next gen Nvidia cards in Feb 2010?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 10, 2004
[H] speculates that it will be around February (at the earliest!) before we see the GT300 series.

(This is in the second paragraph of the Radeon 5850 review)

I would be buying a midrange card (like the 5770 or Nvidia's version) so that means I would have to wait even longer since high end cards usually launch first. I don't have any preference of one brand over the other but it looks like AMD will have a at least a few months of great sales.
Wow..[H] has moved from pro-Nvidia fanboyism to pro-AMD camp :p

I wouldn't go as far as saying that, but it's kind of sad that they are "speculating" about it and include it in a review. Facts (data from the benchmarks) mixed with speculation. Very sad indeed...
I doubt those dates...all I hear indicates a launch this year (and a new "G80" architecture.)
I doubt those dates...all I hear indicates a launch this year (and a new "G80" architecture.)

I expect it to be december paper launch. But I dont pretend to know anything - just my guess.

I wouldn't go as far as saying that, but it's kind of sad that they are "speculating" about it and include it in a review. Facts (data from the benchmarks) mixed with speculation. Very sad indeed...

doesn't make me sad. You are probably a very sensitive guy. :D

aaanyways, I would trust their speculation over 99.9% of the posters on this forum.
doesn't make me sad. You are probably a very sensitive guy. :D

aaanyways, I would trust their speculation over 99.9% of the posters on this forum.

Yes, a review (with facts) really needs to be mixed with speculation...:rolleyes:
I wouldn't go as far as saying that, but it's kind of sad that they are "speculating" about it and include it in a review. Facts (data from the benchmarks) mixed with speculation. Very sad indeed...

they generally dont speculate all that much without facts.. and id trust the majority of what Brent says.. maybe theres something they know that they arent allowed to actually say.. but who knows.. they never said it wasnt going to be released this year but from the looks of it.. we will only see a soft release this year and actual hardware next year..

this is where nvidia should just suck it up and let their customers know whats going on.. but instead they are leaving everyone in the dark which tends to prove the Q1'10 release speculations.. sometimes silence is a good thing.. but when your competitor beats you in releasing something thats going to compete with you for profits then it becomes a bad thing..

but in the end id like to see Brent wrong so we can start a pricing war before christmas.. so i dont have to wait another 3-4 months to get an HD5870..(and no im not an ATI fanboy.. im just sick of nvidia's drivers)
Speaking of which, when are the prices for the last gen cards going to drop? After the first price drop of the current gen?
Yes, a review (with facts) really needs to be mixed with speculation...:rolleyes:

no, it does not but it is something that you will find at EVERY hardware review site. You may find a review here or there that doesn't have any speculation but I don't think you will find a site that has never included it in any of their reviews. Reviews with facts.

and I up your :rolleyes:

with :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I'm sad too guys, but I have a feeling Nvidia will look at the 5 series and then Wham! they'll pull out another new winner architecture! It will be like the G80 but better ya know cuz they now know what AMD has and they can get back to work and improve what they have like they always do. Open up a can of whoopass this holiday. Keep your heads up men.
[H] speculates that it will be around February (at the earliest!) before we see the GT300 series.

(This is in the second paragraph of the Radeon 5850 review)

I would be buying a midrange card (like the 5770 or Nvidia's version) so that means I would have to wait even longer since high end cards usually launch first. I don't have any preference of one brand over the other but it looks like AMD will have a at least a few months of great sales.

And your source is Who inside [H]??
It is unusual to see [H] join the ranks of fuzilla, semiaccurate, and bsn in openly speculating. Personally I would prefer them not too - it seems to go against the spirit of [H] which is all about hard info, real usage reviews and the like. If I want speculation I already have plenty of sites. That said pointing out other sites in the news is fine.

To speculate on the late release of a video card seems particularly dangerous - if Kyle gets it wrong the fan boys will (with some justification) be on his back about it for years lol
no, it does not but it is something that you will find at EVERY hardware review site. You may find a review here or there that doesn't have any speculation but I don't think you will find a site that has never included it in any of their reviews. Reviews with facts.

Really ? Care to provide an example (outside of this [H] one) ? Because I really don't know of any REVIEW site that includes more than the FACTS of the review.

needmorecarnitine said:
and I up your :rolleyes:

with :rolleyes::rolleyes:


How old are you ? 12 ?
It's all speculation for now. By revealing the specs, they've (nVidia) already created a wave. They're just making us wait too long :p
Its not unreasonable to think this will happen. Nvidia may launch the cards this year, but availibility could be a problem for a while, I also wonder how that will impact initial pricing.

Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see. I look forward to see more information from Nvidia themselves about the actual release.
I would count on them being around sometime between October 2009 and Dec of 2010.
Lets start a gueesing game...I say 27th Nov should be an interesting day.
They have no hardware ready for consumers and won't have it till at least February next year. March is more likely. On top of that this thing is supposed to cost $549-599. Ugh.

Cue fanbois making apologies.
Wow..[H] has moved from pro-Nvidia fanboyism to pro-AMD camp :p

that is harsh, really that fact Nvidia is running behind may well have to do with the type of product they are shooting for. In fact I will be surprised (pleasantly) if the 300 can keep up with the 5800 in games given that they are looking much further out then current games. (a jack of all trades is usually not a master at any one). its saving grace may well be what it can do outside of games though. I usually dog cuda for being a proprietary product (much like physx) that just doesn't matter much to the avg user but if what I am hearing is correct its just going to get easier to find real apps that make use of it and benefit us. missing the holiday season might be worth it to get the product they want to launch.

the truth here is simple though, ATI has put out a kick ass product right now that is going to really appeal to the H type user, nvidia is just running behind and doesn't seem to be as in line with that for the time being. even if GPU computing takes off its not going to do much this year. There articles simply reflect this. That and lately Nvidia is pissing a lot of people off (not running there card as physx with other cards pissed a bunch of people off, so long as I can fold I don't care) If Kyle is asking some hard questions well.....
Well let's see if Nvidia can manage black Friday release (late november). If they miss the 2nd gravy train (Christmas) then ATI will get a huge leg up in sales.
they generally dont speculate all that much without facts.. and id trust the majority of what Brent says.. maybe theres something they know that they arent allowed to actually say.. but who knows.. they never said it wasnt going to be released this year but from the looks of it.. we will only see a soft release this year and actual hardware next year..

this is where nvidia should just suck it up and let their customers know whats going on.. but instead they are leaving everyone in the dark which tends to prove the Q1'10 release speculations.. sometimes silence is a good thing.. but when your competitor beats you in releasing something thats going to compete with you for profits then it becomes a bad thing..

but in the end id like to see Brent wrong so we can start a pricing war before christmas.. so i dont have to wait another 3-4 months to get an HD5870..(and no im not an ATI fanboy.. im just sick of nvidia's drivers)
funny most of us AMDers have been saying the same thing. at least CCC doesnt crash anymore.

i believe [H] and many other AAA review sites get lots of off-the-record insider info just chatting with product reps and may leak a little here and there but wont back them up to not offend those reps
funny most of us AMDers have been saying the same thing. at least CCC doesnt crash anymore.

i believe [H] and many other AAA review sites get lots of off-the-record insider info just chatting with product reps and may leak a little here and there but wont back them up to not offend those reps

a lot of Nvidia people have been saying that as well, the truth be told there is plenty of mud to be slinging around when it comes to drivers, green or red its a matter of picking your poison here. Nvidia still has not fixed their EDID error bug, a big reason I am leaning towards red, though the devil I know.....
I've heard OEMs stating they have been told to not expect product until around CES. So Kyle's prediction would be even further off than that. Either way, Jan or Fed is a long wait and rough waters for Nvidia.
I've heard OEMs stating they have been told to not expect product until around CES. So Kyle's prediction would be even further off than that. Either way, Jan or Fed is a long wait and rough waters for Nvidia.

I have nothing to base this on but my opinion of Nvidia's attitude. They are going to have something to at least show before that. I agree that there going to miss Xmas on the retail level but I would be very surprised if they didn't have a "Hey you might want to wait, look what we are going to have!" somewhere in the works. even if they had a really rough start (I am thinking that the 2% BS number was probably from some of the first sideline wafers they put out, that would be understandable) they will still have some working cards to show off. I can't believe they didn't do more of this on the 5870 release.
This is from the front page here at [H]:

NVIDIA GPU Conference Press Conference Followup

Now attending a press conference that is following up the keynote speech by Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, at the NVIDIA GPU Conference. Attending are Jensen Huang, Drew Henry - General Mgr GPU, and Tony Tomasi - Senior VP of Content and Technology.

Jensen is opening up stressing the importance of heterogeneous computing and that the GPU is a big part of that. GPU will be utilized far beyond just graphics, but graphics will still be a huge part of NVIDIA's GPU business. New tools have been developed that allow for heterogenous programming and debugging.

Jensen added, Silicon of Fermi is "in house" and "we are bringing it up." Time to market is likely "a few short months."

Likely a few short months.

He didn't say before Xmas. And why short months? To make it seem not so long? When I think of short months, I think of February. Two or three Februarys from now?

Really ? Care to provide an example (outside of this [H] one) ? Because I really don't know of any REVIEW site that includes more than the FACTS of the review.

Sure, I can post some examples from major sites. Would you be willing to write: "needmorecarnitine is my master even though he is only 12years old" in your sig with large fonts and keep it there for 30 days in exchange?
They have no hardware ready for consumers and won't have it till at least February next year. March is more likely. On top of that this thing is supposed to cost $549-599. Ugh.

Cue fanbois making apologies.

YOU again. Please provide a link to a quote, from a Nvidia engineer or exec, backing up your claim.

Are you that Charlie guy that is paid by Ati to talk shit about Nvidia? Is Lorien your Hardforum handle?
you are wrong about this

Cue fanbois making apologies.

fanboys make excuses not apologies.
They have no hardware ready for consumers and won't have it till at least February next year. March is more likely. On top of that this thing is supposed to cost $549-599. Ugh.

Cue fanbois making apologies.

Making a tally total should be an interesting fun forum game from now to January.

For the kids that are having a hard time understanding let me put it more simply. Big showing + lots of marketing hype and in the end no performance numbers revealed or even a simple release date. If you still can't get it well....
"He didn't say before Xmas. And why short months? To make it seem not so long? When I think of short months, I think of February. Two or three Februarys from now?"

Are you retarded? Its a figure of speech. Ever heard someone say "its been a long day"? Does that make you think of day light savings or something? A few short months is a figure of speech. Google the saying, its not something new.

God I hate reading all these threads about Nvidia's shit. 90% is just crap.
The problem is when the GT300 is released next Jan or Feb at $549-$599, the ATI 5870 has already dropped to $299 range. If GT300 is not 2x fast than 5870, you can still easily make decision what to buy.
Beating Nvidia to the punch? Ok lets roll with that for a second. Ya they did release a new card and it's a dam fine card at that. the real question is, is it really really needed? Oh sure there are those that will say more power is ALWAYS needed and there's some truth to that for the fringe enthusists. There's also the crowd that runs 256450 x 5658 resolutions, and that's also a valid argument from them. Then you have the people that want to run at 240fps in their favorite console port instead of 180fps. Ummm ok that's a somewhat valid argument too. What you can't argue is that most mainstream cost conscience gamers who are in current gen or last gen hardware (cpu's and gpu's) aren't hurting for performance in the current crop of games and won't be hurting in the next crop of games coming this holiday season. So yes while I'm sure Nvidia doesn't like the idea of being left out in the cold when the competition leads off the season with a new card. I highly doubt they are crying themselves to sleep at night over it either. There's simply nothing any GT200 class card or cards can't handle, SLi or not.

So upgrade for the sake of upgrading if that's your thing, no problem at all, it keeps the economy going. :) For those of us waiting to see Fermi aka gt300, we aren't nuts. I will live waiting a few months if need be. We realize that 250 fps in cod mw2 will be fine. I don't need 251fps. I'm good thanks. :)

/End Thread.
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Beating Nvidia to the punch? Ok lets roll with that for a second. Ya they did release a new card and it's a dam fine card at that. the real question is, is it really really needed? Oh sure there are those that will say more power is ALWAYS needed and there's some truth to that for the fringe enthusists. There's also the crowd that runs 256450 x 5658 resolutions, and that's also a valid argument from them. Then you have the people that want to run at 240fps in their favorite console port instead of 180fps. Ummm ok that's a somewhat valid argument too. What you can't argue is that most mainstream cost conscience gamers who are in current gen or last gen hardware (cpu's and gpu's) aren't hurting for performance in the current crop of games and won't be hurting in the next crop of games coming this holiday season. So yes while I'm sure Nvidia doesn't like the idea of being left out in the cold when the competition leads off the season with a new card. I highly doubt they are crying themselves to sleep at night over it either. There's simply nothing any GT200 class card or cards can't handle, SLi or not.

So upgrade for the sake of upgrading if that's your thing, no problem at all, it keeps the economy going. :) For those of us waiting to see Fermi aka gt300, we aren't nuts. I will live waiting a few months if need be. We realize that 250 fps in cod mw2 will be fine. I don't need 251fps. I'm good thanks. :)

This x100000000000
Beating Nvidia to the punch? Ok lets roll with that for a second. Ya they did release a new card and it's a dam fine card at that. the real question is, is it really really needed? Oh sure there are those that will say more power is ALWAYS needed and there's some truth to that for the fringe enthusists. There's also the crowd that runs 256450 x 5658 resolutions, and that's also a valid argument from them. Then you have the people that want to run at 240fps in their favorite console port instead of 180fps. Ummm ok that's a somewhat valid argument too. What you can't argue is that most mainstream cost conscience gamers who are in current gen or last gen hardware (cpu's and gpu's) aren't hurting for performance in the current crop of games and won't be hurting in the next crop of games coming this holiday season. So yes while I'm sure Nvidia doesn't like the idea of being left out in the cold when the competition leads off the season with a new card. I highly doubt they are crying themselves to sleep at night over it either. There's simply nothing any GT200 class card or cards can't handle, SLi or not.

So upgrade for the sake of upgrading if that's your thing, no problem at all, it keeps the economy going. :) For those of us waiting to see Fermi aka gt300, we aren't nuts. I will live waiting a few months if need be. We realize that 250 fps in cod mw2 will be fine. I don't need 251fps. I'm good thanks. :)

/End Thread.


post of the day.
Beating Nvidia to the punch? Ok lets roll with that for a second. Ya they did release a new card and it's a dam fine card at that. the real question is, is it really really needed? Oh sure there are those that will say more power is ALWAYS needed and there's some truth to that for the fringe enthusists. There's also the crowd that runs 256450 x 5658 resolutions, and that's also a valid argument from them. Then you have the people that want to run at 240fps in their favorite console port instead of 180fps. Ummm ok that's a somewhat valid argument too. What you can't argue is that most mainstream cost conscience gamers who are in current gen or last gen hardware (cpu's and gpu's) aren't hurting for performance in the current crop of games and won't be hurting in the next crop of games coming this holiday season. So yes while I'm sure Nvidia doesn't like the idea of being left out in the cold when the competition leads off the season with a new card. I highly doubt they are crying themselves to sleep at night over it either. There's simply nothing any GT200 class card or cards can't handle, SLi or not.

So upgrade for the sake of upgrading if that's your thing, no problem at all, it keeps the economy going. :) For those of us waiting to see Fermi aka gt300, we aren't nuts. I will live waiting a few months if need be. We realize that 250 fps in cod mw2 will be fine. I don't need 251fps. I'm good thanks. :)

/End Thread.

I am waiting for it, but not as a graphics card. I am actually beginning to see some real promise here. and the possibility for some practical software effects. but your argument doesn't hold water. being this far behind is bad, it had better be a damn good product for it to have been worth the wait esp when a die shrink/expansion of the GTX200 would have produced a pretty competitive product now. and yes a LOT of games don't need the power, there will be some that will and others going to be come up. and I think a lot of people are underestimation eyefinity. even if most people don't use it the envy it produce is going to be a strong selling point.

and by the the same argument is going to hold true in a few months when their card does come out.

need and desire are two very different animals.