Nikon Z9 specification sheet does not show how much time it can record on each mode

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004

as the above link shows, it has no data as to how much GB / time it can record per mode, whereas Canon shows the breakdown

anyone ask Nikon the above question?

On a side note: I normally post questions like the above at a place called photography on the net. Sadly, as of Jan. 1, 2024, the owner closes it down:
From the Z9 Reference Guide:

- Each video can be up to 125 minutes in length. (page 213).

This is true for all modes.
are you a Nikon user? because

a) the video is a function of the resolution selected, as well as the compression mode used. The manual didn't say anything about ALL-I or IPB or whatever they use, so it can't be 125 min. on all these CF card

b) is Nikon using NTSF, because they talk about:
Each video recorded to a card with a capacity of 32 GB or less will be saved across a maximum of
8 files.
that sounds like the max. of FAT 32.
a) the video is a function of the resolution selected, as well as the compression mode used. The manual didn't say anything about ALL-I or IPB or whatever they use, so it can't be 125 min. on all these CF card
- ALL-I or IPB aren't mentioned in the guide? We must be looking at a different file then. The one I linked to above definitely does mention ALL-I in the section listing all of its available video file types (pg 200)

b) is Nikon using NTSF, because they talk about:

that sounds like the max. of FAT 32.
- If you use a memory card formatted with a FAT32, you'll end up with a max of 8 files. If you use NTFS, you will have fewer files. This is an all inclusive statement that doesn't exclude using other formats.
okay, p.201 did mention All-i on MOV, but I never use MOV, I only use MP4 all these years.

You can how much easier it is to view Canon PDF when they come clean and label how many min. you get per compression at whatever resolution. Whereas Nikon is hiding all these. I also did a CTRL-F on IPB, they don't have it.

8K 30p - 20min
4K 120p - 15min
4K 60p - 35min, but 25min in crop
4K 30p - no limit with full sensor, 30 min in high quality, no limit in crop...


Do whatever you want, you have 2 hours.

Nikon isn't hiding anything... they simply don't have the same restrictions as Canon. Ultimately, both cameras will get the job done.
My guess is Nikon implemented a 2hr time limit for continuous video recording to prevent any damage to internal components. That being said, this doesn't appear to be much of an issue, because a 5 sec google search resulted in this little gem, where a user claims you can just hit 'record' button again after the time elapse and keep recording:

I've no experience with the platform.. i rely on the information presented.