Nintendo installing Wi-Fi kiosks in retail stores next month


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2004
The DS is looking better everyday, soon you can just go in range of these kiosks and download a demo and game away. Cool stuff:


The [H] removes the word fan boy from the url, weird... remove the space.
JohnleMVP said:
why don't they make it so u can just dl them off the net?

I wouldn't be suprised if that was planned, oh and it could be because its a way of getting you into the store to try the game and if you like it you may just purchase it :p
JohnleMVP said:
why don't they make it so u can just dl them off the net?

So you go to the business that sells the games so you buy more games.
Too bad there's no announcement for europe though, we need a Reggie over here, NoE are pure shit. The demo's will no doubt be captured and uploaded, so people with the right chipset in their wireless network card can send them to the DS and play(they run without hassle because they're digitally signed).