nForce chips with PCI/AGP lock?


Jun 24, 2004
Just wondering what nForce chipsets (or mfgrs) are supporting PCI/AGP frequency locks right now? I'm pissed, because my A7N8X-Delux does a piss poor job OCing on water, with a gig or corsair LL matched sticks, no PCI devices, and a 550w power supply! Basically everything in my system is stout, exception being my GeForce 4 Ti 4200 which is an interim for my big wait on a X800 XT (praise God!). I am maxing out at an atrocious 204MHz FSB on an Athlon XP 3200+ ... it is almost a joke! :-(

I'm hoping it is my AGP card that is the problem, but I would still like to be able to push my system a little harder (okay alot) and if I have to spend money to do it, by God I will! SO (sorry I get long winded) that said, since the A7N8X doesn't lockdown my PCI/AGP bus, what can I replace it with? I have always felt epox made good OC boards, but I have been completly out of the loop of computers for almost a year now, upgrading my home theater and doing sweet surround sound an what not, and all the new progress is a little overwhelming.

Suggestions and a reference of what locks down and what doesn't would be ideal
I have the exact same board and that is the same overclock I get. With older Bios getting beyond a FSB of 192-195 was very hard. With newer Bioses, you can get a 200 mhz FSB but nt much more. Also, it does lock down the AGP/PCI, that's the great thing about it. I don't know why you'd think otherwise. I can OC mine to about 205, but beyond there Prime fails. At this point you have a couple options. The first is to start messing with your multiplier. At 204 x 12.5 you could get a theoretical 2550 mhz, which would be excellent. (though hard to get). Otherwise, you could look into a voltage mod for your motherboard. would be a good place for that. Last option, buy one of the Abit boards. I'm not sure which one is the best, but they are great at getting the high fsbs.
I'm running a 200MHz FSB cpu ;) and I have a rev 2.0 board, so it can run at 200MHz DDR no problems. That means I am getting 4 freaking MHz. I cannot for the life of my place what is wrong. It must be this POS gainward videocard I borrowed, but thank God that's gone soon! I guess only time will tell if it is the suspect video card!
My CPU is running 2250MHz. Not even close to stressing it. I hate this!
Ah. Well, I haven't seen too many people out there getting extreme overclocks on the Asus NF2 boards, maybe you ought to try another board. You should still be able to up the multiplier and get some more speed.
Found the problem: the Gainward GF 4 Ti 4200s have bad ram apparently, so it is obviously limiting me alot. I know the Asus board isn't a huge OCer, but I am looking forward to getting a little more out of it.
nweibley said:
Found the problem: the Gainward GF 4 Ti 4200s have bad ram apparently, so it is obviously limiting me alot.

Maybe you could enlighten me as to how anything on your graphics card is setting back your overall system overclock? You can have any card in there, from a x800 to a Geforce2 and you'd get the same overclocks. That board locks down the PCI/AGP bus so it doesn't make a difference what your graphics card is doing. Maybe it has bad memory and it is causing you to crash because of that, but it's not just preventing you from overclocking.
AFAIK, my Asus mobo is NOT locking my PCI/AGP busses. Every time I crank up the FSB, I see that my AGP cards are always the biggest heat increasers. Everything else in my system is cool to the touch, and my CPU is on water, so it seems to me the logical explanation would be that the video card I am using is the current problem.
Since the X800XT isnt a huge overclocker anyways, I'm not sure if I have a ton to look forward to, or if it even is my video card at the time, but only time will tell I guess.