NHL 09 Love


Fully [H]
Jul 29, 2005
I have never been so excited for a sports game to come out (and im a huge sports game fan).
I play hockey myself in a beer league and watch NHL/College games religiously during the season (Even get a season pass to both local college teams). I am amazed the changes they made to the already best hockey game ever. I never thought I would be saying this but..... thank you EA.

Heres a few videos of the new features. The one released today goes through all of them in a single video. I am very excited to make a little LLoose in game and take him through the Minors into the NHL and live out my lost dreams through my xbox 360 lol.


last years game was awesome ! best hockey game they had made for a long time
only a few problems from last year i heard they are going to fix
the fps in nhl08 on the ps3 were kinda crappy
this year suppose to be 60fps
also i had graphical glitches or abnominalies such as defensive players on certain teams turning into blobs or orbs during a game very weird
but i heard its going to run alot better on the ps3
maybe its just me but I found NHL 2k7 to be the best and then all hockey games got lame. And hits in the last year NHL 08 was weak and terrible system.
I'll wait and see the comparison between 2K9 and NHL09. I think 2k sports realises they messed things up last year and it sounds like a return to their roots, so both should be good this year.
I'll wait and see the comparison between 2K9 and NHL09. I think 2k sports realises they messed things up last year and it sounds like a return to their roots, so both should be good this year.

2k has screwed it up for 2 years now. Last 2 years of EA NHL have been amazing implementations, graphically and gameplay. Its their one sports franchise that they arent currently screwing up and actually improving.

Im not even considering 2k at this point because i KNOW their gfx will be subpar and they would really have to do something special to outwit EA in the gameplay department.
The new features definitely sound and look promising, but I'm going to wait to see what 2K has to offer (although I must admit, if they've shown anything, I haven't seen it yet, because I haven't paid attention to ANY of the sports games this year).

I haven't bought a hockey game in quite some time, and it seems like every year I'm very interested in finally buying one, but then I always end up backing away. MAYBE this will be the year.
The sheer fact that you can play as one person online has me wanting this game reallllly bad. I always wanted that option since the advent of online games. Hell, i'm surprised it took so long to implement.

Can not freakin wait.
have you guys seen the new features in nhl 09
you can control your stick independently now on defense and lift the other plays stick off the puck. Looks awesome !
the framrate sucked and graphical glitches killed it on the ps3 but gameplay was solid
If they fix the PS3 framerate, I'll be ecstatic. Especially with the new gameplay additions.
anyone up for creating a ps3 ea online team?

id like to get a team together that will play at least twice a week online together. Sure that won't compete with the people that play every single night. But playing that many games you will lose just as much as you win.
So if we put together a core group maybe we might have a chance of clawing our way up the leaderboards.
anyone up for creating a ps3 ea online team?

id like to get a team together that will play at least twice a week online together. Sure that won't compete with the people that play every single night. But playing that many games you will lose just as much as you win.
So if we put together a core group maybe we might have a chance of clawing our way up the leaderboards.

I'm down. I might suck I haven't played a NHL game since like 06 on Ps2. Got to get the new gameplay and controls and everything down. If my friends don't get it and want to start a team i'll definitely play with others on here. You can have a ton of people per team so it should be interesting
One thing that bothers me about this game is its new flip the puck into the zone feature. You hardly ever see this play happen in an actual nhl game and yet they're touting it so much in the trailers. I dunno.. just bothers me.
One thing that bothers me about this game is its new flip the puck into the zone feature. You hardly ever see this play happen in an actual nhl game and yet they're touting it so much in the trailers. I dunno.. just bothers me.
Its part of hockey, though. Good'ol dump and chase. Some teams use it effectively.

All in all, I'm looking forward to NHL09 and possibly NHL2k9 as for some reason, to me, the players just look a tad more realistic (gear wise - not sure about facial impressions).
anyone play the nhl 2k9 demo on ps3 ?
EA might have competition

Just played it and I liked it. Pace of the game seemed good and the controls worked well, it will be interesting to see how NHL09 compares.
Its part of hockey, though. Good'ol dump and chase. Some teams use it effectively.

All in all, I'm looking forward to NHL09 and possibly NHL2k9 as for some reason, to me, the players just look a tad more realistic (gear wise - not sure about facial impressions).

Yes, seeing dump and chase all the time is realistic (not to mention you can already do it in 08), but flip and chase? Not seen quite so often.
So after playing NHL2k9, it just confirmed my beliefs that 2k sports has absolutely nothing on NHL09. Graphics are far worse, gameplay is still old. Definitely going with EAs NHL series again.
Didnt NHL08, NHL07 & NHL06 all use the same engine? Does NHL09 actually look better then a PS2 game on this generation consoles?

I have NHL08 for th PC(horrible port) and NHL 2K8 for the PS3 and 2K8 kicked the crap outta NHL08.
Im interested to see how the 09 games play out.
Didnt NHL08, NHL07 & NHL06 all use the same engine? Does NHL09 actually look better then a PS2 game on this generation consoles?

I have NHL08 for th PC(horrible port) and NHL 2K8 for the PS3 and 2K8 kicked the crap outta NHL08.
Im interested to see how the 09 games play out.

no. NHL08 on 360/ps3 looked 10x better than the 2k8 series did. Maybe u have the versions confused? The current 09 engine still looks leaps and bounds better as well.
Yes, the 2K series hasn't really taken the jump to the next gen yet. 2K9 looks alright but NHL08 still looks much better. That's on the 360 at least, I didn't play NHL08 on the PS3.
BESTBUY lied in there weekly ad
the game will not be available by 2pm today
gamestops are not getting it until tommorow
Yeah I can't find it anywhere either.... I hate when games say a release day and its not in stores until the next day...
IGN has said that not only is this the best NHL game of the year, but the best -SPORTS- game in -10 YEARS-.

Hype is getting pretty big for a normally bland yearly release. It sounds like "if you build it with quality updates, they will come" type situation. Year after year people count on there being a handful of sports title updates and usually they are just that .. same game .. few small updates. NHL 09 appears to have a LARGE amount of QUALITY additions.

Now that DLC is here to say, I honestly wish the development teams would just release a game every 2-years and do DLC for in-betweens. Offer the game new every year with the DLC included so you hit the retail revenue too, but let people who have the title from last year do a DLC upgrade. It's win/win/win. The developers don't have to make a brand new game every year, they still get revenue from the yearly refresh, they can make higher quality refreshes on a 2-year cycle, people who buy the game get more mileage out of buying the copy new for $60. Just a thought.
BESTBUY lied in there weekly ad
the game will not be available by 2pm today
gamestops are not getting it until tommorow

West coast gets it today. East coast not til tomorrow. EA's dumb shipping crap again.

I played the 2k9 demo on the 360 and was pitiful - definitely getting the EA one.
I feel bestbuy should give us $10.00 off or a Giftcard for the lie in there newspaper ad
wtf how can they toy with our emotions like this !!
West coast gets it today. East coast not til tomorrow. EA's dumb shipping crap again.

I played the 2k9 demo on the 360 and was pitiful - definitely getting the EA one.

Yeah, the 2k9 version leaves a lot to be desired. I played the NHL09 demo before the 2k9 one and playing NHL09 first made 2k9 feel extremely dated and look pathetic. NHL09 has potential be the best NHL game I've played to date, but it's hard to go by just the demo. It could top NHL 2001 and 2004 as my favorite. :cool:
I'll be picking this up for PS3 tomorrow most likely. I didn't even bother looking for it today since only the largest games with midnight releases like Madden/Halo are actually are in stores for Tuesday.
I'm getting up early to snag this from EBGames.

It's my last day off before I start my new job, so I plan to play from the moment I get home until I'm ready to go to bed. I cannot wait for this game. I'm actually not too thrilled about anything beyond the EASHL. Even Be a Pro mode, though cool, doesn't seem as appealing as playing 6v6 online.

The only problem I can foresee is that you'll have a ton of players who just don't understand hockey and thus turn the game into a match of chase-the-puck, or guys who want to be glory hogs and refuse to make passes or create plays.
I want it for 360, anyone up to make an online team for Be a Pro or whatever it is?
I haven't got it yet...don't tease me :(

I will probably have to wait till tomorrow since I won't get off work till around 10 tonight...