No Booting To Desktop In Windows 8?

If users are actively trying to circumvent Metro, maybe that's a sign they don't like it?
This is starting to look like a worse train wreck than Vista.

Hopefully some decent start screen replacements will come out to make using Win8 bearably, because there are some real improvements to the OS on the technical side.
If users are actively trying to circumvent Metro, maybe that's a sign they don't like it?
This is starting to look like a worse train wreck than Vista.

Hopefully some decent start screen replacements will come out to make using Win8 bearably, because there are some real improvements to the OS on the technical side.

I personally want to stay away from mods that change things away from the way MS intended because one of the biggest factors in my computing is I want reliability and hacks and mods like that rarely lead to improved reliability.

Since I also don't like the way MS intended I'm just gonna sit this one out for a while.

It has nothing to do with "getting used to it" or being "afraid of change" like many W8 and Metro supporters believe. At least that's not the case with me. I've had to learn far bigger changes than that in the past and gotten by just fine and there have been plenty of changes to programs, OS's and UI's that I've welcomed in the past. It has to do with the fact I don't like the whole concept of a Metro style screen, the whole concept of a built in app store for desktop machines, the whole concept of a "one size fits all" OS for desktops/hybrids/tablets, therefore I have no intention of supporting it. I liked the way the start menu worked and felt it was a good design, which is why other OS's also implemented similar designs. I never like having a messy task bar, so I only keep the essential programs that I know I'm gonna be using continually there and actually used the desktop and start menu quite a bit. It's just the way my brain works, I don't like having a pile of icons vomited at me.
If users are actively trying to circumvent Metro, maybe that's a sign they don't like it?
This is starting to look like a worse train wreck than Vista.

Hopefully some decent start screen replacements will come out to make using Win8 bearably, because there are some real improvements to the OS on the technical side.
One must wonder if Microsoft has a similar development cycle as the Call of Duty series. With Microsoft's Infinity Ward team leading the charge with ME, Vista and Windows 8 :eek:
Don't really care too much about this. I boot my computer like once a month.

TWO KEYPRESSES A MONTH! MY GOD! Alert the President.

I don't understand why people feel the need to make post like this.

Good for you, but it doesn't change the issue discussed here because how you use your PC is not representative of how the majority of users out there do. For the majority of users, they would still have to see whatever Microsoft wants them to see (for whatever reason) once a day, if not more. If its an inconvenience, then it would have a major impact for many.

And what about choices? Just because we don't need something doesn't meant others don't either. Are we happy to have less choices?:confused:
The tiles on the Start Screen are completely up to the user, the Start Screen can be blank if one chooses.
I don't understand why people feel the need to make post like this.

Good for you, but it doesn't change the issue discussed here because how you use your PC is not representative of how the majority of users out there do. For the majority of users, they would still have to see whatever Microsoft wants them to see (for whatever reason) once a day, if not more. If its an inconvenience, then it would have a major impact for many.

And what about choices? Just because we don't need something doesn't meant others don't either. Are we happy to have less choices?:confused:
When you boot to the desktop, what do you do? You LAUNCH A PROGRAM. And where do you go to launch a program? The START SCREEN. Booting to the desktop would do nothing more than add a step. It's 100% pointless.
When you boot to the desktop, what do you do? You LAUNCH A PROGRAM. And where do you go to launch a program? The START SCREEN. Booting to the desktop would do nothing more than add a step. It's 100% pointless.

Click on the taskbar icon of my often used programs...
Which can also appear on the Start Screen, particularly since it's capable of showing so many icons at once. I fail to see how this impedes your workflow in any way.

You stated that from the desktop you must go to a start something to launch a program, which provably isn't true. If you want to use the "loads of icons" argument, then a desktop can show about 150 icons+, then 20+ on the taskbar. Can the "start screen" show 170+ icons? No. But thats besides the point. The failing of Windows 8 has always been the lack of options and bludgeoning users onto the Metro* One True Way™.

Forcing people to do something a certain way and forcibly stopping people doing something another way is a huge step backwards (also by definition, fascism :p). Giving users less options and forcibly removing choice, isn't progressive, it's congressive.
Linux is alright right now. If only the games were more compatible. Thats the only reason many are not on linux, games ;)
Just say no.

Or.. "friends don't let friends buy Win8"

If we all abstain, win9 will get released "fixing" win8 quickly. Note recent history, WinME lasted how long?
the fucking article said:
For those still lamenting Microsoft's decision to do away with the Start button on Windows 8, there's always Stardock's Start8. One of my readers, David Nation, says Start8 still works on the Windows 8 RTM build.

Ok, if that still works then I assume classic shell is still functional -- which they don't mention.

Classic shell also provides a way to bypass metro, they don't mention if that somehow breaks too. But seriously you're shaving off like 1 second on boot / wake. Once you get to the desktop with classic shell, you never have to go back.
Because contrary to belief nerds hate change, especially if it forces them to learn something new.

You are trying to apply logic to "nerds", when all they want to do is run around like headless chicken with pitchforks.
Because contrary to belief nerds hate change, especially if it forces them to learn something new.

I'm pretty sure that "fear change" opinion is a lot of horse shyt to cover up the fact that in all probability, W8 is a POS. We've seen it before with ME and Vista...

Oh, and that "learn something new" like how to use a W8 PC? Here's what microsoft wants to turn PC users to:


W7 please!
Because contrary to belief nerds hate change, especially if it forces them to learn something new.

and forget, abandon and leave behind all the versatility that was already learned.

Given what we all know of Metro, I can see why this is such a one sided trade. You are giving up so much coming from older windows just to learn that your useful PC is in fact, a MS tablet.
In this move, if true, Microsoft is showing outright contempt for it's customers.

"You WILL use Metro because we SAY you will use Metro".

My desktop is extremely important to my workflow. If it's not for you, fine. Enjoy it. But you are in the minority. Just because you think it's ok doesn't mean you need to drag everyone else down with you.
If I wanted to be told how to use my OS, I'd have never sold my macbook. Win7 Forever.
Or worse: You can't boot fully into Windows 8 because your internet is offline and the advertisement tiles in Metro can't be "updated" = complete stall. Now, that would be funny, wouldn't it? :D
People are still freaking out over Windows 8? Jesus...

If it bothers you that much, stick with 7 (or whatever alternative OS you use because you hate Windows in every form already and would never of gotten Windows 8 anyway) Problem solved?
Fixed that for you :D

Very little of the changes in Windows 8 are pointless, wheather or not one agree with these changes they are overall about making Windows more tablet and touch friendly and more mobile and making the experience consistent across a lot of different form factors.

the market is simply moving beyond keyboard and mouse only computing even areas of productive tasks. Computing is changing literally by the day and even if Microsoft were to make Windows 8 the greatest desktop OS in history by your standards, there's little assurance that that would even mean anything as people buy fewer desktops and laptops and more and more tablets.
Love this thread. "Microsoft made it so you have to see the Metro screen when you boot." is now "Microsoft forcing people to use the Windows Store!!"

They saw that as a successful business model for apple, and now android, and want a piece of the pie. I don't blame them, honestly I like the "app store" concept. However I absolutely despise the Metro UI for desktop use, and will switch exclusively to Linux before I ever upgrade any of my PCs to Windows 8. Which honestly I am bittersweet about considering windows programming/administration has been my livelihood since I started in IT. No matter, time to branch out.
Heh...;) I haven't seen this much lunacy and yarn-spinning since Vista debuted...! It's so interesting, because just the other day I talked with someone who was incensed and indignant because he wants Metro with his copy of Windows 7 and Microsoft isn't going to let him to have it! It was, he said, all the proof he needed to confirm that Microsoft does indeed have plans for world domination after all! (He says they will take over the UN through the Microsoft Store and then annex the EU.) Before we parted company, he handed me a book to read entitled Windows 8 and the Coming Apocalypse by someone named Gabe Newell. I haven't had time to read it yet but he promised me it was a "whale of a good read." Newell has another book out, too, I believe, entitled, Ubuntu and Me, but I think I'll pass since every review of the book I've read to date says it is really, really slow in getting the plot warmed up and moving.

On a more serious note, I think Microsoft knows exactly how good Vista 2.0--er, Windows 7--is, and therefore what a tough sell Windows 8 (Metro or no Metro) is going to be. That's why we'll be able to buy the top Windows 8 version (Pro) for $39.99 when Windows 8 is released--downloaded straight from Microsoft. Pricing a brand new OS like this right out of the gate is something Microsoft has never done before. The company knows just how good Windows 7 is--it will be a tough act to follow for Windows 8 in any event. But I do believe the $40 price tag is going to sway a ton of people who otherwise would not have bothered with Windows 8 at all. Microsoft is going to kick start this OS release with all cylinders firing--and I say it is about time!

I've been using the Windows 8 Release Preview for a few weeks in a dual-boot config with Win7, and I found that the UI grew on me very quickly. Metro simply replaces the Windows 7 start menu with a start page, and the Windows desktop hasn't gone anywhere--it's still there...;) I can confirm that with screen shots if anyone's still not convinced :p
While my dislike for the way Windows 8 manages the Start Menu isn't as hate fueled as some/most folks around here, I don't care for it at all. I've decided that I don't care for what feels like quickly switching desktops everytime I go to search for something. I thought I would be okay with the change but at the moment I'm not feeling it. In Windows 7 I can hit Start and type in a control panel app name, application name, email, or general text and get the most relevant results in the start menu. In Windows 8, I won't see my control panel or setting result unless I click on the Settings item on the search bar, file results require another click as well. My Outlook contents are never returned and maybe there's a way to setup search to include it but I've never had to do that in Windows 7 with Office 2010. I've tried both Office 2010 and Office 2013 with neither being included in Windows search results. Oh, and on a 30" screen it's even more annoying with the results on the far left and the search bar on the far right. A 30" screen at 2' doens't neatly fit into one's FOV like a 22-24" screen does.

I don't care if I can't boot to the desktop, just give me Windows 7 style search back! Maaaaybe I'm missing something here, and if I am, please help a brotha out! :)
Microsoft, fuck you. Seriously, eat shit and die.

Did MS stole $40 from you and installed Windows 8 on your computer against your will ? No ? Then what are you doing here ? Quick, order few hundred copies of Windows 7 retail for $200 (or how much it is in US) before they get replaced by Windows 8. That way you will be safe and free of Windows 8 for rest of your life.
I'm pretty sure that "fear change" opinion is a lot of horse shyt
Windows 7 wasn't really an interface change on Vista, it was just better/faster/stronger.

Windows 8 is different, and people do hate change though. Our deployment of Office 2010 caused such huge upset at the office. Its actually nice and you can get to everything easier IMO, but when they've been working with the old interface for years and know where everything is blindfolded, having to learn it all from scratch is annoying as hell.

But like others have said, I think forcing the issue is clearly just a matter of pushing phones/tablets/consoles/app-store/etc.
Oh come on you guys. You're thinking about it all the wrong way. Consider this a challenge. Find a way to defeat Microsoft's policy and make the desktop work in your favor. Take the Linux approach and when you see the default desktop settings it gives you, beat it down and put up something that makes you happy.

If it can be programmed in, it can be programmed out.
we had / have automatic clickers for boot for ages now, especially for those using 64 bit with unsigned drivers. I'm sure someone will release something that will click the bottom left before you even see it if it bothers you that much.
Getting on-topic, Not being able to boot to the desktop is going to make overclocking a bitch... I'll be sticking with 7 I'm sure, until my favorite games stop supporting it, which doesn't sound too soon from what I've read.
Linux is starting to look real nice...

Yep. My desktop hasn't been turned on in 4 weeks. It just sits up in the office and rots nowadays. My laptop is my primary and runs Linux. The wife's laptop is Windows 7 and staying that way.

Oh come on you guys. You're thinking about it all the wrong way. Consider this a challenge. Find a way to defeat Microsoft's policy and make the desktop work in your favor. Take the Linux approach and when you see the default desktop settings it gives you, beat it down and put up something that makes you happy.

If it can be programmed in, it can be programmed out.

At that point why not just go Linux? No hassles. Just pick your desktop environment and roll with it. ;)

In the long run I'm not a fan of Metro in Windows 8, but I'm sure I'll learn to use it. I use too many shortcuts and WIN + R nowadays for it to really matter. I still think it's shitty of MS to force it upon users though.
But I do believe the $40 price tag is going to sway a ton of people who otherwise would not have bothered with Windows 8 at all.

Apart from it's going to cost as much as any other Windows after this prepurchase with bonus DLC offer expires.

You could get Windows 7 deals for $30, why the 33% price increase? :p