Nexus 2 on Kickstarter

o hell yes i hope this gets it i loved the first game so much, very fun game
Never got into the first game. Perhaps I will try it again. Even though I never got into it I could tell it was a good game. There are not many games in this genre either so this looks like a good opportunity for those that want a Nexus sequel.
Oh heck yes! I loved the first one. If you have a chance, look for videos of the Battlestar Galactica mod for it.
I donno, I figure backing these games at $25 is cheaper then buying it at $49 when it comes out on steam.
I never played the first but read a lot of praise for it. But an RTS sequel and STILL no multiplayer? Count me out.
First game had MP. It was also more tactics based rather than research/build based.
Never got into the first game. Perhaps I will try it again. Even though I never got into it I could tell it was a good game. There are not many games in this genre either so this looks like a good opportunity for those that want a Nexus sequel.

Unfortunately, it looks like most people are not into this game. I posted about it over on gaming forums and there was very little interest, same goes for the gamerswithjobs forums.

post something about a new shooter or rpg and watch the kids come out like maggots beneath a darkened rock, but when it comes to space ship games, they disappear, sight unseen.

I hate it. I hate the fact that this amazing game that is 10 times the game many lesser projects were based on and get funded has so little fanfare and interest that it will wither and die.

And I think it boils down to the basic fact that many gamers fantasy they want to live out in these games, is to be a gun firing/knife stabbing superman. They would much rather engage in that activity, a boorish soldier (how original and fantastical, a damn foot soldier playing bang bang), than command a fleet of ships of devastating power against strange and alien foes.

I give up, I was cursed with caviar tastes in a world of beef jerky lovers.
first game was pretty damn awesome hopefully this one reaches its goal but it seems unlikely. and lol at the caviar tastes in a world of beef jerky lovers thats a hell of a line. sig worthy even.
Unfortunately, it looks like most people are not into this game. I posted about it over on gaming forums and there was very little interest, same goes for the gamerswithjobs forums.

post something about a new shooter or rpg and watch the kids come out like maggots beneath a darkened rock, but when it comes to space ship games, they disappear, sight unseen.

I hate it. I hate the fact that this amazing game that is 10 times the game many lesser projects were based on and get funded has so little fanfare and interest that it will wither and die.

And I think it boils down to the basic fact that many gamers fantasy they want to live out in these games, is to be a gun firing/knife stabbing superman. They would much rather engage in that activity, a boorish soldier (how original and fantastical, a damn foot soldier playing bang bang), than command a fleet of ships of devastating power against strange and alien foes.

I give up, I was cursed with caviar tastes in a world of beef jerky lovers.

It has more to do with the tactical nature of the game, but also has to do with the space theme. Look up the Ground Branch Kickstarter. A restart of a dead genre, the realistic thinking man's shooter. Hardly got any support. Nexus 2 falls into a similar category. People don't like tactical/militaristic games in general (I am talking gameplay, not visuals).

Now, there have been multiple "old school RPGs" Kickstarters that are exploding with support. Because we really need another 3-4 fantasy themed RPGs even though we got those yearly from the big studios.

Its a shame, and even though I won't donate to Nexus to I hope it gets the support it needs because it has been a while since a similar title was released.
Really is a shame. Seems to have gotten off to a slow start. I'd say it's likely to hit budget, but not much hope for any stretch goals I don't think.
Really is a shame. Seems to have gotten off to a slow start. I'd say it's likely to hit budget, but not much hope for any stretch goals I don't think.

It may make its funding goal, but it would be a stretch to expect anything else regardless. the 3d space combat genre seems to be a very niche market, there is no middle ground, people love em, or people hate them with a passion. That is also probably why we haven't seen a Homeworld 3 (even though i believe relic managed to pry the rights to the title back).

The gaming industry in general has come down to: if it cannot be ported to a console, then it probably is not profitable enough to dedicate resources to.
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It may make its funding goal, but it would be a stretch to expect anything else regardless. the 3d space combat genre seems to be a very niche market, there is no middle ground, people love em, or people hate them with a passion. That is also probably why we haven't seen a Homeworld 3 (even though i believe relic managed to pry the rights to the title back).

The gaming industry in general has come down to: if it cannot be ported to a console, then it probably profitable enough to dedicate resources to.

I would like an HW3. It was the only RTS I ever liked. I can't imagine playing an RTS that is not set in space. Unless it was a modern/Cold War era Naval RTS with realistic units. That would be fun.
I would like an HW3. It was the only RTS I ever liked. I can't imagine playing an RTS that is not set in space. Unless it was a modern/Cold War era Naval RTS with realistic units. That would be fun.

You may want to check out Naval War: Arctic Circle. Haven't play it myself, but if I recall was reasonably well received and is in the realistic modern naval simulator realm.

But yes, the original Homeworld was one of the all time great RTS games. I guess Cataclysm and HW2 didn't do that great since it seems Relic/THQ have long since moved on Dawn of War / Company of Heroes as their mainline strategy games.

Nexus was a solid game, quite different than Homeworld though, much more Star Fleet Command in its emphasis on detailed management of smaller fleets. My only real gripe with the original was how limited your movement options were, you pretty much either moved toward or away from a particular target and that was it. Nowhere near the freedom of movement I'd like to have in space strategy game.

I'll probably plunk down the $35 bucks for digital copy.
lol suckers a dime a dozen still for these kickstarters.
lol suckers a dime a dozen still for these kickstarters.

50 dollar sucker here. Although I do not consider it an investment, I consider it a toss of funds to try and get someone to make something I want to see exist in the world.

I am like a micro Darwin D. Martin to the nexus teams Frank Lloyd Wright.
Failed to hit target by a huge way. Not even 1/3
Shame, as it was looking to be really good and the guys were great for communicating what was happening by emailing updates every week.
Pity, first part was great game. Almost as fun as Homeworld, but I missed the chance to build my fleet as I wanted, not being forced to use certain ships.
Failed to hit target by a huge way. Not even 1/3
Shame, as it was looking to be really good and the guys were great for communicating what was happening by emailing updates every week.

Reminds me of the GB Kickstarter. Reputable devs, good gameplay (not done in a while) and were very specific on details. Hopefully a publisher sees them though and maybe they can work something out.
I think they just need to try again in a few months into the new year. Star Citizen came up right after Nexus and raised over 2 million in no time flat. Im sure it stole alot of thunder that may have gone to Nexus.
Wing Commander was a hugely popular series. Nexus was an overlooked game. I'm not sure trying again would make much difference.
I think this kickstarter may have been a little lacking on the 'marketing' and such though to be honest. They had lots of details down that they wanted to do but interviews, concept art and such was pretty limited.