Ninja Explains His Choice Not to Stream with Female Gamers

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Aug 20, 2006
With more than 10 million subscribers, Twitch’s most popular streamer has plenty of both male and female fans, but Tyler “Ninja” Blevins has chosen not to stream with gamers of the opposite gender. Blevins, who is happily married, suggests the internet is obsessed with gossip: many things you say or do could easily backfire on you.

With fame comes scrutiny of everything you say or do, he suggested, and that can sometimes lead to questions about who you’re sleeping or flirting with on the sly. “If I have one conversation with one female streamer where we’re playing with one another, and even if there’s a hint of flirting, that is going to be taken and going to be put on every single video and be clickbait forever,” Blevins told Polygon.
It makes sense but at the same time....roll them dice pussy. What’s fame without a bit of gamble, and what’s a relationship that can’t understand harmless flirting.

My dad has been married 37 years and has never failed to flirt with every waiter and waitress that comes his way, right in front of my mother. He’s never worked fast food in his life but he has multiple Wendy’s baseball caps.

If your marriage might fall apart because the internet flips it’s shit that you streamed a video game simultaneously with OhEmGee a gurl....there’s an amount of unfaithfulness truth there or that the wife is Batfuckingshit crazy. Neither is healthy.
It makes sense but at the same time....roll them dice pussy. What’s fame without a bit of gamble, and what’s a relationship that can’t understand harmless flirting.

My dad has been married 37 years and has never failed to flirt with every waiter and waitress that comes his way, right in front of my mother. He’s never worked fast food in his life but he has multiple Wendy’s baseball caps.

If your marriage might fall apart because the internet flips it’s shit that you streamed a video game simultaneously with OhEmGee a gurl....there’s an amount of unfaithfulness truth there or that the wife is Batfuckingshit crazy. Neither is healthy.

Have you ever wondered if your parents' marriage would have lasted as long if it was your mom doing the flirting?
It makes sense but at the same time....roll them dice pussy. What’s fame without a bit of gamble, and what’s a relationship that can’t understand harmless flirting.
It's not your place to tell someone, especially someone who is married, that they should be flirting with other people.

Besides, flirting is like singing: some people don't realize they suck at it, and it's really annoying when they do it in public.
No one who's ever heard me singing when I'm drunk would ever encourage me to do it again.
It makes sense but at the same time....roll them dice pussy. What’s fame without a bit of gamble, and what’s a relationship that can’t understand harmless flirting.

My dad has been married 37 years and has never failed to flirt with every waiter and waitress that comes his way, right in front of my mother. He’s never worked fast food in his life but he has multiple Wendy’s baseball caps.

If your marriage might fall apart because the internet flips it’s shit that you streamed a video game simultaneously with OhEmGee a gurl....there’s an amount of unfaithfulness truth there or that the wife is Batfuckingshit crazy. Neither is healthy.
I'm guessing your mother isn't a raging xer SJW.
If you can't let your significant other know about it, you are being deceptive and that qualifies as flirting. So he's choosing the safe path. Obviously he realized his marriage is more important that socializing with girls. In this day and age with internet access making anonymous discrete affairs, that trait is getting harder to find. 1:5 admit to NOT being in a monogamous relationship. So 20% have more than 1 partner.

That stuff will eventually catch up to you and destroy your family if you are married. It is NEVER worth it. There is nothing more important than protecting what you promised to take care of. That is the definition of being a real man: Living up to your obligations. I have seen online infidelity destroy many lives.

That is your worthless downer for the day.
Pretty sure the dudes will flirt too. At least we know what he REALLY likes.
Smart guy. He hit on a winning formula that's made him the most prolific streamer in the world. Getting reckless and altering that winning formula by introducing new variables has financial risks, since his time in the sun earning a lot will be limited.

Look no further than that PewDeePie douchebag and what happened the moment he started messing with the formula.
Smart guy. He hit on a winning formula that's made him the most prolific streamer in the world. Getting reckless and altering that winning formula by introducing new variables has financial risks, since his time in the sun earning a lot will be limited.

Look no further than that PewDeePie douchebag and what happened the moment he started messing with the formula.
He has more subscribers than ever.
Wait, he flirts with the waiters too?
Yep. It’s basically just being friendly.
Have you ever wondered if your parents' marriage would have lasted as long if it was your mom doing the flirting?
Not a bit. My dad doesn’t care, same as my mom doesn’t. She’ll happily tell the story of the time she pinched Josh Gates (Sci-Fi show host) butt to anyone that listens.
He's a guy -- so no matter what choice or action he makes someone with a wild hair up their ass will try to make a big deal out of it.

Don't stream with the opposite sex? "he's so anti-woman, and just a terrible human being"
Stream with the opposite sex? "He's such a cheater and a terrible human being".

If I had a woman that was bringing home possibly millions of dollars a year from being some big online streamer I wouldn't give one shit if she was flirting on the stream.
ever look back at your choices then see someone making easy money and go the fuck that could be me
It makes sense but at the same time....roll them dice pussy. What’s fame without a bit of gamble, and what’s a relationship that can’t understand harmless flirting.

My dad has been married 37 years and has never failed to flirt with every waiter and waitress that comes his way, right in front of my mother. He’s never worked fast food in his life but he has multiple Wendy’s baseball caps.

If your marriage might fall apart because the internet flips it’s shit that you streamed a video game simultaneously with OhEmGee a gurl....there’s an amount of unfaithfulness truth there or that the wife is Batfuckingshit crazy. Neither is healthy.

Interesting how you give relationship advice not based on your own relationship or experience, but rather your father's poor example he's shown you. Assuming you're not a kid, think there might be a reason you aren't basing your advice on a relationship of your own?
Smart guy. He hit on a winning formula that's made him the most prolific streamer in the world. Getting reckless and altering that winning formula by introducing new variables has financial risks, since his time in the sun earning a lot will be limited.

Look no further than that PewDeePie douchebag and what happened the moment he started messing with the formula.
But, Pewdiepie got better. Now that he is redpilled after (((they))) went after him, his channel has grown by millions.
Not a bit. My dad doesn’t care, same as my mom doesn’t. She’ll happily tell the story of the time she pinched Josh Gates (Sci-Fi show host) butt to anyone that listens.

So... your dad is an unrepentant flirt and your mom likes to sexually harass people and brag about it? Sounds healthy and I'm going to start following your advice today!
Pence Effect.

Pretty soon that'll be declared sexual assault. Only a matter of time.
First thing that came to mind: Someone's going to go SJW.

I don't know what he means by not streaming with female gamers - like in the same room? Or party up?
He has more subscribers than ever.

Yeah he actually made the smart move, he realized his fan base was growing up and they no longer wanted to be associated with his "bro" culture so he dropped the act, said some racist shit, got blacklisted by his sponsors and now just vlogs random chill shit and gives no fucks.
Smart guy. He hit on a winning formula that's made him the most prolific streamer in the world. Getting reckless and altering that winning formula by introducing new variables has financial risks, since his time in the sun earning a lot will be limited.

Look no further than that PewDeePie douchebag and what happened the moment he started messing with the formula.
PDP is more popular than ever. Losing his Disney partnership was probably the best thing to ever happen to him. Not saying that this Ninja guy should be playing it risky, but it is what it is.
Pence Effect.

Pretty soon that'll be declared sexual assault. Only a matter of time.
It already has. Huffington-Puffington Post has several articles about it. Tumblrites are declaring that saying you will not rape someone is as bad as actually raping someone.
When you are happily married you typically want to stay that way, avoiding certain situations is and always will be the right choice. Lots a girls now-a-days don't care and are straight up gold diggers and will ruin other peoples lives just for fame and fortune...
It makes sense but at the same time....roll them dice pussy. What’s fame without a bit of gamble, and what’s a relationship that can’t understand harmless flirting.

My dad has been married 37 years and has never failed to flirt with every waiter and waitress that comes his way, right in front of my mother. He’s never worked fast food in his life but he has multiple Wendy’s baseball caps.

If your marriage might fall apart because the internet flips it’s shit that you streamed a video game simultaneously with OhEmGee a gurl....there’s an amount of unfaithfulness truth there or that the wife is Batfuckingshit crazy. Neither is healthy.

No offense, but you sound like an unmarried virgin trying real hard to be a player. My guess is your dad is the same way having been married that long and most likely only banged the same set of meat flaps for 37 years which is why he is "flirty". That is not is just being a fun guy with everyone which is fantastic, but he is not picking up strange in hotel bars. I have been married and now divorced. There is ZERO reason for this guy to mess with online THOT's just to appease other people. If he is happy with his woman then good on him for not needing constant affirmation from the power of the pussy.
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