogance and consumer-hostile mentality with the Xbox One. Yes they did a lot of backpedals on policies that were hugely unpopular but it just goes to show what their true intentions are, and what they'll likely rewind back to once they get enough units sold. Sony gets my money this next console generation, Microsoft is not trustworthy.
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Project spark would be an awesome kids game if they like minecraft. You can get 12 month xbox live cards for $34 they go on sale every month.
Like most said, PS4. Minecraft is confirmed to be released on PS4 (and PS3) upon its release.

Although the current details are vague I expect a lot of good family fun with Little Big Planet Hub. Currently my boys love LittleBigPlanet 1&2 on PS3. Can create worlds or play ones others have created, making it never ending fun.
PS4 and Xbox One will require a monthly charge to play online. The exception is PS4 free to play MMO's will not require the charge.
PS4 and Xbox One will require a monthly charge to play online. The exception is PS4 free to play MMO's will not require the charge.

And to use any apps like Netflix/Hulu/Amazon/Youtube will be free on PS4. On XB1 they are all behind the paywall.

PS+ gets a nice library of "free" games while paying which is pretty sweet. They add a new one each month and one is a full retail game. It’s random so you never know what you’ll get but I’ve gotten some nice gems that made up for the $60yr cost.
If you're not in a hurry, I'd suggest waiting to see what Steam reveals for their Steam Machine plans.

There were 3 announcements last week revealing the groundwork (Steam OS, Steam Machines, Steam Controller) and there should be more detailed specifications this week.

If you're dead set on getting a new console for this holiday season, I'd go with either a PS4 or Wii U. Wii U is starting to get a couple of games and has free online play. The only question being it's longevity after the big boys release their consoles.

PS4 I'd recommend only because not everything is behind a paywall like MS's Xbone. Sure, you'd have to pay for multiplayer (which really is a drag), but at least your standard streaming services / DVR functionality (for games) won't be locked behind that paywall.

Personally, I've got a PS4 preordered, but, besides Octodad, there's not too many games that I'm excited about. And since my truck's alignment took a shit and I need to replace two tires, there's a very good chance I'll end up cancelling the preorder.

Anyhow, here's a link to Valve's Steam announcements (I'm sure you've seen some of the feedback threads here on [H] about it).
Yeah, Steambox (from what I've read) still requires a gaming PC to drive the games. My HTPC is getting a little long in the tooth, and I'm looking at *DOWNGRADING* the GPU on it rather than upgrading.

It's a Core 2 Extreme (Quad) with Radeon 4850 right now - a massive power hog. I'm looking at swapping it out for a Haswell with built-in graphics, now that Intel graphics can handle Blu-ray just as well as add-in. So it won't be a decent source for the Steambox. And it's my main gaming rig now. (Not much, some older games, FPS, RTS. Shadowrun Returns and Portal 2 are about the most strenuous games I run on it, which even Haswell onboard can handle.)

Yes, I was looking to make it a Christmas present, but I'm willing to delay if there is no clear-cut winner yet. (Sounds like PS4 is the likely winner, though.)
WiiU - You're a family man, you want free online (which neither the PS4 or XB1 offer) and you already pointed out both your wife and daughter enjoy more casual games.

PC for yourself for those core titles you need.

I'm in a similar boat, I have always had a gaming PC. I had a 360 last gen (still do) and that was nice. However, my son is turning 4 this month and is begging for a WiiU (plus like 5 games lol). My wife is interested in the titles on the WiiU and now I find myself at a place in life, where I"m no longer a selfish (not a bad thing) young gamer who just buys things I want, or things that make logical sense lol. With a family I think of others, their needs, and how the family can all play together more often.

WiiU for us, and with all the games coming out this holiday I recommend it to anyone. I just rebuilt my PC so I'm ready to go for those core titles myself. I'm super excited to just go WiiU+PC this gen.

edit. If you go PS4, what on earth is your daughter and wife going to play? When that system launches it will have "launch" titles, most of which won't be worth buying.. only a few keepers. Overall, there is no developed library of games for your daughter and wife to choose from. The WiiU on the other hand is 1 year in, has games and is getting a plethra of round 2 games this holiday. You mentioned they are casual gamers, and enjoy the Wii. Going to the PS4 will leave them empty handed. Despite what people may repeat to themselves to believe it.. the Playstation platform isn't offering that Nintendo-like software suite. The PS4 will be great, as will the XB1. But if you're a Nintendo family already .. I do not advise deviating unless someone in your house is requesting it.

Advice? Poke around the family and ask about WiiU vs PS4. You'll get your answer, don't rely on us, the biased internet opinion.
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If you go PS4, what on earth is your daughter and wife going to play? When that system launches it will have "launch" titles, most of which won't be worth buying.. only a few keepers.

Octodad! :-p

Totally agree with what you're saying, though. I look at a PS4 purchase and I see a title or two that might interest me, but they're in no way must haves, and when I put the wife and kid into the equation I don't see any title they'd enjoy.

It's looking more and more like this will be a PC (with a Steam Machine to complement it) and Wii U generation for this family.
edit. If you go PS4, what on earth is your daughter and wife going to play?

Yeah I suppose you have a point. Yet PS4 does have some games she could play.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes
The Pinball Arcade
Skylanders: Swap Force
The Playroom
Doki-Doki Universe

...all out in November
Wii U hands down. The PS4 right now. flat out is not worth buying, there are little to no launch titles worth buying. I have both the PS4 and the XB1 preordered, but im cancelling the PS4 because as of right now i see absolutely no reason to buy it.

Their online services are basically the same, if your going to play online multiplayer games you have to pay a fee.

The WII U has some great games on it, i just recently bought one and there are some great games, and i gotta admit the tablet/controller is absolutely awesome. Your kid can play a game using just that while you and the wife watch tv, excellent for a family environment
minecraft is coming to the PS4 by the way. Sony doesn't put services like Netflix and hulu and such behind a paywall, onlny online games that are not free to play will require a playstation plus subscription., all online services require an xbox live gold subscription
I'm trying to figure out WHY anyone would WANT to finish Enter the Matrix.
What an awful game... I remember returning it the same day I got it or the next (damn how many years ago was this? It was on the first xbox). I also remember saying that it had to be the worst movie to video game, game ever made.

Seriously man, just let it go. THAT game is NOT worth it. What do you like about it? I cant think of a thing, just awful awful awful.
I say get the PS4 or WiiU.
minecraft is coming to the PS4 by the way. Sony doesn't put services like Netflix and hulu and such behind a paywall, onlny online games that are not free to play will require a playstation plus subscription., all online services require an xbox live gold subscription

incorrect. only F2P mmo's will not require a sub. Pay MMO's do still require one as per the elder scrolls online. Im sick of this argument as im willing to be 99% of the people that say it will be subscribing to play online games anyways
I know you asked for next-gen, but a PS3 + 1 year of PS+ is a very good deal now, e.g. a bundle like this -

There are tons of single player very unique PS3 games - e.g. Journey, Heavy Rain, fl0w, Little Big Planet that are very enjoyable for a family too, many are free with PS+ or very cheap. The PS+ sub you get can be used for a PS4 with no extra charge, so in 6 months - 1 year you can buy a PS4, possibly with reduced price, and by that time it will have a decent game collection for free on PS+ as well.
As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
incorrect. only F2P mmo's will not require a sub. Pay MMO's do still require one as per the elder scrolls online. Im sick of this argument as im willing to be 99% of the people that say it will be subscribing to play online games anyways

Deleted, since you were talking about the 360 apparently
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The PS4 right now. flat out is not worth buying, there are little to no launch titles worth buying. I have both the PS4 and the XB1 preordered, but im cancelling the PS4 because as of right now i see absolutely no reason to buy it.

“Well I think there’s a couple of things I would say, one is that every platform I’ve ever been involved in somebody has said ‘oh, this has got more gigaflops or more teraflops than the other one,’ and at the end of the day it never really matters,” he told us. “It’s all about having the best games and having the most impressive experiences, and clearly Xbox One has the best games. So that would be my first response.”

“The other is that any time that you ask a developer – including, by the way, our own internal studios – in the run up to launch of a console you’re going to get a slightly nuanced answer because the operating system’s not finished, the performance of the machine’s not locked, and as you may be aware we can increase CPU and GPU capability on Xbox One,” continued Harrison. “So I think it’s impossible to draw any conclusions from that based on pre-launch unfinished hardware and unfinished operating systems."

Translation = Yes developers even our internal ones are not happy with what were providing.


BTW OP just look up "ps4 indies", just saying that yes, your daughter and your wife should be able to get something to play down the line :)