Nine Worst Logo Changes Of 2015


Aug 20, 2006
Imagine getting paid a ridiculous sum of money for typing a word in Helvetica.

The design community has long hated Verizon's logo, and its new one from Pentagram isn't much of an improvement. The new lettering is more streamlined, but the tiny check mark detracts from the overall look.
The Merck logo was awful before AND after.

Reminds me of when Gap changed their logo back in 2010 and had to change it back within a month.
Want to know something even funnier? BP's rebrand reportedly cost $240mil.
Some of these I don't see as being that bad, so I guess I am the target audience for the direction of the change. That said, I would call some of these bad as I never noticed the change. When did Verizon change their logo as I have not seen anything but the old one. Same for Best Western and a few others, I have only noticed the old logos.

The real problem is that what marketing people think are good logos to me normally look like crap. Sharp corners make people think knives and suicide and murder so you have to avoid that type of logo and use rounded as then you appear soft and friendly. And if you have the color red in your logo people think anger and fire and violence so you have to avoid red or any warm color like that and go with green or blue so that people think grass and spending the day out in a field playing with puppies. I have always just assumed they do market research in a nut house and ignore most of what they think is good or bad.

Because it's google, they can't do anything wrong.

Instead of a check mark it should be a big middle finger, that would truly express the corporate sentiment toward the customers.
And here tonight I finally saw the new Verizon logo on a commercial. But I also was looking for it so that could be part of the reason
Sharp corners make people think knives and suicide and murder so you have to avoid that type of logo

Uhm. I'd say that sort of people are the target audience for psych medicine. No logo or text EVER makes me think of knives, suicide or murder unless the text contextually says so lol.
Frontier's logo:


The overall graphic design is okay. But the quality of the image... look closely at the gif file I've posted here, which is from itself. See all the aliasing, all the jagged edges, especially on the edges of that swoop connecting the f and the i?

They use this gif file everywhere, including in their TV commercials. Not a cleaned-up re-rendered version that smooths out the aliasing. They use this 5 kilobyte gif stretched to fill half a 1080p screen in some of their TV commercials. When I look through their Youtube channel, they don't list the commercials with the logo blown up really big; on some of the commercials, they do some creative editing to cover up the aliased edges, or even avoid showing the logo at all, but on some of them you can see the aliased logo and those videos are presented in 1080p quality.
Google's change is similar to what evilsofa was talking about needs to happen with Frontier's logo. dropping the serifs and shadow saved bandwidth, makes it easier to read on all screens and in it's smaller form unifies it's assets.

Lenovo's by itself is plain but looks better in practice as the background changes in context to promote an active lifestyle. It's been done yes but not to the degree of how others have where it feel like they are trying to convince you they are cool.
Verizon needs one that is crossed off in red. A big red X across the whole name would be perfect.
I must be the only one who thought the CBS Sports logo change wasn't all that bad.
My employer just spent a fortune on "re-branding," which also consisted of paying a marketing firm to type out our name in blue and green lowecase Helvetica. Great use of resources there. :rolleyes:
Shouldn't this be part of the first world problems thread (where we are more concerned with company logos than the companies themselves) :D