nForce4 mATX


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2005
does anyone here use either of the the Foxconn nForce4 mATX boards? I've seen the Giga-byte and the ASUS, and both of them have issues that make them less-than-desirable. Both Foxconn's chipset fans tend to get loud after a short time, so I was thinking of switching it to passively-cooled anyway. I don't care that it has no overclocking features, so I was hoping some of you had an opinion on it :)
The southbridge on the Foxconn probably gets extraordinarily hot. I had a very similar nForce3 version which probably used the same southbridge. It was passively cooled and it at stock it was smoking, with overclocking it was painful to touch! So I'm thinking they switched to active cooling for a reason...

Version I had was the NF3UK8MA-RS and was discontinued shortly after release. Either due to the newer nF4 chipset, cooling problems or both...