nikon D50, canon rebel xt 350D, canon 20D-30D


Jul 17, 2005
So far i'm an ammateur with little experience, but want space to grow. I do shoot some different type of immaging dental x-ray units and have shot panaromic x-rays (huge).
I've been thinking of doing some photography as a hobby but don't wanna sell my soul, I wanna make huge pictures. Here's what I like and dislike about each on
D50 Likes 2.5 lcd, good noise, better feel than xt, well priced
Dislikes No lock shutter only to clean it, doesen't use CF (cheaper). top screen doesent
light up, only demo software.

350XT Likes 8MP, can control with one hand (can't with nikon, requires 2 hands to change
any option), 9focus points, uses cf and sd. mirror lock up.
Dislikes Cheap feel, control buttons are cheap feel, small 1.8 lcd.
20D Likes same as 350xt exept doesent feel cheap, feels nice in hand
Dislikes Small 1.8 lcd
30D Same as 20d exep has a 2.5 in lcd and some new features.
Dislikes ...............
You really cannot go wrong with any of them. I would choose the Canon side, just because of personal taste, plus the selection on lens........I think the 20D is a well rounded camera that will serve anyone well for a few years...
Have you looked at what Olympus is offering like the E300 or E330?
You may be surprised to know how many DSLRs there are out there. Most people only know the most common ones from Canon and Nikon. I bought a Rebel XT this time last year and I am surprised how many more DSLRs have popped up since that are not from two said companies.
If you own a 20d, then you shouldn't sell it to buy a 30d for the changes they made.
But if someone, like you, doesn't have a camera, the 30d should be your obvious choice. The 30d has everything the 20d has, and more. Forget the 20d. I have one and love it, and if it breaks, I'm going with a 30d.

Actually I'd go with the 5d if I had to do it now.
Rooster said:
yeah but that was 2months ago, the 30d has been introduced, and i added to list 20d.
I hear panasonics is making a dslr with a leica glass and a new processor.
I'm looking at the rebel xt vs. 20d as well.

How much room does the rebel xt allow for experience? I.e. if I'm taking pictures very fequently for print work or web, will I find myself wanting to upgrade to a 20d in a year? I've been spending money on tons of <$300 cameras for the passed few years and now think it's time to endulge my growing hobby (turning into a profession).

Thanks, and I hope I didn't hijack the thread.
the 350xt is a 20d with a cheap body and lacks iso3200, besides that u can get identical immages from both.
Wow, that's nice to know.

what's iso3200?

If I bought the 20d it would be the very basic one with basic stock lens. If I got the 350d i could spend more on a nicer lens. Thoughts?
Korialstrasza said:
Wow, that's nice to know.

what's iso3200?

If I bought the 20d it would be the very basic one with basic stock lens. If I got the 350d i could spend more on a nicer lens. Thoughts?

Spend the money on the lens, it'll do more for your pictures than the body and it'll probably last longer as well.
the olympus lenses have tested better than any other, and the e-500 costs about the same as the d50 on ebay.
I personally have the 20d and love it to death:) i have beaten the living crap out of this camera and it still works really well. The glass makes a big difference as to what body you should buy. pretty much any dslr will work pretty well for what your wanting. just choose a line and stick with it.
diogo said:
the olympus lenses have tested better than any other

Tested by whom? I'd like to see a link or MTF chart or something to back that up.
YEAH i have a D50 and its great, i'm still paying it off. $1100 with 5 year warrenty from best buy *got case, and 1 gb SD card*. this thing is great i've taken some pretty good shots, i myself being a amataur, this thing is great to learn off of. i did alot of research on this camera. it was camera of the year in 2005. takes some HUGE shots 3000x3000 something. manual is easy to read, easy to tweak the camera. the only thing i complaint about this camera is that it didnt come with different lenses, thats where all the money goes in the camera. and if you plan on going to take some classes on photography i would suggest getting a 35mm cam. i just got a Pentex SLR off an auction and came with several lenses for around 100$ but yeah D50 is a great camera.

oh yeah another thing, some DSLR's show the shot in there LCD screen before you shoot it, this one its just the eye whole only. but then again i wouldnt expect a DSLR to show it on the LCD before the shot... that wouldnt make it a SLR... hmm...
Only special DSLRs have live preview through the LCD. The only ones I can think of right now are the Canon 20Da, which is customized for astrophotography and locks up the mirror to allow light to hit the sensor, allowing you to use the LCD to preview the shot first. The other one is, I think, one of the Samsung dSLRs that just came out (or is coming out), or maybe it was the new Olympus.

But inherently, DSLRs and live LCD preview don't mix, because of the use of the mirror to project the image to the pentaprism and to the viewfinder. Not that I mind it much, you can see the image as seen through the lens better in the viewfinder. :cool:


ISO3200 means sensitivity. Basically, how fast the sensor of the camera reacts to light. If you the camera set to...say, ISO 200, shutter speed 1/125 second, and aperture 1.8, you can get an 'equivalent' exposure' by setting ISO to 400, shutter speed to 1/250 second, and keeping aperture at F/1.8. You just doubled the shutter speed you could shoot at by making the sensor/film twice as sensitive to light.

However, higher ISO leads to a noisier image (more graininess).
The Olympus EVOLT 330 has live preview ... just announced a couple of months ago ... I believe it can be purchased now ... Panasonic has one announced too, the DMC-L1 ...
fugu said:
Tested by whom? I'd like to see a link or MTF chart or something to back that up.
I haven't seen any other lenses get a 10 for image quality for the first one, and the 9 rating for the second one is as good as you will see for that range. And you can get both of those plus the camera and a 3 gb card for 620 on ebay. These are the standard lenses, not the high grade or super high grade.

Also, it has come in first in a few tests in europe:
diogo said:
I haven't seen any other lenses get a 10 for image quality for the first one, and the 9 rating for the second one is as good as you will see for that range. And you can get both of those plus the camera and a 3 gb card for 620 on ebay. These are the standard lenses, not the high grade or super high grade.

Also, it has come in first in a few tests in europe:

It's a decent kit lens, but it's not much to write home about compared to some of the Canon lenses you can pick up. The whole point of a DSLR system is that you can buy additional lenses.
Well I have the D50 myself and, love it. Granted it does not have mirror lock-up, except for cleaning. But then I dont plan on doing any long focal length shooting with it either. Im grabbing a D200 for that. Otherwise the D50 is a great sturdy camera and, I abuse the hell out of my stuff. So far it has handled it.
I hate sounding like a !!!!!! or an elitist but anyone who considers anything other than Canon or Nikon who doesnt already have a monster lens investment in the so called competition is out of their minds IMO. Personally I have a 20D but the Nikons have some nice pros and cons.

Kadath said:
I hate sounding like a !!!!!! or an elitist but anyone who considers anything other than Canon or Nikon who doesnt already have a monster lens investment in the so called competition is out of their minds IMO. Personally I have a 20D but the Nikons have some nice pros and cons.


I would like to hear the reasoning for that. I know plenty of damn good photographers who use olympus. Olympus cams use the four thirds system that they developed with kodak, and that sigma and leica are switching to, which means they'll have plenty of choices when it comes to buying lenses. On top of that, there is the supersonic wave filter that keeps the sensor clean. That might not matter for the pro, but it is a great thing for the amateur. In terms of amateur dslrs, I don't see any reasons not to consider the olympus e-500 along with the canons and nikons, and most of the reviews I've read online seem to agree with that.
I dunno, the 4/3 just seems like an evolutionary dead end waiting to happen to me. The dustbuster and live preview are neat but I wouldnt buy my camera selection on them.

To each their own tho, if it works for you, more power to ya. I'm not even that good a photographer, I base my opinion more on market forces and what I see at at things like the photo shows. You cant get a seat at the Canon and Nikon booths and the guys at the other booths are ready to buy ya a steak dinner just for showing up for 15 minutes to hear their spiel. =) Guess I'm a sheep to marketing, but I'm a very happy sheep with a lot of lens options and a system I dont see going anywhere but up.

Kadath said:
I dunno, the 4/3 just seems like an evolutionary dead end waiting to happen to me. The dustbuster and live preview are neat but I wouldnt buy my camera selection on them.

To each their own tho, if it works for you, more power to ya. I'm not even that good a photographer, I base my opinion more on market forces and what I see at at things like the photo shows. You cant get a seat at the Canon and Nikon booths and the guys at the other booths are ready to buy ya a steak dinner just for showing up for 15 minutes to hear their spiel. =) Guess I'm a sheep to marketing, but I'm a very happy sheep with a lot of lens options and a system I dont see going anywhere but up.


Every technology has to start somewhere ... remember that Intel blurb when the AMD x86-64 came out?

I was looking at the lenses and the better lenses for the Canon and Nikons are expensive too, I just like the color of Olympus better.
I think Olympus and others will be a driving force in the future of the DSLR industry. Canon and NIkon have been the for runners for a long time with slr cameras for the prosumer. I have the 20d and wouldn't ever go with Olympus. I have a nice Nikon too, the coolpix 8700, very nice non dslr camera.
Rooster said:
I think Olympus and others will be a driving force in the future of the DSLR industry. Canon and NIkon have been the for runners for a long time with slr cameras for the prosumer. I have the 20d and wouldn't ever go with Olympus. I have a nice Nikon too, the coolpix 8700, very nice non dslr camera.
Exactly! They are currently the big 2 in Dslrs', the rest are now having to play catch up to some extent.
nikon's are nice, the problem is that as long as they rely on SONY for theyr sensors they will be one step behind. Yes it's true nikon doesen't make theyr own sensors. It's not good for nikon that sony bought whats left of inventory of Konica Minolta, that means they'll be jumping on the dslr wagon for good and might also mean that theyll give a 6mo delay before selling sensors, means sell new sony 6mo later sell sensor to other company. If nikon can make theyr own sensors they could prob wipe out canon, dunno how long they can last with 6mp wich is theyr entry line-up, theres little difference but as most ppl like to go more is better.