Nice price on the Titanium Alpha XTC kit, but is it micron D9GMH or D9GKX chip?


Apr 28, 2007

I thought this kit's price would go through the roof but apparently it isn't :)
They are VX2 for voltage xtreme, extended voltage protection up to 2.4v! This is by far the highest voltage protection I've seen in a kit.

I really don't want to wait for the Ballistix to come in stock at NCIX. And as a Canadian residence, we can't order anything from the doesn't get shipped here. I'm not shooting for the world record or to fit myself in the 600/700mhz club but my goal is to be on the boarderline of playing it safe at around 533~540FSB 1:1 ratio on my DFI Infinity P965S Dark mobo.

I'm desperately need a new pair of ram kit for myself anytime min from now and I'm wondering if this Titanium Alpha XTC series is capable to attain my goal?

Thanks all.
Hi, I know they are D9 chips, but not the chip revision.

You should be able to hit 1100mhz or so on the right board with some volatge. Just watch over 2.3v as the D9's can get flakey on some boards. I'm not too familiar with the DFI board.

One of my Titanium Alpha VX2 stick gave me C1 errors arfter a while on the EVGA 680i SLI at 1000 4-4-4-15-2T 2.3v but the 680i is know to kill sticks so now I got a replacement and I run them at 880 4-3-3-12-1T 1.9v instead and I get a better performance since I run in sync with the CPU and 1T.

I dont know if the P965 would kill sticks at 2.3v, I didnt hear anything about it.
yeh! [H]ardforum is back...and bacl on topic..

The right memory for the mobo, this is exactly what I've being searching all these days for my mobo.

I've read a few cases that P965 mobo does kills your rams when you use high voltage like beyond 2.35v and unfortunately a few cases for my DFI Infinity P965-S mobo as well. A guy reported that one stick of the his beloved ram kit got up in smokes and another reported that the rams were killed at around 2.4v or something can't remember so I guess I'll take my chances and always stick within manufacture's waranty voltage coverage. 2.35~2.4v

As for this Titanium Aplha XTC kit, the research I found was that it's already overclocked to DDRII 1000 at 4-4-4-15 and 2.3v so the overclocking room for it is rather limited at stock CL4 timing and when you loosen up the timings to CL5 and clock higher, you'll definetely need a lot more volts and most reviewers and end users reported that the boundary is somewhere around 550mhz on the boarderline of waranty voltage coverage 2.4v.

So this kit is nicely OC out of the box at 500mhz but I've decided to go for a 1066 kit instead that starts off at a much lower voltage ~2.2v as seen in the Ballistix PC8500 series. I also read that the Platinum XTC PC8500 5-5-5-15 kit is also quite OC friendly at CL4 and decent clock at CL5 but still a step behind the Ballistix in almost all areas. The HPC Reaper PC8500 on the other hand doesn't OC as good as the Platinum XTC 8500 or 8500 SLI-READY in CL4 but it's capable to go up to 1170~1200 DDRII in CL5.

Depends on if I can get the Ballistix TRACER 8500 for just a little over $200 in the next couple of days and if NCIX couldn't price match down to low $200, I'll go for the Platinum XTC 8500 for just $170 before MIR, preety good deal. And the Platinum XTC 8500 starts off with voltage as low as 2.15v ~ 2.2v
I'm not shooting for the world record or to fit myself in the 600/700mhz club but my goal is to be on the boarderline of playing it safe at around 533~540FSB 1:1 ratio on my DFI Infinity P965S Dark mobo.

You can do 1/1 of 533 to 540 FSB stable, game stable too?
I am interested if the DFI is common to hit that since I'm looking for that type of 1/1 too. Prefereably I'm hoping P35's will do that since I've already got Tracer 8500's and Tracer 8000's on the way.
You can do 1/1 of 533 to 540 FSB stable, game stable too?
I am interested if the DFI is common to hit that since I'm looking for that type of 1/1 too. Prefereably I'm hoping P35's will do that since I've already got Tracer 8500's and Tracer 8000's on the way.

Very nice, I've also got the Ballistix Tracer 8500 kit on the way and it known and proven to overclock like a champ :)
Sorry OCZ....:D
1:1 FSB 533 with TIGHT timings is my ultimate goal. Any higher FSB on 1:1 ratio will be too much stress on the mobo as a 24/7 rig and I don't want to loose the high FSB with a perfect blend of Ram clock speed if I choose to go witht he 5:4 or 3:2 route at lower FSB to obtain the same clock speed. I keep the strap in mind and also done the calculation on NBCC (North Bridge Core Clock).

I was at 466 fsb, the next high peak from the 400fsb and I'm shooting for the 533 as the next interval.

But I've an E6700 in my case and I'm not sure if it's possible to attain my goal..10x multi down to 7x at 500FSB+ may be too stressed for the mobo...but who knows..we'll see...all the talking now is only on paper and it's worthless until i get my new rams in and test them