Nintendo DS Battery

Synful Serenity

Jun 4, 2004
I have a question maybe some of you can help with concerning the battery on the original DS. The orange one on the left indicates it is charging, right? I like to play the DS even when I'm home, and i've noticed that if the battery dies and I then plug it in and start playing, the orange light on the left stays on for as long as the system is on, even for a day or more, and doesn't turn off unless I turn the DS off. When I turn the DS on again, the light is off, and only the green light on the right is on. The DS is still plugged in during this time (no need to waste the battery if I'm right near an outlet). Question: Does this mean the battery is continuing to charge during all this time that light is on, possibly to the extent of overcharging? I thought it was designed to stop charging once the battery was full. What's going on here?
I really don't know, but I would bet this is because when you plug in a dead DS and then begin to play,most of the power drawn from the charger goes to power the system. This means that the battery is being charged much much more slowly and thus the charge light stays on. Now once the DS is left to charge fully and then is turned on, it is quite possible that it stops drawing power from battery and just takes it from the power adapter. This way, the battery doesn't need to be recharging while you play.

Someone correct me if I am wrong :)
That does seem to make sense, but what I don't get is that it seems no matter when I turn it off after its been charging for a long time, the orange light will also turn off and not come on again. See, what I am doing is turning it off and then turning it on again immediately, and then the light is out. The fact that the light goes out at whatever point I decide to do this suggests that I could have turned it off and on earlier, and the light would still have gone out. That makes it sounds like the battery is already fully charged and continuing to be charged as I play, yet it should turn off by itself? Unless the orange light is wrong....maybe it stopped charging yet a glitch makes the light continue to stay on? Like I said, I'm certainly in no position to know!
Well my DS (original) has the orange light when charging. I can turn it on/off as many times as I want and it will always have the light IF it needs charging. When it's done charging the light shuts off. But if you are using it while charging, the light is not going to shut off. The light should shut off after 12 hours atmost, not a day or more. Sounds like your DS may have an issue, maybe switch out the battery with a friend's?