Next Generation PSUs - your thoughts


Oct 29, 2005
now that we are fast approaching the magic 1000w PSU

i'd like to know (or specualate) what break thrus we might expect to see for the PC?

or are we destined to continually see hikes in wattage?

are there any manufacturers thinking outside the box as far as PSU goes?
1kw has already been passed. By multiple OEM's.

No specific breakthroughs, but unless GPu's go the way of CPU's, then we are destined to see more and more bigger power supplies.

As for out of the box, Single rail is where it's at.
The day that I can't run a high-end system with a 1000W PSU is the day that I find a new hobby. GPU makers need to get their shit together in regards to power consumption, and I mean right now.
Rabid Badger said:
The day that I can't run a high-end system with a 1000W PSU is the day that I find a new hobby. GPU makers need to get their shit together in regards to power consumption, and I mean right now.

QFT. Thanks to the power hungry graphics cards some PSU makers have been selling GPU PSUs. When 1 part of your computer requires its own PSU, you know somethings not right.
Rabid Badger said:
The day that I can't run a high-end system with a 1000W PSU is the day that I find a new hobby. GPU makers need to get their shit together in regards to power consumption, and I mean right now.
AMEN :) This graphics shit is OUT OF CONTROL! There should ever be a need to have a PSU greater then 1kw. I mean, just having the need for a 1kw PSU is crazy, but going over it, well, that is just down right ridiculous.
Things will change pretty quick (as far as power consumption goes) when people build their new systems...and they trip the breaker just by turning the thing on. :eek:
PSU power need are absurdly overrated. 95% of users have absolutely no need for 1000W power supplies, it's just marketing gimmick (saying "we have 1000W PSU" is much easier and will attract user thinking "more is better", while saying "we make quality PSUs which are stable, effcient etc." isn't that great marketing-wise).

Seasonic S12 500 or 600W can power QX6700, 4GB ram, 8800GTX (SLI) and 4-5 320GB Barracudas. There's no need for 750W, 1000W etc. PSUs. Most systems use 150-200W on a daily basis, and even most power hungry consumer rigs rarely exceed 400W.

Quality of PSU is much more important than it's nominal wattage.
umbolo said:
PSU power need are absurdly overrated. 95% of users have absolutely no need for 1000W power supplies, it's just marketing gimmick (saying "we have 1000W PSU" is much easier and will attract user thinking "more is better", while saying "we make quality PSUs which are stable, effcient etc." isn't that great marketing-wise).

Seasonic S12 500 or 600W can power QX6700, 4GB ram, 8800GTX (SLI) and 4-5 320GB Barracudas. There's no need for 750W, 1000W etc. PSUs. Most systems use 150-200W on a daily basis, and even most power hungry consumer rigs rarely exceed 400W.

Quality of PSU is much more important than it's nominal wattage.

QFT..PS makers have been left out of the loop till recently..So the only way they can make a splash is by touting easily recocgnized power numbers..Dont beleive the hype..Quality over quantity..
I like Antec's idea with the P190. Two PSU's linked together, without needing any modding or aftermarket relays, I hope the Neo-Link becomes more popular than the 1KW+ PSU's that are out already. When a PSU doesn't physically fit the case, you know something's wrong.

And yes, I expect video card consumption to drop sharply after G90 and R700. I think this generation was out of control largely because of the paradigm shift with DX10- once they have time to refine their architectures, expect them to become several times more efficient. Right now they are trying to tackle the transition with brute force, which is obviously inefficient.
im really hoping someone comes up with something smart.

how bouts multiple PSU in a box that auto kick in and out?

stuff like that.
Some servers are running a few thousand watts, so I doubt we'd see the end to PSU spikes.

How about nuclear power for all :D
umbolo said:
PSU power need are absurdly overrated. 95% of users have absolutely no need for 1000W power supplies, it's just marketing gimmick (saying "we have 1000W PSU" is much easier and will attract user thinking "more is better", while saying "we make quality PSUs which are stable, effcient etc." isn't that great marketing-wise).

Seasonic S12 500 or 600W can power QX6700, 4GB ram, 8800GTX (SLI) and 4-5 320GB Barracudas. There's no need for 750W, 1000W etc. PSUs. Most systems use 150-200W on a daily basis, and even most power hungry consumer rigs rarely exceed 400W.

Quality of PSU is much more important than it's nominal wattage.
I guess you've not read Ockie's projects.
protias said:
I guess you've not read Ockie's projects.
Those are just extreme examples, and I used words "most" and "rarely". Of course you can build a system which will drain a lot of power, but how many people are gonna do that? 0.001%?
Ockie said:
How about nuclear power for all :D

That's what I'm talking about! Not a large nuclear reactor to power my house or anything... just some small unit to give a few KW to my computer... that's all...
umbolo said:
PSU power need are absurdly overrated. 95% of users have absolutely no need for 1000W power supplies, it's just marketing gimmick (saying "we have 1000W PSU" is much easier and will attract user thinking "more is better", while saying "we make quality PSUs which are stable, effcient etc." isn't that great marketing-wise).

Seasonic S12 500 or 600W can power QX6700, 4GB ram, 8800GTX (SLI) and 4-5 320GB Barracudas. There's no need for 750W, 1000W etc. PSUs. Most systems use 150-200W on a daily basis, and even most power hungry consumer rigs rarely exceed 400W.

Quality of PSU is much more important than it's nominal wattage.

Consider tha the full load of an 8800GTX SLI system is near 500Watt's, I serisouly doubt it. Add a bunch of drives in there and it seems unlikely that any 500Watt PSU could get the job done. At least not for very long.
Dan_D said:
Consider tha the full load of an 8800GTX SLI system is near 500Watt's, I serisouly doubt it. Add a bunch of drives in there and it seems unlikely that any 500Watt PSU could get the job done. At least not for very long.
It's not the wattage I would be concerned about. After all, it is just a number, right? It's just that most 500W PSUs (or in that range at least) don't come with four PCI-E power connections, so you wouldn't be able to do theoretically run SLI anyway, unless you used a ton of adapters (which isn't recommended anyway).
Dan_D said:
Consider tha the full load of an 8800GTX SLI system is near 500Watt's, I serisouly doubt it. Add a bunch of drives in there and it seems unlikely that any 500Watt PSU could get the job done. At least not for very long.
People are running 8800GTX just fine with 500W PSUs. Seasonic S12 500W can drive 8800GTX, Q6700, 4GB ram, 4-5 hard disk + peripherals without problem. It could probably run one more 8800GTX in SLI, but maybe Seasonic S12 600W would be needed. 750W or 1000W PSUs are marketing mumbo jumbo mostly (for most users like I said, I don't deny that really hungry systems exist, but those users are minority, and those computers are not gaming rigs).
_Korruption_ said:
It's not the wattage I would be concerned about. After all, it is just a number, right? It's just that most 500W PSUs (or in that range at least) don't come with four PCI-E power connections, so you wouldn't be able to do theoretically run SLI anyway, unless you used a ton of adapters (which isn't recommended anyway).

I realize wattage isn't the end all of power supplies. The amperage on a given 12v rail is of far more importnance. Even so I have a hard time believing a Seasonic 500Watt PSU could power my system.
It could, although it might be smarter to run it with Seasonic S12 600W, just in case and for some headroom. If you had only one 8800GTX S12 500W would work like charm.
umbolo said:
It could, although it might be smarter to run it with Seasonic S12 600W, just in case and for some headroom. If you had only one 8800GTX S12 500W would work like charm.

I realize this. I had used an Antec Neo HE 550 temporarily for awhile when I had only one 8800GTX. It worked fine. Though I was using my ASUS P5W DH at the time. I wouldn't want to draw max power output from any PSU. Regardless of the brand. It's smarter to give yourself some head room rather than getting exactly what you need at the time you need it.