Nintendo Hand-Held Child Molester Target

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I thought we went through all this “molested via the DS” stuff last year? Anyhow, if you want to see how far the media will go to scare parents, this is a prime example. Then again, a 5 second news report that says “Dear parents, RTFM” doesn’t exactly make people watch the news either.

Nintendo's DS hand-held gaming system was a hit during the holidays. However, it's also attracting some darker elements. FOX 6's Brad Hicks examines how your son and daughter could get caught up in the range of a child molester.
I didnt realize they had that kind of range. If it wasn't for the child molester part that would have been a great commercial LOL
Do you think it would be too 'shady' looking ro have a hugh antenna sticking out of the back of my DS? I often draw rude things in pictochat :eek:
hey i live near there, maybe i ought to bitchslap some sense into that blob of uselessness
Being from out of state and moving to Milwaukee, I can tell you with certainty that ALL of their news broadcasting is like that. My wife and I watch the news just to see how bad and how low they'll get. They're not above putting out personal information or commenting innapropriately between stories ("banter") among other things.

They're a really poor newscast.
hey i live near there, maybe i ought to bitchslap some sense into that blob of uselessness

Being from out of state and moving to Milwaukee, I can tell you with certainty that ALL of their news broadcasting is like that. My wife and I watch the news just to see how bad and how low they'll get. They're not above putting out personal information or commenting innapropriately between stories ("banter") among other things.

They're a really poor newscast.

I am sorry to say but that was informative to me as I had never really looked much into the DS itself. My sister has one (she is 24) and I played on it once. I thought it was all fun and games too until I heard that. My daughter (8 years old) has a Gameboy Advance SP. After seeing that she will not be having a DS anytime soon. I am really hoping that you 2 don't have kids.
No child is ever going to be 100% safe. Well you could lock them in their room, until they turn 18, but that is just going to introduce an entire new set of problems.

Its a balancing act really. You have to balance the safety of your child, with the freedom of your child to be a kid and to have fun.

Falling victim to media fear mongering isn't helping anything.
I am sorry to say but that was informative to me as I had never really looked much into the DS itself. My sister has one (she is 24) and I played on it once. I thought it was all fun and games too until I heard that. My daughter (8 years old) has a Gameboy Advance SP. After seeing that she will not be having a DS anytime soon. I am really hoping that you 2 don't have kids.

Not that it has anything to do with what I posted, but I have a 2 year old. I'm not sure what that has to do with sensationalistic journalism like that, and I fail to see what your insinuations bring to the conversation. :rolleyes:

What I can tell you is that it's up to the parent to be responsible (as Kyle posted, RTFM). I would be looking in to ways to turn that option off, or at the very least to have an open and honest discussion with my child about strangers, online chatting, and giving out your information. It's important that parents know what a child is interested in and playing with.

By your comments, are you planning on turning off internet access for your home? How about cable TV, or the radio?
No child is ever going to be 100% safe. Well you could lock them in their room, until they turn 18, but that is just going to introduce an entire new set of problems.

Its a balancing act really. You have to balance the safety of your child, with the freedom of your child to be a kid and to have fun.

Falling victim to media fear mongering isn't helping anything.

*can't ... edit!*

Draax said it better than I, and beat'd me to boot. :)
My daughter does have her own computer in her own room with wireless access to the internet. Her mother and I have already discussed with her the problems and issues that lie online. She has no IM software on her computer and prolly won't for awhile yet. There is nothing restricting her from accessing inappropriate websites and I have no intentions of doing that as of yet. She knows what websites to go to and can usually just type in the name in the address bar. Very rarely is she caught on google searching for something even tho she knows its there.

I know that there is no 100% way to keep my children (also have a younger son and 1 on the way) safe from predators and I know that they also need to see the reality of "real life". I do what I can to try to keep them safe within a certain boundry that also lets them have their freedom.
Its things like this, that make me think about labes on products... Such as my hair-dryer, tells me to not place it in the bathtub while im in it.

Bic Lighter - Ignite lighter away from face
Rowenta Iron Warning- Never iron clothes on the body
Curling Iron Warning- This product can burn eyes

I have a feeling that a good number of these kind of warning lables were the result of a lawsuit at one time or another. Now, assuming the nintendo DS has some useful information in the manual about the wireless feature:

Password-protecting and locking out the wireless feature on the nintendo DS should be all thats needed to resolve this issue. Do I expect parents to understand everything about the nindendo DS they just bought for their kids? No. Though, I would expect them to (hopefully) read through the manual, and understand that it has a feature which allows whoevers using it to interact with complete strangers.

Does the DS allow someone (such as a parent) to password-protect and disable the wireless? to me it seems like an easy solution, perhaps too easy...
Doesn't one need to be on Pictochat in order to receive messages. I mean its not like you will be playing your Nintendo DS doing some Mario Cart and then a huge penis pops up on the screen. How many people use pictochat anyways? And then how many people use pictochat to people they don't know?
Yeah, you need to be in Pictochat in order to recieve messages, otherwise it doesn't work. And as a side note, I have NEVER found anyone in Pictochat rooms during "real life" use. The only time I've been in a Pictochat room with other human beings was during the Nintendo DS launch when my friends and l were drawing naughty pictures.
This story just reaffirms a personal belief I have. Who are the most dangerous people in North America? Terrorists? Murderers? Postal Workers? No. It's the media...

Honestly, I can't believe how often we get totally wrong information or personal opinon from the media. It sickens me how much of a bias they carry these days. The kind of influence they have is unbelievably powerful and yet the abuse it so badly. The level of irresponsibility defies all words.
Seriously, I've never used pictochat. I don't know anyone else with a DS. :rolleyes:
No child is ever going to be 100% safe. Well you could lock them in their room, until they turn 18, but that is just going to introduce an entire new set of problems.

Yes, they would walk into the nearest nightclub and get rohypnol'd.
Been there, done that, still got the stains on my t-shirt.
OK, I live in milwaukee and I don't post much, but I regularly get the opportunity to watch this sensationalist crud and I often laugh at it so I had to say something.

Trust me, this station does nothing but try to make things sound worse then they are and often they leave out the "complicated" facts for consumers. Sometimes they just don't tell the whole truth probably because they really need to get the next commercial in first.

I just had to mention it because basically this organization falls short of "professional" reporting in my eyes and this story completely focuses on everything negative that can come from playing the DS. Something that they do far too often on thier shows.

Like saying that installing vista and trying to use an Ipod may be "dangerous". Yeah, OK.
You mean people actually use that feature?

I've never seen anyone else play on a DS my age in public....
I love Penny Arcade for always hitting the Nail right in the face:

Media sensationalism will never stop, unfortunately.

Neither will bad parenting for that matter.

Hahah i got a good laugh out of that one! Yeah, that story was just sad. Although, assuming he actually was able to send messages about 300' away, I'm pretty impressed, personally. I don't own one, and didn't know the wireless capability was that good.

But yeah, parents, RTFM plz. :rolleyes:
This kind of ruins Nintendo's "Touch" marketing campaign. :p
THIS JUST IN!!! Breathing can KILL YOU... in fact, your neighbor RIGHT NEXT DOOR could be releasing poisonous fumes from their heating system that CANNOT BE SMELLED, SEEN, OR HEARD!!! We urgently advise all viewers to stop breathing immediately, and hold their breath until they can purchase a GAS FILTERING SYSTEM at their LOCAL HARDWARE STORE THAT ADVERTISES ON THIS STATION. More after this break. "Haha Susan, what dummies! Wait a second, I thought the camera was off! Um, we were saying that the neighbors were dummies, haha now for these words..."