Nintendo Wii's in Stock...


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 27, 2004
Well I was at Walmart today and when I was walking by electronics I was looking at games and saw some wii's I tried to count them and thier where at least six in stock, looks like wii's might be readily available really soon, although I'm sure they only stocked them somewhere between 0-2 hours before I saw them... anyways seems like the wii camping might be over...
Gillette, Wyoming, I'm going back tomorrow to check and see if thier sold out, I was just suprised that they actually had them in stock when I looked.
You're surprised there is a wal-mart in Wyoming? There is a wal-mart in my bathroom.... they are everywhere.
You're surprised there is a wal-mart in Wyoming? There is a wal-mart in my bathroom.... they are everywhere.

Shit.. you're right. I just went to my closet to grab a shirt, and theres a Wal Mart in it.
My target in VA has tons of Wii's but no PS3's.

Odd. In the IN/KY area, I've been able to purchase PS3's at will since right after Christmas, but I've yet to see a Wii on the shelf anywhere. I just got lucky enough to show up at ToysRUs when mine was being delivered.
Odd. In the IN/KY area, I've been able to purchase PS3's at will since right after Christmas, but I've yet to see a Wii on the shelf anywhere. I just got lucky enough to show up at ToysRUs when mine was being delivered.

Ditto here in WI, I got mine on launch day but have yet to see one in the wild since.
Ditto what Rancid said - but come Sunday, I should have the hookup on getting a Wii FINALLY ;)
I know all DFW CCitys will have Wii's in stock for Sunday, same with DS lites. I believe the whole district is, so check around your areas. My store has 11 in, which is almost as many as we had for launch, sad really considering the 1600 and the main warehouse.
Theres loads here in the UK (south Yorkshire) HMVs and Gamestations but you have to buy £300 Wii Bundle Packs....Kinda defeats the object of Cheapness but what the hell. I wouldnt mind but the fact that there is bundles with the shite farcry,NFS and GT new buyers that dont know much about the machine are gonna be real dissapointed.
I refuse to camp out for a Wii but I do look often when I have time since alot of my friends want to play it and I don't have it :D

but anyways here in AZ Wii's are non-existant, and PS3's are everywhere!!

trade in some of those PS3's for Wii's already guys!
Alexandria,VA i thought they also would have some PS3's let but i checked and they were all gone then at the Wii section they had tons.:eek:

what the hell target are you talking about? I rarely see wii remotes, let alone wiis in this area (Alexandra, Springfield VA area)

...maybe in arlington?
what the hell target are you talking about? I rarely see wii remotes, let alone wiis in this area (Alexandra, Springfield VA area)

...maybe in arlington?

Are you talking about buying is so i DID see some in my target but no PS3''s. So i dont know were u live but i saw some.:)
My friend went every day to Best Buy to see if they had Wii's in stock, and he only managed to get his hands on one last week. This is in Montreal, Quebec (Canada)
I still have yet to see any Wii's on the shelf in maryland.

But I just saw them available for purchase online at The only kicker is you have to buy 7 games with your Wii....
Yea, I believe this was the first time my Walmart has actually put them on the shelf right away instead of holding them until sunday, thats why I was so suprised that they where on the shelf.
My Target doesn't have the controllers hooked up to it for some reason and the console is off and there is just a tv on the back playing a video of the Wii but can't even try it.:(
I'm going to wait another month or so to buy a Wii. My X360 is entertaining me just fine. I am playing Gears of War and Perfect Dark Zero right now. I want to buy Burnout Revenge and Crackdown when it comes out. That's enough entertainment for me.
Yeah, the Wii's in my area sold out fast, like 2 hours fast, I guess I just happened to see them when the just put them on the shelf, seems like the wii demand is still no where near saturated.
Folks try this....I think either target has them in stock or they are holding them.... Input your zip, it is actually tied into target's inventory.

Happy Hunting!

Even though it said they had some .. College point NY target was out according to the people I waited in line with in circuit city.. But thats ok.. I got the last one in cc college point ny.. Musta been 30 people behind me :)
I dunno how up to date that is. It claims the Target nearby my house has some; I know I bought the last 2. I went back in later on to check for a controller and they had no more Wiis.

Im thinking it gets updated once a day or once a week or something.
I'm going to wait another month or so to buy a Wii. My X360 is entertaining me just fine. I am playing Gears of War and Perfect Dark Zero right now. I want to buy Burnout Revenge and Crackdown when it comes out. That's enough entertainment for me.

you cna never have enough entertainment..

i too have a 360 and a wii... both are awesome
Wii is not available where I live, but PS3s have been instock for about a month now everywhere here in PA
Are you going to buy a PS3?

nope. I'm fixed on pc gaming now.
I dont really care much for the PS3 either. I find the graphics on computers to be far much better. (let's not turn this into a bashing thread about PS3s please)
nope. I'm fixed on pc gaming now.
I dont really care much for the PS3 either. I find the graphics on computers to be far much better. (let's not turn this into a bashing thread about PS3s please)

QFT, really all I care about are the games, if a system has good games I will buy it, but it must have many more good games if the price is significantly higher, or in my case I'm a smash brothers fanatic so any system with smash brothers on it I will own.