Nforce4 still Beta-chips ?


Dec 21, 2004
Hey all
I read multiple posts here and got the impression that nforce4 Mobo`s are all still Beta-state, very early revisions or current nforce4 is just cheap shit-chips .

Following list of Probs point to that:
1.) multiple Posts point at Problems with some Ram-modules that where
running great on nforce3 (nforce4 +250mhz unstable /nforce3 +290mhz rock)
2.) seems only very few owner can OC beyond 250mhz nomatter what Ram
3.) chipsetcoolers on nforce4 Mobo that (have to) run at 8000 rpm point at a REALY BIG thermical problem (wich would fit perfectly to 1.) and 2.) )
4.) some realy bitchy Bios- and Reboot-problems
5.) why does it need 8000 rpm chipsetcooler when it doesnt OC much anyway ??

While there is no real challenge for nforce4 chipset (it hasnt got like HT 3000 nor are all Benchmarks more than ~ +5 %) , compared to the nforce3, one may wonder why there is
somuch trouble.
For me this means (as seen befor) Nvidia lets customers do part of theyr Debug-Homework again in early stage of Production.
Seen that Athlon 64 has Ramcontroler inside (wich should have made Mobo allot cheaper
intentionaly), i think the Value you get for the rather high Prices, is a Scandal anyway !
1.) Wanna become Betatester ? best chance now !
2.) I trust Manufacturers/Webpage-reviews asfar as i can throw an 3,2 ton Maybach B4
I do have to comment on one thing, while they're seems to be problems regarding various issues, labelling a chip "beta" or "shit" because it doesn't OC well just isn't right. If they run at stock speeds, they run as they were designed too, if they're crap at OC'ing then, while that sucks doesn't mean they're a beta chip.
Oh yes it does !
A chipset that has "Ultra" in Name should be "Ultra" not because its
fan have to go 8000 tours but the chipset doesnt do more then its
"nonultra" version wich only misses the HW firewall compared.
A Bios that has OC-options should OC (especialy when its sold for
such a high Price)

When a nforce3 "ultra" gets to 290 MHz, "one" expects its successor
nforce4 "ultra" performs equal or better.
Else whats the "Ultra" tag for ?
The Gigabyte nf3 ultra board (at least the one I have) never overclocked well. So if that's the benchmark that the "ultra" nf3's have set and you have the same expectation for the nf4 ultra line... well, then I doubt you can be very disappointed.

Especially given all of the memory crap the nf3u's Gigabyte crapped out...
Never buy version 1 software or hardware for that matter if you are risk adverse ;)
I'm in the process of H20 cooling a brand new A8N-SLI that has never had the juice to it. I think perhaps you are on the right track about this NF4 chip being a beta. I'm going to take some pics before I disassemble the NF4 chip cooler any more than I presently have to preserve my findings for posterity ;) I have NEVER seen such a candy ass attempt to fix an obvious design error on any ASUS motherboard in my life!
Don't get me wrong. I am quite jazzed with building a new rig on the A8N-SLI NF4 based platform. But lets call a spade a spade and everything is not rosy and red :D
it's called an early revision. remember how much the nf3-150 sucked? that's why the f3-250 came out.. and even then, the first few boards weren't anything special. give it time, the chipset will mature, the drivers will improve.. and a real bios will be written.
yes, i know it shouldn't be this way, but with such a hyped product, i dunno.. i guess they got ahead of themselves and shipped things out too early.

btw- english isn't your first language, is it charon? no offense, but i had difficulty understanding what you're talking about. and can you tell me what 8000 u/min is? u/min = rpm?
and lastly, i respect your attempt to call attention to such a serious issue, but it's kinda hard to say something so negative about a product without purchasing and using one yourself. :D
oops error, rpm a German ..sorry..but hey i can learn :D

Right..i didnt buy one yet ! (i learned :p)
And seeing the SLI-Gamesupport issue now, i wont buy any SLI.
Btw. where are the Nforce4 ultra`s ??? ( !!! )

To the hardware:
I doubt its only here, but German Products usualy have high security Reserves (im shure most other Countries do equal !) meaning if they build an Elevator here for 7 persons (~450 kg) it realy can do 4,5 tons, doing 450 kg with ABSOLUTE Security.
...Q U A L I T Y...

Yeah no comparison to electronic stuff ofcourse..but you get where im heading...
But then ..for example most AMD +3000 "Winchester" CPU`s can be OC`ed to 2.4MHz or more (nomatter first charges or not !).

So with Asus SLI Mobo alowing only 210 FSB in theyr first Bios gives a clear hint about
performance Security (or Reserves) in my eyes.
...OC ? NO ! Reserves ? NO !

So in comparison with AMD "Winchester" CPU-Line ,nforce4 has a very poor start !!
Barley working...(i still think it earns the Beta-Tag) Beta-Chip.