nforce4 Ultra chipset (cooler) sucks ? (MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum)


Dec 21, 2004
Bought me an MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum, NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra.
Decent Board sofar...but weak OC (only till ~240 HTT unstable above it doesnt even
boot )..nice features on Board but BAD OC (FOR AN CHIP CALLED "Ultra").

My Ram btw. ATP "AG64L64T8SQC4S" lowcut ( Samsung K4H560828E-TCCC)
(NOT CALLED "ULTRA" :p) rock stable till HT 230 with 1:1 (WITHOUT A N Y cooling!!!!) !
(Saw them rarly in Onlineshops for ~110 USD/module btw.(get some if you can !))
(got my two 512mb-Modules on E-gay for ONLY 125 Euro (yeah 62.5 Euro each :D ) )

Back to the Board...
3 Days it ran ok ( well OC i had realy hoped for more) but then suddenly the
Chipsetfan either Bearing went bad (i never touched it) or Chipset itself gets
suddenly so hot that fan runs on 7200+ rpm (no OC setting) with an horror sound
and vibration that exeeds anything (including my Gigabyte 6600GT) and even makes
my Bigtower vibrate (so small chip/fan :p....).
~8200 3dmark btw. with no OC (Athlon +3000).

I had bad comments for nforce4 chipset Thermal performance in an earlier Post
suggesting it was "Beta chips" cause i read about Asus SLI running 8000 rpm fans
Now i have my own prove + a crazy vibrating chipsetfan ontop.
Whats wrong with thouse nforce4 (ultra) chipsets that they need so heavy cooling
on default speed even when hole SYS just idles (heavy OC`ed by default speed already?)
How will thouse (cheap,small) chipset-fans make even half of the 2 Years default
Warrancy? i doubt !
Nvidia/MSI ..what shit are u trying to sell me/us ?
..Mobo is going back to sender ofcourse :(
I havent tried overclocking really yet, but as of this second im at 280fsb with my memory at 1:1 and 1T(560ddr). I have the OCZ Platinum rev.2 (also TCCD), and my processor is at 3.0. And my board is "only" an ultra. Maybe you are doing something wrong. Tomorrow when i have time, i will see where this boards limits are. I just set em to 280 and played a few games and it worked like a charm....but, still needs a few more tests. Oh, i have the DFI Ultra-D.
Somebody at XtremeSystems forum removed the chipset cooler on the nF4 and cleaned off the TIM, then reapplied AS5 and replaced the exact same HSF. He was claiming a 10°C drop in temps for the chipset reported in BIOS.
manipulating the fan is no option for me as warrancy is gone then.
..aswell funny is that then Northbridge temperature isnt high ..33 C° atm.(Bios)
cpu 32 C°(Bios)
MSI`s own "OC-tool" "CoreCenter" reports the actual fanspeed of my Zalman 7700b right
in Windows (1318 rpm atm.) Athlon +3000 1800MHz
BUT where the Northbridge fan rpm is supposed to show in "CoreCenter" there is just
4 (absurd) Letters... "slow" showing..nomatter the Northbridge isnt hot.

Only in Bios i can see it runs with ~7800 rpm
So there is no rpm-control atall for the Northbridge fan i asume.
Atleast i dont see any...

Its just a cheap little fan that, on my MoBo, makes 2-3x the Noise of my Gigabyte 6600GT
What makes you think its the chipset? How do you know its not your RAM or CPU? And if you want the HTT speed to go higher just lower the HTT multiplier. Increased HTT speed has little to no effect on system performance so your only overclocking it to overclock the CPU and RAM. Make sure the AGP speed is set at 67 Mhz as well or your system will never be stable because the AGP/PCI lock isn't engaged.
can be you got a bit disoriented with posting ?

The Chipset fan is my problem..its 3 times as noisy as my Gigabyte 6600GT (4.0 Sone !)
A Noise like a Waking clock btw.. less loud (hole case is vibrating from it)..but constantly on..sometimes changing Frequency for 30 sec and then back.
This is not against MSI..the Board was ok, but that little cheap fan on the chipset spoiled
the good first impression for me !!!

I searched hole web for a sollution..non..then saw one review mentioned the "in theyr Eyes" adventurouse chipset-cooling sollution of MSI compared to other nforce4 MoBo`s.
Exactly..bad Design.
Other nforce4 Ultra MoBo`s have either bigger Fans (DFI) or passive cooling (Gigabyte)..
I had exactly the same problem with the same board. Everything was running smooth as glass and then that fan started making a horrible racket. I replaced it with a passive zalman heat sink. So far so good, althought the 6600GT is kind of a tight squeez (but it does fit without touching).
OK i orderd a DFI Lanparty nforce4 blah Ultra ...1 less pci 4 less sata than MSI...nothing
i miss

anandtech previewed a DFI that broke theyr own OC-record

Well i dont trust reviews of handselected Samples that get send to the reviewer.
My MSI broke all records aswell in the reviews but the "Sample" i bought didnt impress
me thatmuch.
That horror-noise-chipsetfan drove me over the edge..MSI return to sender..sorry..but no thanks.
Lets see what DFI shows up with in real :p
You could have changed out the cooler. I don't think you really know what you're doing to be honest. 230 could easily be the limit of your less than spectacular ram. On the flipside, I don't even know if you know the max of the ram either. Might not even tried lowering the HTT multi.. again here 230 is about what one could expect.. heh...noobs.